Its not ok to be White

(((The Ohio State University))) took down all these posters around campus

So glad I got out of that shithole city

I was literally about to fucking enroll to that college

Should I still do it?

Whenever you see pro-minority or pro-black propaganda around a campus just contact the faculty and explain to them what the definition of racism is, and if they insist it's perfectly OK, then put up posters like that to shed a light on their hypocrisy.

Or just put up pieces of paper with a big arrow and the words "THIS IS RACISM".

wtf i hate ohioans now

The STEM areas are great, anything else is cancer. The city is pretty bad too. But OSU has some great programs, the best hospital, and the money they make from football keeps the campus maintained

No. Instead of an application, you should send them a letter. Explain your interest in their institution, which has been subsequently undermined by the recent clear and very real demonstration that you are not welcome on their campus. Close by reinforcing (in passing) that you will therefore be (taking your money) to another University unless OSU immediately reverses its course with respect to silencing it's white student body, and offers a sincere apology and commitment to protect ALL students of EVERY racial background.

It won't happen, but it will let them think about money they MIGHT have lost. They can't stand that, it will drive them nuts.

It wont matte because for every student loan white student there will be 5 full payment upfront Asians

I refuse to believe people actually call themselves alt right

Well, not ultimately. The point is to make them wonder whether or not they couldn't have somehow had more. Paint a picture of the money they let get away.

You know. Like that highschool crush that you never confided in? It's the same sort of thing. It won't really change anything, but it will make them uncomfortable.

I'd love to find these posters online. Can't wait to spread some to start operation MEGA.

that site is pretty cringy though
Welcome to, home to the edgiest podcast of the current year, The Daily Shoah.

Launched in December of 2012, we are a political and cultural blog with four major goals:

Reinvigorating dialogue among a disparate and edgy right-wing.
Severely rustling jimmies among the childish and regressive left-wing.
Putting cuckservatives in the cuck shed where they can watch us with their civilization.
Using the therapeutic power of LARPing to help tens of thousands of young men manage their autism.

Even though you are wrong, we are open to outside opinions, and welcome comments from intelligent and civil people across the political spectrum.

At TRS, we believe diversity is truly our greatest strength and like to explore topics including: judaism, nationalism, statism, monarchism, democracy, liberalism, libertarianism, free markets, race relations, gender roles, pan-secession, revisionist history, pluralism, slavery, self-determination, imperialism, economics, political correctness, feminism, socialism, postmodernism, religion, crushing the urbanite, etc.

Also we're white and we're not sorry.

wtf i hate racists now

Does anyone have a jpg. of the left poster?

>Australian chimp skull
Top tier bantz incoming, boys.

The women at these colleges don't want small dicked white boys anyway

Ever wondered why they look slightly more retarded then brits? that's why.

Good parties and electrical engineering. Honda hired a lot of them for their plant nearby

I "understand" the normies being offended by the last poster, but why the others? Are they openly saying they're anti-white? If so, remember their names for the purge.

I would love to do an experiment to test how people respond to different types of racial pride; make the exact same poster but replace the race and see how people react to it. Nothing too edge like racial IQ/crime differences, just stuff like the poster on the left; "be proud of who you are" stuff.

I think it would be enlightening.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I'm in STEM not some shit tier field like sociology, and I guarantee that nobody stupid enough to be in that field would try an experiment like that.

My other friends from osu are also using the same words. It's like all they know is the same 15 buzzwords

fucking lost

I went there for three years, and to be honest I don't remember the instructors ever getting political. Even in the political related classes they were pretty fair. You'll probably run into a lot of special snowflake students, but it's like that at every university these days.