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2016 Election Side Characters
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Tim Kaine's wife (Mike Pence).
that homeless black woman who got beat up near trumps star
whatever happened to hospital user? the guy who was shitposting on his deathbed? he said he was getting better...
A good man a very good man
wheres the tree man
I saved him just for you
what do you think he said
Cuckslayer's sidequest was great.
I heard rumors that he wanted a meeting with trump because he was a supported
t. Sup Forums
I never really liked the sassy black women. They probably helped Trump but I never really liked their MMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMM stuff. Didn't turn me off or anything I just found it annoying.
Do not let them intimidate you
He said that on an interview
>It's a "they wont pan" episode
>tfw libshits are now turning on third party voters
Little Marco
You fool, that's what all people in the future look like
There are differing shades of skin tone, but the great majority have that exact face
Do not let them intimidate you
>but the great majority have that exact face
It's too close, not even bioengineers could do that. It's obviously a wig.
wow i want to know what happened to him in the election night as soon as he heard killary loses. muahaha
the bantzmaster
Remember South Carolina?
You know for a disgusting pedo, Carlos Danger has a pretty good bod. Inspires me to start cutting.
I fucking loved it and thought it made every tweet fucking hilarious.
Different strokes, I guess
>Carlos Danger
That's Anthony Weiner.
Defeat the Jabberwocky, you must.
Drain the swamp, you shall.
shit. Wrong image.
>"beautiful human submarines"
>"I saw J Law's butthole and I liked it"
>"The killing of Trying Martin was justified"
The hero we need.
Do not let them intimidate you
Whatever happened to Huma? Did she get thrown out of a helicopter?
Sigh aids skrillex made me wanna switch off
Anthony Weiner, Carlos Danger, and Anthony Weiner's weiner should all count as different characters.
nick kroll really took a downhill turn
OP said side characters.
The Architect orchestrated this entire god damn thing.
she jumped from a crashing plane and then dropped a handgun on her head while working out at the gym
a suicide note was found at the scene
anyone got the "you get that on camera, sonny?" guy?
>It's too close
>nose looks completely different
>chin looks completely different
how does it feel to be retarded and not having to subject yourself to objective reality?
another riot cuck
Michael Moore. Fuck, he might legitly have caused the win.
he should be given a cabinet postion desu, put him in charge of 'low' energy
>nose looks completely different
You are blind
>chin looks different
Only because of the make-up.
What happened to that one trap caught on vid?
anyone remember the guy that was sitting in the tree all day?
I can't remember where, either a canadian or northern american city
What's going through his head right now Sup Forums?
Someone needs to put together one of those character collage movie posters like pic related. Would be pretty awesome.
can someone post the cute boipucci from the primaries who said on live TV that he supports Trump and he couldnt get another word out because the crowd in the background was intimidating him
k.. keep me posted
Carlos Danger is the pseudonym that Weiner used when he sent dick pics
Can somebody explain what Ken Bone did and why he is popular? I was working nonstop during the first 2 debates. All I know is he asked a question and people found his reddit posts.
He was basically the only guy who asked a legit policy question and he was just adorable in his red sweater. People found his reddit posts and it turned out he has a pregnant fetish. He calls them "beautiful human submarines".
Got you Germany.
You idiots memed the wrong guy into office. Jeb! was perfect.
lets not forget the Milo events!
white cuck that lived in a diverse neighborhood, got exactly what he deserved
Ted "kill em and grill em" Nugent
Thank you Eire