I dont know what to say guys
Please tell me this isnt real
Dubbs confirm it's real
i think is real, i also saw this shit elsewhere, dont remember where though
the Beiber head shaving was 10/10, this is good too
This looks like the "crush challenge" on YouTube: a fetishist is behind this.
Why can't you faggots do something good like protest trump winning by sucking a Trump supporters dick so hard it hurts. No biting allowed
Sharting for equality
It's real but some of the pictures were faked in order to exacerbate the whole thing.
A fine idea
Memes pls holy shit it's been almost 3 years for me
you must be new here
I'm trying to organize a raid against grubhub if anyone's interested (CEO told Trump supporters to resign).
I think that was back in 2014-2015?
They're still doing that shit?
Google piss fetish
post a twitter post
Sup Forums believes it
This was an interesting troll. Nobody actually pissed their pants over the hashtag but the media (starting with info wars) got trolled into reporting it as if they were.
It was some kind of bizzare troll inception.
this is my fetish
why in the hell have I saved this dumb shit for so long?
Illegal as fuck here in the good ol usa
Trump supporters do it too, just visit a walmart.