Are any of you non-Americans on Sup Forums looking to move to the USA now that Trump has won?
Are any of you non-Americans on Sup Forums looking to move to the USA now that Trump has won?
Your immigration laws will only get stricter.
Even whites from Europe tend to vote democrat once they get here. We shouldn't let the dems import voters, no matter what race they are.
Yes. I think i heared him saying something like, i Will make it easier to Come here legally. Because right now it is a nightmare.
I believe Trump said that he wants to end illegal immigration but he wants to make it easier to immigrate legally as well.
Yes if Trump will do what he said
Fuck off we’re full
Yes, I'd love that
I'd migrate to a flyover state if it doesn't get better here.
I might one day.
Which Trump state would you recommand ?
I'm a scientist and agnostic, so don't send me to jesusy states, even if they are 99.9% white.
Not yet, I want to try to save France before thinking about leaving.
we're full you euro cucks
I would like to, but mr.Trump will build the "Wall". So I decided you full and choose Australia.
So you have fucking Afro-Americans that are marrying your girls and you don't wnat european people who already went to University?
Do you need french cuisiniers there?
Yes. Definitely
well if germany is still full of cucks and afd lose our next election in september then i'm ready to move
>Are any of you non-Americans on Sup Forums looking to move to the USA now that Trump has won?
No. The US is a shithole, with or without Trump...
Dude I wish... but my only option is to marry an American
I plan on finishing my studies and moving to comfy Montana or some other red cool and Cristian state
Also plan on getting a colt AR and surplus mags
no, I still have my own country to reclaim.
Fuck off we're also fu- Russia.. Say if we let you guys in do you think you can lower vodka prices?
What if we offered a citizen exchange program?
One foreign immigrant in exchange for one obnoxious California liberal who would fit right into one of the, ahem, "center right" political parties in other countries?
You're lucky that you have one, mine is full of retards (central and sud Italy)
This is a good question. It's annoyingly hard to emigrate as a British person. Will Trump make it easier? I'm an army officer so I could join the US army if they'd have me...notice me senpai
dont go to any state where ted cruz won the primary
If it's easy to start business in your country, I will build a real Russian vodka distillery.
Full of shit, but they're running to Canada so you could use some immigrants that aren't leftist trash coming for gibsmedats while hating America.
pic related, :^)
I'm down for it! Can you guys pick me up?
>memetic warfare has started