they have no:
Ukraine is not real coutry thread
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Ivan can you stop destroying Eastern Europe?
Some of them are alright.
My mistake burger. Thanks for consciousness
Polsza Pany
Stop supporting new(result of a bloody coup d'etat) Ukraine government. You have no idea what kind of grotesque bastards they are and what they have done to the people of Ukrain. But if you do some research on the net by yourself, without eating shit from CNN, then your ass hairs turn gray. I`m not gonna describe the horrors of civil war they started. I only tell you that US government and European Union are giving money(your taxes) to people, that offcialy made statement that Ukraininan nation exists for 40 000 years, they dug up the pit for the sea, that Christopher Columbus was an ukrainian, that Euclid and a fucking huge list of outstanding historical persons were ukrainians, that even Jesus Christ and Buddha were an ukrainians, that ukrainians taught egyptians to build pyramids. And i can go on and on and on.
You baiting, right?
Leaf, they are really fucked up, they are teaching them history... that never happened. Their only "hero" is Bandepa. I'm really able to TRUST this Ivan, since UE and USA are using this people for their agenda
Huh, the retards above don't know about the ancient Ukr culture/civilization, the great Ukratlantis event, nor about Volodymiyr Vyatrovych meme historian.
They're niggers to us the same way we're niggers to western Europe. If we're to rid the world of the Ukrainian problem then we have to remember that our western (((allies))) will do the same to us.
Paid thread, folks. Move along.
they have gogol, I think he was ukrainian
>not Mykola
>born in present-day "Ukraine" = "Ukrainian ethnicity"
>wrote in Russian
Please stop shitposting on historical matters
iirc ukraine does not exist and its a rightful ruskie-polack clay full of confused mongrels who speak a mixture of russian with polish and dont know which country they belong to
That's rite britbong, but is not only ruskie-polack clay
I meant this pic
>they have no:
Lwow had all those things.
Of course. Once it was polish.
He lived during the first half of 19 century. There wasn't any country named Ukraine back then. Mostly all of Gogols shit is written in russian.
This isn't joke or trolling. I'm giving you one proof for example, just to be taken serious:
And a picture from ukrainian schoolbook of History. By the way, i made a mistake, no 40 000 years of natioal history, it's 140 000.
The rest you can find by yourself, but prepare a vomit bucket.
>Ukraine is a regional powerhouse
>Economically influential on world stage
>One of Europe's strongest militaries
>Continuous scientific and social progress
>Prosperity that is the envy of the impoverished russians
>on its way to being a top member of the EU
>on its way to being one of NATO's pillars of military might
all this was lost because ruSSia got jealous of ukraine success. sad! the fact that some poles support it is pathetic considering they killed your whole government!
>Nikolai Gogol didn't invent "Russian" literature.
They've done nothing wrong you slavs should stop chimping out and killing each other like you've done for centuries
I can agree on 1st, but all the rest are wrong. All famous Ukrainians were simply citizens of Russian Empire, Soviet Union or Poland. Ukraine is more like a nation, not a state with a huge history. Something like Ireland or Baltic countries. You know, always a part of something bigger.
we stopped killing eachother with french and look what happened to europe!
Like Kashubians, Lemkos. Yeah, you have a point but still gloryfying jew Bandera to make him one of "man of the state" is just ridiculous
Well, this time you drew the first blood.
Lwow is polish soil.
>innocent frog
first time I hear of such thing
True Rus-Ruthenia is Ukraine
>Ukraine is a regional powerhouse
>Economically influential on world stage
>One of Europe's strongest militaries
>Continuous scientific and social progress
>Prosperity that is the envy of the impoverished russians
>on its way to being a top member of the EU
>on its way to being one of NATO's pillars of military might
I'm not going to demand proofs of this shit that will make laughing even the most russophobian ukrainain. Instead i'm asking why do they dethrone the president and proclaimed him a traitor and a thief, who devastated his country if everything was so great before the Russia got jelaous? Where is the logic?
>polish intellectuals
Never met one.
you got baited by a leaf
how do you feel now ivan?
Ukraine has a legal border and the Russian Army crossed it illegally, Then they illegally confiscated Crimea. Then they shot down a Malaysian Airliner full of innocent civilians.
The whole time Putin lied about everything, every step of the way.
Włodzimierz Wielki?
ukrainian literature and poets?
because you haven't read any?
Are you narodowiec radarowiec or korwinowiec popapraniec?
Thank God dumb people like you are a minority here
>Polish Intellectuals
Is it true that yesterday during Polish Independence day there was a public burning of ukrainian flags?
checked and witnissed
I think you mean Novgorod.
