Pol stop being bitches

You pussies haven't even gone onto the streets to stfu out these losers.
The delusion needs to be crushed and reality restored or our efficacy of accomplishing greatness will be fucked to moderate degrees.

The War never ends. We can't rely on Alex Jones and the keyboard warriors. Show faith to Kek with action!

No violence, just Justice. Those able must stand up for those who cannot and those deceived.

You akratic people will not be forgotten and I'll work to death for revenge my loves.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is no point in fighting paid protesters. Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.

This. The more they keep up their shit, the more people like fence-sitters will be turned off and towards our side.

True if not taking in consideration the optics of this around the world. It is a destructive narrative to allow.

Hello FBI

>T. Soros shill for civil war psy-op

It's not working

>hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if you all met them in the streets?
>kek wants you to make yourselves look worse than the cry-in kids


Sup Forums is a board of peace. Sage.

You dumb shit, these protestors and rioters are one of the reasons Shillerary wasn't elected. The more rioting and "protesting" they do the more normies will vote against leftist shitbag supporters.

That would only make things worse, shill

Now go back to your regular havit of making "drumpf" threads

Civil war? Ha! There couldn't be a civil war and that's not what I'm talking about. If you liked the anti-trump protestors and trump supporters, it COULD NOT even be defined as a War.

Soros has a douche ex-fatty blacked son, and enough money to swing the pendulum back and forth. We have a chance in the following years to end it.

Our language and communication at a macro level, has been damaged by the msm and must be corrected.

OP is a faggot

Need to step your protest game up.


Justice? Do you think they don't think what they are doing is justice? If we do the same mistakes as them by justifying violence with ill conceived J u s t i c e we are not a bit better then them.

(((They))) really are getting desperate now. No one has any reason to go out and confront your worthless army of grown crybaby children, gibmedats, illegals and faggots. It's more xomfy watching them make asses out of themselves and letting the police crack skulls.

You've utterly failed soros, moveon and friends. You are completely and utterly BTFO and we're laughing at your last grasps at subversion and control.

Get ready to add the US to the list of countries you are considered a crimimal in.

whats funny about that if you don't want to watch, that's kids in the Philippines protesting for the removal of US military bases.

>chimp out and do violence to our own cities and neighborhoods instead of confronting bad ideas with good ideas

This. When the rioting dies down, and their tunnel-vision fades, they will realize that moderate democrats and independants were standing on the sidelines in shock of the hate that SJWs are spewing. The democrat party is done.

Fuck protesting! Why protest? Protest fucking what? The protesters protesting?

You guys understand we must lead, we are the establishment now?!?

Pic related: Clinton supporters face on Wednesday

>You pussies haven't even gone onto the streets to stfu out these losers.


>Physically confronting soros paid agent provocetuers who are only there to try to create a riot so that the media can use it to fuel a civil war.

How about no?


>You pussies haven't even gone onto the streets to stfu out these losers.

>to stfu out these losers.


You don't even know what that means, do you?

So let me get this straight... we fought to get Trump in and then you let them piss on our victory?

Make the Devils shut the fuck up.

I don't live anywhere near these protests. If I go out in the streets it's just a bunch of friendly people wishing me a good day. And it is a good day...

It is a good day, but I never want it to go back to the now "Old-World Order"

Soros shill go away.

Can we at least organize a white male celebratory party? For some positive optics?!?! Why can't we have our deserved glorious victory?

We could watch Orange Is The New Black and laugh and laugh. The Rachel Madow show recordings? Play the official Trump drinking game!

dude just stop, even if you aren't a shill.
It suits us just fine to have all eyes on the libs chimping out over not getting their way. They'll get bored and go back to blogging soon enough.

Ok fine. You guys better not fuck this up.

It's not a threat, but we all know it's way worse than just fucking spirit cooking shit.

Are you old enough to remember '00-'08? There's always gonna be college-age trust fund babies that protest every time Trump blows his nose, but the VAST majority of these people will just go about their lives once the tantrum dies down they tire themselves out


Fuck yeah i am. It sucked diiiiiiiiiiiick!

They need help so the pendulum doesn't swing back down the road and undue what Trump will do as Trump will unfuck Obama's exec bullshit.

I will be pissed if I see Bernie 2.0 and stupid bird memes.