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>muh russians

(((Marlow Stern)))


Here's your (you)


>racially motivated attacks by Trump supporters
I think they mean "of"

>jews could've prevented the holocaust if they were armed

That's true. Why is this a controversial statement? It's like saying you might not have gotten wet in the rain if you had an umbrella. Or maybe he's just triggered that carson implied the holocaust actually happened

There is literally nothing wrong with looking at Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary.

If anything, you'd think Democrats would be more in favour of this.

Wow, did Ben Carson really say that about the jews? Didn't he know people were disarmed in Hitler's Germany?


Wow cool truth there user.

Anti trump protestors in Portland, wrecked my sister's car.

sickening russophobia tbqh, they need to check their white privilege

Let me guess, his sources came from this website:


Wtf I hate Trump now

Vote Soros 2020!


this is the exact type of shit that makes me hate libtards. no sources, none of this makes any sense (jamie dimon really??), and I watched a bit of that Bill Mahar shitfest last night and he was using the same talking points as well.

the left is just bad talking points / cnn headlines.

this is why people hate the media.

What part of "the trump train has no brakes" do you not understand?
Go back to your safe space loser, if I wanted to see someone shitting themself I'd go to Wal-Mart.

only one way to avoid your trial ctr

I agree.

nice source X-D

Go away, CTR.

Nobody is falling for your bullshit.

am I too late for the (((Stern))) ?


well he's right though, it would've been really a lot harder to genocide the jews if they all had weapons from the start



the only correct answer

>jews could have prevented the Holocaust if they were armed

Give me a single reason how his logic is faulty

Yeah, I really don't get the logic here. Is it THAT controversial to imply they would have had a better chance if heavily armed rather than the opposite?

Almost none of that is true

Sheeeeiiittt, any pics

>peaceably assemble

>light buildings on fire, attack cops and trump supporters, loot, vandalism

pick one libcuck.

Pretty smart of him to win states the Democrats thought they had so they didn't have any fraudulent ballots ready.

What do these people have against Russia?

This is bullshit though OP?
I can show like 50 videos of Trump supporters being attacked by "peaceful protesters"

>liberals are peaceful like Islam is peaceful

Add another to the list


good try shekelstein


Expecting me to believe some leftist faggot because he posted on twatter and has 10k followers who are most likely tumblr fags.

Trump shut the media out so they started making things up. Nothing to see here


"why would he put a BANKER in charge of America's TREASURY???"

As long as Dimon shuts the fuck up and does what trump tells him, aka the job of cabinet secretary (implement the policies of the president), then it's good that he's skilled in this line of work

>I'm on Sup Forums 24/7 and the only thing on this list that's true is the people he's considering for cabinet

I don't see the problem here, he worked for a big bank and therefore he is a globalist? If he was a CEO of JP he must be very educated and smart.

>Source: My ass.

Jamie Dimon would NEVER leave JP for a government job


You have eyes, and an internet connection. Go search for yourself. Just try looking outside your little Echo chamber

You convinced me with your unsourced bullet points.

Carson was literally right though. I mean how many Jews died in the holocaust, six million? And there are six million survivors too, I know because every Jew on the planet had six grandparents who died in the shoah. So that's twelve million at least, and you're saying that if twelve million people had had guns, they couldn't have resisted the SS? At its height the SS wasn't even a million men. That's a 12-1 advantage.

Is this a troll? I can't even tell anymore.

>Eye for an eye
>That's your opinion
>Who's to say they're such great people?
>Bully someone long enough and they'll fight back

>Source: dude just go look it up

Into the trash. Twitter is known for having a literal retarded userbase so I'm not surprised it has 11k shares.

This is really surreal, watching the propaganda machine in action

Sometimes I wish I took the blue pill

trump transition team list:


list of corporations that will be shilled by this team:

>Altria, Visa, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Verizon, HSBC, Pfizer, Dow Chemical, and Duke Energy.

trumpgoys will ignore, meme and try to hide the fact that they got played. only americans could vote the symbol of new york kike elite as their anti-elite champion.