He probably is, but Ukraine brought everything it has now on itself. If your entire ethnic policy for twenty five years consists of single target of "lol let's piss off them moskals just for lulz", then you really shouldn't be surprised when moskals are actually becoming pissed off.
>korwinowiec popapraniec
Czyzby dupa lewacka bolala jasnie pana?
Too bad this whole post in not an argument.
I smell Narodowiec over there XD
You've lost your empire. Get over it. If Ukrainians wanted to be a part of a Russia or Poland, then they would be.
Polish nationalist
ooooo, strzał prosto w dziesiątkę
A do kościoła chodzisz, że innych wyzywasz od lewaków?
Narodowcy and korwinowcy barely know any history of Rzeczpospolita and follow only their shallow emotions. Bandera is popular in western Ukraine which was part of Austro-Hungary. Whether Ukraine becomes banderastan - time will tell. If they do so, then they will be isolated from the international support, because nobody wants to fund nazi-like ideologues
Pre-war "narodowiec" and contemporary "narodowiec" are 2 different kinds of people. Narodowiec is supposed to be a representative of the pre-war National Democracy, but this movement was a movement of catholic intelligentsia and academic youth
Contemporary narodowcy are just rowdy, loudmouth clowns
They have culture and history, who said russia is the only country entitled to kievan rus history?
Many of the top minds in the field of topology come from Poland.
It's no meme senpai.
I've been using VK for about 3 years now because I wanted to get nudes from slavic cuties (No need to ask, 9 out of 10 slavic women are degenerate whores who willingly upload hundreds of photos half-naked in awkward poses). The ones from ukraine truly believe that there is no difference between the Kievan Rus and modern Ukrainians, that ukrainians colonized and funded Russia,that cossacks were ukrainians, etc.
I like ukrainians, they are cute and all but really brainwashed.
Always the same scenario when polish pro-ue fags with inferiority complex come to discussion
It already exists in the countries where left parties and cultural marxists are not the same thing.
Funny. In russian it would probably mean some early marxist revolutionaries, if existed.
Sczal do nikad bo nie interesuja mnie ci ludzie. Ale jebanie po nich jakbys wiedzial lepiej madrzejszego z ciebie nie robi.
>chodzenie do kosciola robi z ciebie konserwatyste
A pozniej idzesz obciagnac """pani""" z fujarka?
And point is that they share all of their history with others because they didn't have their own.
>Be ukrainian nationalist in 1930
>Dont organize any resistance to communist rule, slaughter polish minorities instead
They had even representation in First Duma
>ukrainian literature and poets?
Belorussian ones are really the case to the point, not ukraineans, and more interesting in that aspect. Adam Mickiewicz is counted as own by poles, belorussians and lithuaneans alike, and the language of Francisk Skorina's Bible can be named old ukrainean, old belorussian, old lithuanean or old russian pretty much at the will of the one who talks about it.
>They had even representation in First Duma
Not really a surprise. National democrats were in the parlaments in most independent former Russian Empire provinces during 1920s-1930s.
>chodzenie do kosciola robi z ciebie konserwatyste
konserwatyzm jako nurt myślowy zaczął się wraz z antykatolicką rewolucją francuską, więc konserwatysta bez chrześcijaństwa, jest jak trąbka z koziej dupy. Czyli prawica laicka - niskie podatki, precz z "pedałami", ale walenie konia i aborcja już spoko
He wrote in Russian because Ukrainian language was laughed at because of Russian rule and he wanted people to read his stuff.
Ukrainians are Ruthenians that adopted a new ethnonym.
The Ukrainian language was known as the Ruthenian language.
The reason why they adopted the knew ethnonym was to distance themselves from Russians, who generally speaking have a superiority complex when it comes to Ukrainians.
People were put in jail for speaking and writing in ukrainian during russian rule.
Ukrainians have always been the underdogs, always taking shit from you polish and russian faggots.
The russian fucks in donbas started a fucking war just because they had to use the ukrainian language when it came to legal shit.
Our brothers lack the courtesy to speak a language that they claim is so close to theirs.
There's fucking arabs and niggers coming to lviv for university, and they learn ukrainian within 2-3 years for fucks sake, but our russian brothers simply refuse.
Cлaвa Укpaїнi — Гepoям Cлaвa!
Cлaвa Haцiї — Cмepть вopoгaм!
Have you ever heard about Ukrainian culture before the Soviet Union collapse? Ask your parents. Ukrainians are the violent mix of Polish and Russian influence (mostly Russian, of course), and right now we see a very vivid example what can do propoganda for a 20 years time to the stupid 95% population.
>Ukrainian language
Yeah and I'm sure "brazilian" and "chilean" are also languages.
>twoja opinia
Dziel sobie ich jak tobie sie podoba. Wiara jest kwestia osobista.
