After Trump kicked their ass, the MSM has promised to stop lying...

After Trump kicked their ass, the MSM has promised to stop lying. Is this just another dirty jewish trick or have they learned their lesson?

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Doesn't matter, Hitler is president.

We did it, reddit!

Your stupid enough to give them enough space to believe them. Fuck them, I am sure you agree.

Honesty is great and all, but bipartisan would be even better

Kek, like they're capable of being truthful.

More kike games

> report honestly for a while to increase trustworthiness and lower guard
> slowly introduce propaganda to the trusting sheeple once again
> nothing changed

>country is literally shaking

ay hol up hol up dey be always shakin my niggas?

Once lugenpresse, always lugenpresse

(((Good news they will stop lying let your guard down now)))

>please dont go afterus we promise we will better and stop lying

>the MSM has promised to stop lying.
>still pushing Hillary got 50+ million votes

Ultimate kike bullshit

> we so sowwy
> won't do it again
> promise
> ^
> ^
> ^
> :^)



so are all the people that colluded with hillary and the dnc keeping their jobs?

they just ignore that shit?

no shame man. No fucking shame for the lugenpresse

Shouldn't they have been doing this from the beginning? They just admitted that in the past they have knowingly deceived and lied to their audience how do they have any readers

I'll believe it when I see it.

Joe Scarborough stated outright (above) that the mass media had become bargain bin propagandists this campaign season, but acts like what they were doing wasn't completely intentional. They're damage controlling hard now that they've been found out.

suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Just BS to get half their reader base back.


If they fire the entire staff i'll believe them.

Think of this like the health food craze in the late 2000s and McDonalds putting up advertisements saying they use "real" ingredients in their food.

It's hard to believe them again after they lied. The only way for them is to start over... as a news organization.

That means burning it down to the ground and building an all new one.

Anyone can find it directly on the NYT website? I don't see it.

yep, they are trying to con us back in
let them fucking burn
we need media email hacks

>the economic unease he ran on was manufactured
They never learn do they?

After that announcement Prajeet promised never to poo on the shoe

Consider for a moment that about 10,000 people, mostly from the US, Canada, and UK not only managed to shift the overton window hard to the right, not only managed to elect a president, not only shifted the course of all human history, but did something far more impressive.

The alt right is making Jews tell the truth.

>massive profit losses just this year alone
>we'll be good from now on we promise!

Fuck em. Anyone who buys this rag should be slut shamed.

>Is this just another dirty jewish trick or have they learned their lesson?
jew trick. the only reason why they stoped is because the elections are over

Educate me Sup Forums. What did they lie about (that most of your other news outlets weren't lying about anyway)?

They're losing shekels! Oy veh

>Is this just another dirty jewish trick

Yes. The NYT is the most Jewish and untrustworthy publication in existence and there's no point in ever thinking otherwise.

claim election fraud does not happen

saying he's wanting to be alone because he's upset, when really he was studying for a debate


We were totally being honest before guys. Trust us. See we're even telling you again that we're going to be honest.

If you read that editorial they don't admit to anything.

>we've been honest this whole time and we promise to continue to be extra honest now

They've learned nothing.

I don't think it's necessarily that they've been found out. People have known.

The problem is, it didn't work for them so now they've lost all their power and relevancy.

(((New York))) Times

"Mr. Trump’s affection for autocrats like Vladimir V. Putin and Saddam Hussein, both of whom he has praised"

claiming anderson cooper, martha raddatz, and all the other moderators weren't democrats because they weren't "registered democrats"

It's not like (((they))) suddenly disappeared after the election.