Everybody's just gonna keep on insulting each other in a vicious cycle and we really are never going to accomplish anything.
We are too divided now
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Make the road golden.
No, that's a lie by the media. the whole nation voted Trump. We're united.
The 60 million Hillary voters are a lie the media uses to attempt to break us. Black people voted Trump. Ice Cube confirmed.
Don't fall for the lies.
They can cry all they want. R's have the legislative, executive, and soon to be judicial branch. Deal with it.
>We are too divided now
Then tell that fucking kike to stop.
We are naturally divided and it was ceaseless compromise that brought us into the mess that is here now. Best to just really on the best argument than to really on compromise that dilutes the original intention to the point that it become unrecognizable to those who framed it.
You re a member of a Saturn Death Cult and don t know it
Kubrick and Orwell tried to tell you
Yeah but then once they get as pissed off as you were and finally get into power it's gonna bounce right back this always happens back and forth.
It's not a case of "it's just them" it just proves me point you don't look at yourself either and see that maybe you caused some of it as well. This measuring stick shit of "oh they did it more or they did it first" is what contributes to this.
The blue side should be public housing and prisons.
The problem is now nobody really wants to compromise anymore. I'm an independent and everyone wants to drag me into their little extremist corners.
Another one proving my point. You don't respect them, they don't respect you either.
When will they learn
Just sayin'.
>a fucking leaf
Sup Forums is a death cult and we know it
we worship an Egyptian god of chaos and death, and we used to worship a literal disease
>guys Republicans and Democrats need to stop fighting and come together
Fuck the media and this false flag narrative they keep pushing. This election was nationalism vs globalism, and nationalism won. The real American people are as united as they've ever been in a long time.
The problem is we no longer have a genuine community, no shared sense of values or morals. How do you even begin to debate abortion in this country? The two sides don't even share the same metaphysics, therefore they cannot properly discuss the issue, which is why both sides have to resort to emotional appeals or general manipulation.
Read Alasdair Macintyre. At least the Right wants to restore tradition and the nation. Multiculturalism and the like will only exacerbate the problem.
Blue can move the fuck to Europe or Candida. That is how you solve it. GTFO of the USA you libtard fuckheads.
>it's gonna bounce right back
if the republicans secure the borders, deport illegals, push states to establish voter ID laws, or federally mandate them, it won't bounce back.
our biggest concern now is not screwing up while Rs are in power. the justices are a huge win, probably the biggest win on our side, it will set the left back decades.
Once the dust settles, if things are still looking good in 4 years, Trump will be reelected.
No, the MSM is gonna get exposed and lose their grasp over 49% of americans
they should move to Mexico if they love it so much
Welcome to America.
You can't get rid of everybody you disagree with.
This. Trump will unite the states.
There was an article by a genealogy doctor and obvious Clinton supporter where he argues that the US is going to split into two subspecies, one with stupid and unhealthy white Republicans and the other supposedly healthy, mixed, intelligent Democrats. I just tried to find it again but it's been taking down, lel.
I like the way you Spaniards think.
Shame about... you know. History.
People who don't like trump need some non-retarded figure like MLK (in the sense that he bothered to act mature about his views, the rest can be up for debate) to fight for them at this point, otherwise shit will be a divided mess for years
How right are you going to be when they left?
Imagine, you might not be the most extreme of your kind. Who will they turn against when the libtard fuckheads are gone? Brace yourself, Ouroboros.
Don't worry . Trumps terrible presidency will unite us. I just really hope we don't get into a war with Iran .
Because trumps signaling John Bolton (neo con war hawk who wants war with Iran ) as sec of state .
He wants to tear up the Iran deal and let them get nukes
Like always with the right and the left, they started it, we'll finish it
Eventually it just turns into everyone vs everyone hunger games shit.
Id love for us around the middle or just willing to try to work compromise can come out of the ashes.
>maybe you caused some of it as well
No, you faggot kike enabler.
I respected the old left. They at least made sense--in a way, they were more libertarian than the right, in that they opposed corporate domination as well. Not so anymore. The SJW culture of thought policing has gone too far. It makes reasoned debate impossible when they can just shut you down with a buzzword. I know reasonable leftists. I can communicate with them. But the fact is that their political presence is dominated by the thought-control crazies.
We don't have to. They're already whining and trying to leave themselves.