Kregoslup moralny nie jest uzalezniony od katolikow a tym bardziej z takim kosciolem i papiezem.
Your biggest hero is kike. How pathetic is this
m8, you are so right
Ukrainian is the same shit as the Bavarian or the Breton language.
Jews are white and based
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, dirty spic
>Ukrainians are Ruthenians that adopted a new ethnonym.
What are the Ruthenes and why are they hated so much by """modern ruthenians""" (ukrainians)?
t. Putin (future and former owner of ukraine)
>Kregoslup moralny nie jest uzalezniony od katolikow
widzę, że to raczej ja powinienem ciebie nazywać lewakiem :^)
nie trzeba byc lewakiem zeby myslec logicznie
A jest? Ja ateista nie jestem ale nie wmowisz mi ze upicie sie pobicie zony i wyspowiadanie jest moralne.
Just because you speak with a funny accent doesn't means it's a new language.
I'm not memeing here, really heavy chilean accent it's nearly unintelligible to most spanish speakers, but that doesn't means it is a different language.
Of course they are. Espiecally formers of USSR who made Holomodor happen
Rusyns are ruthenians that stuck with the ruthenian ethnonym, but their language is also a bit different from ukrainian.
Ukraine made the same mistake as many countries, believing American lies or Russian lies, just be yourself, but now it's too late. Internationalists like to divide countries so they can create chaos, any reason really, so the prices drop and dropped they did. What better for international investor than a poor country that operates on money only. All security checks ruined, all open to exploit.
>it's another "slavshits hate each others guts because muh 6 gorillion dead kurwas/cykas" episode
pls no
>The reason why they adopted the knew ethnonym was to distance themselves from Russians
Yeah, I'm gonna need a source on that.
Oh, they want. They want it bad.
That's what people of Crimea did. That's what people of eastern regions wanted to do, but they were proclaimed as terrorist and now for almost 2 years they are surviving under heavy fire. And you know what? Ukrain is counting on Hillary, because she will give them weappon to continue the massacre. That is why Ukrain is pissed off Trump, There is a slight possibility that Trump will tell them to fuck off. That is why russians support Trump. He can stop the fucking civil war.
Do you know what is printed on the street banner from my picture? It'a demand to snitch on your relatives, friends and neighbor if they support Russia and wait its help. The penalty for that transgression is 7-12 years of prison. This banners are in several places in several cities.The CNN won't show you this.
This time it's muh 6 gorillion dead hohols.
HAHAHA this so much. Lol I fucking hate slavs so much.
poland is so stupido, lost 9 of 13 wars to russia, so bad. wowowo poland go clean some germany toilet juejuejue
What most people don't seem to get is that "The Ukraine" has existed as geographical region but never as ethno-nation or particular culture.
I can only compare this to Palestine which until 1948 was nothing but a geographical region, but in a matter of hours it suddenly became an "ethno-nation" (with literally no cultural, ethnical or historical difference from Syria or Jordan) because it served to the political interests of muslim countries.
What I believe is that Ukraine was memed into existence for political reasons, during the Crimean war, to debilitate the Russian empire.
Considering the thread was started by someone from plumberstan, the thought process involved in creating it had less to do with dead hohols and more with "Katyn nevah5get, Bandera kurwa, fucking UPA"
why the fuck else would they adopt such a dumbass ethnonym that literally means borderland?
because russians are a bunch of arrogant fucks
>Rusyns are ruthenians that stuck with the ruthenian ethnonym
>but their language is also a bit different from ukrainian.
Probably because it's ruthenian?
You want to talk about what then? Chinks, Koreans and Nippons?
>Chinks, Koreans and Nippons?
Is it not the same thing?
Nobody besides 1,5 crazies believed in 'ukrainian nation' before 1917. We're all have been Russians, with sub-nations of Little Russians and White Russians, more or less the same way that germans can be Bavarian or Prussian. The difference is that germany was unified in ~1870, while russia was unified in ~1650, so there is in fact far less cultural and ethnic differences between russian slavic tribes than between german tribes.
'Ukrainians' originated in german separatist propaganda and were brought into existence by jewish bolsheviks to destroy nationalism in russia by dividing us into different nations. Google 'korenization' process in 1920-30.
Moreover, ukrainians were the stronghold of Black Hundreds and other far-right russian organizations because of their historic experience with jews.
Now ukrainian jews like Poroshenko or Kolomoisky teach young ukrainians about how ebil moskal's stole everything from them and holodomored 6 millions (while it was jew kaganovich who was responsible for that), the same way they teach niggers about wewuz stuff in america.
>The russian fucks in donbas started a fucking war
Americans stated the war, by creating violence, by sponsoring people to infiltrate and spread fear, to burn Russian shops, stop people in cars, all happened before civil war started.