>i-it's the libtard ctr shills i swear

Victims dont fight

>I love spitting bullshit online and everyone will trust it: The Tweet

>make claims
>don't back them up
>expect to be taken seriously

top kek you dumb nigger

-Has nothing to do with trump
-Not a bad thing
-completely false, HILLARY was given them in advance
-False, she hates him. No reason to "bribe" her
-False. He didn't.
-It's true. He's not wrong
-Not a bad thing
-Not trumps fault
-False, other way around.

>peaceably assemble
he doesnt mean the portland riots does he?



The national security council is selected by the president who gives a a shit they wouldn't work for him anyway

Trump is easily the most divisive president ever, which is good, it weakens America and makes them occupied with internal affairs rather than overseas adventurism. A master move of Putin to support Trump.


bribed magan kelly

Holy shit, just looking through this fag's tweets.

Does this guy ever fucking sleep or stop tweeting? Does he even have a job?

>Considering Ben Carson, a creationist who repeatedly claimed the Jews could've prevented the Holocaust if they were armed, for Secretary of Education
I STILL don't understand how anyone could think that statement is controversial

Are they trying to stop a black man from holding a position of power? How bigoted can they possibly be?

It's not true because there was no holocaust. The jews were simply deported to the Pale of Settlement.

Mind sharing the recipe??

>Russian officials admit to colluding with WikiLeaks
In other words based Russia helps liberate America. The reality is that these claims are patently false, but even if they did, they helped uncover some of the most horrific crimes against every person in America.

Honestly, I hope they did help out in some way. How awesome would that be?


Which is the point he was trying to make.

he violated 3 unwritten PC liberal conditions
1) Never talk about the holocaust
2) Never speak for [minority] group (Jews in this case) unless you are visibly part of that minority/PoC group
3) Never make arguments in favour for guns. Never. NEVER.

Transition team does not equal cabinet you fucking dishonest shill

>3 million armed kikes (half of muh shoah being fighting age adults) wouldn't have been enough of an armed force to prevent it

Pathetic, I always use muh shoah to btfo anti-gun kikes.

>Russian official admit


Sooooo Gonna need some legit sources. Betcha he doesn't have any.

Amazing that people think an extremely successful and pioneering neurosurgeon doesn't know what he's talking about.

[Citation needed]
In short, where's the fucking proof you faggot


Most of that is false though.
Funny how the media can lie or distort things.

>wow the people don't believe the media anymore
>wow the people don't believe in the leftists anymore
>wow the people don't believe in what we say about Trump
>better make a slew of unfounded claims attacking Trump

leftists will not learn because they know they have lost in the honest battle of ideology, and instead want to poison the intellectual well as much as possible. They are destroyers and vandals at their core.

>1 post by this ID
You people are fucking idiots.

-- No
-- Yeah they said we talk with donald trump about presidental race. It doesn't mean shady shit.
-- Where
-- He better be. This bitch got destroyed. Glad that trump understand this and try to help
-- Yeah, writing race baiting things and wrong news definitely freedom of the press.
-- So what? If jews had a weapons, at least they will die while fighting. And i'm personally believe in evolution but secretary itself literally have 0 power to change laws etc.
-- " He is putting a bussiness man to keep eye on treasury" Yeah we definetely need transgender otherkin black muslim man for this position.
-- Well, what should president trump should do? Kill himself? If they don't want to work for him, they can leave. Freedom.
-- Citation Needed. And is this a MAGA hat that black gentleman wearing while breaking windows and burning cars ?


Any thread starting with that bullshit word is very obviously slide shit bait thread



What happened to based Goebels?

Nice sources on the retarded claims made in that tweet, (((Marlow Stern)))



Get the fuck outa here


even if they had guns, kikes are shit at fighting. why else would they have been expelled from every nation they've ever inhabited ?

whoa trump could appoint his own national security council staff as well? awesome


literally even worse

>While both Trump and Putin are still officially denying the contacts between them..
>Headline is literally "Putin admits"
fucks sake

trumps campaign also had contacts with the mexican, israeli and who knows who elses governments.

Wow, your right, Hillary and her love for open borders was clearly the right choice.