The Iranians are a bunch of lunatics. We should exercise some restraint, though, as long as the Saudis and Qatar keep exporting terrorism.
>implying the Iranians will obey the deal
Trump was the litmus test to see who practically thinks about what's best for America, and who want free handouts and virtue-signal and engage in violence when denied.
All he's done is lift the mask right off of them.
Either way neo cons in charge of foreign policy is no good.
A war with Iran would be disastrous. Much worse than the Iraq war
Reminder in his victory speech he said the following:
>For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people
>I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.
>Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream.
He will collect the best, the brightest and the most influential in both camps and direct them towards the common purpose.
Disposed of anyone with any potential, the screaming, hysterical and defective rest will fade away in history.
He'll bind the nation together and in decade we will see wonders beyond comprehension. It will be glorious.
wrong. the left is going to keep insulting us. the right has the house, the senate, and the presidency. they'll accomplish whatever they want
The real division is elite against people, so the best way to give up this fake division is to acknowledge the elite.
>Eventually it just turns into everyone vs everyone
Why would you think that? Tribalism is inherent to human nature.
You may want to invest some effort into adopting complex thought.
it is an amazing coincidence that the amount of Trump votes, to the millions, matches the Hillary votes. it's almost as if the Trump vote was 60mil and the Hil vote was X?mil (maybe like 10, 15mil. let's give her credit. there are a lot of dumbfucks in America. that many at least).
they just made up an extra number forward to argue that she won the popular vote to try and push this anti-electoral college elitist narrative. and to try and make the fake protests seem legitimate from brewing anger. bullshit. BULLSHIT
Are shills really this delusional or is it just Sup Forums trolling Sup Forums?
He's making a libertarian joke guys.
>muh roads
In this environment the right will always win. Bring it on.
If it comes to war, it better be because of Iranian provocation, and not some bullshit to prop up the Gulf states. But yeah, pls no Iraq 3.0.
Personally, I'm more worried about the environment.
It will never be as bad as the Civil War.
This is nothing in comparison, just merely a little skirmish of arguments and some street fights.
I will acknowledge no such lifeform that give themselves such a title. Only when they bow down to the people and are beheaded for their heresy against our race.
What more do you need? Proof? Evidence? These imbeciles will cover their tracks very well so you won't rack up their child body count.
We have always been divited, that's how human nature is and will ever be.
In this country, we can make progress even though everyone doesn't agree.
At least, until the damn lefties get their way and continue to expand the power of the state until you'll be arrested if you try to wipe your ass without filling out a form.
And in order to prevent that from happening, we should stay as divided as possible because those commie bastards are incapable of doing anything good for anyone.
>Just like the last days of Roman Republic
Trump just made everything worse. Regardless of what he does, the nation is now split and irreconcilable.
republilcans control the presidency, house, and senate soon. I wouldn't call that divided.
>Trump just made everything worse.
This is how the left always frames things. They do everything they can to be as divisive and confrontational as possible, and then say "See? Trump is dividing the country!"
It's like watching someone punching their wife while screaming "Why are you making me do this!?"
Till we get another Lincoln or FDR yes this is true. Trump sure as hell 'aint like either of them.
Look I get that argument the left usually does whine about how bad conservatives are, but it is really fucking hard to get people to work together after this election cycle ALOT of Republicans voted down-ballot republican but didn't vote for Pres. That shows that not only is it the Left but division is also within the Right as well.
this is pure delusion
in my family I have my grandparents, who were rabid Trump supporters, and my parents, who were rapid Hillary supporters.
My parents aren't stupid- they're white suburban workers with white collar jobs. My father works in insurance and has 18 hour days, my mother is an artist. They are both exceedingly intelligent and excellent citizens. They are simply disconnected. They aren't angry or upset about the world because their way of life is preserved, and the media has done nothing to show the peoples whos lives have been hurt over the last eight years. All they see is a man with no public speaking ability being un-PC running against an established politician.
Good news is the Trump victory is waking people up- the media is realizing that it's completely out of touch with the real feelings of the people. NYT issued an apology and said they're going to try to get back to reporting the truth. Trump as a human being is total garbage and deserves to be shot, but this victory has done more good for the US in the last- what, four days? than Obama did in eight YEARS.
They literally said Hillary got 80% of the Black vote. Total lie.
They just played their fake election like we didn't already know it was rigged, and gave Trump the victory because they knew they couldn't stop us.
The numbers are a total fantasy.