>If this literal 10/10 British girl were to visit America and use the ladies room there, Trump would throw her in prison and deport her back to England, because according to Trump, having a penis makes a girl less girl
How does that make you feel? Do you still love Trump?
If this literal 10/10 British girl were to visit America and use the ladies room there...
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Pick one
I hope Pence will "convert" him to realize who he really is.
Transgenders don't need rights, they need mental health care.
>having a penis makes a girl less girl
She's an Estonian, British girls don't look like that. They are all square and piggy.
He said people could use whatever bathrooms they felt appropiate
> Do you still love Trump?
>has a penis
>is a girl
pick one
First of all, not a girl.
Secondly, I believe Trump said mentally ill gender bending faggots can use whatever bathroom they want during his campaign, you just glossing that over m8?
but that's a lie
Choose one.
Gender is a social construct
trump said that transgender people could use whatever bathroom they wanted to, though.
Having a penis makes u a fucking guy not a girl 2 genders dumb fuck
this girl is 31 years old now, leave her alone the harassment has gone too far.
Even in Britain, that's not a 10/10.
Your women have prettier facial features, but have more square jaws.
They're also attracted to British men when abroad, and it's working.
Have you heard of Steve Clloyd, our future prime minister?
>10/10 cutie
>has a penis
pick one
I though she's legit a girl!
I've masturbated so many times to her!
Fuck Sup Forums ! Should I kill myself now????
The Argie is right. Trump said that.
wait, what
what is his name and how can I kill this degenerate faggot for tarnishing our name
>10/10 girl
"She" looks like a bleached rat.
No no no.
This makes me sick
Thats a man baby
We are at the point where actually euthanizing the transgender population we demand less work and hardship for the rest of the world than fullfilling their outlandish demands.
Makes your almonds ignite.
But it's not it's actually biology. see
tfw no gf
>We are at the point where actually euthanizing the transgender population we demand less work and hardship for the rest of the world
tfw no guak
He literally said he doesn't care which toilet trans people go to. All he cares about is not wasting money on more toilets for the sake of political correctness.
Wuld fugg rose even if she habb benis.
Would Anzu too.
>having a penis
she never even considered that until the Sup Forumstards started fucking with her
thanks to you retards, she's gone full sjw now
And social constructs are a biological construct, biological a genetic, genetic a chemical, etc
>Manjaw and forehead
>"10/10 girl just look at his hair!"
Anyone who can't distinguish gender through facial structures is a closet homo
This. Autists killed our rosebud
>man jaw
Any nudes of this creature?
Sex is not.
>because according to Trump, having a penis makes a girl less girl
ebin logic :DDDDDD
>having a penis makes a girl less girl
Having a PENIS makes her a MAN. A man with a mental disorder but still a man.
But user thats a boy
As we all know, Trump's biggest issue that he constantly talked about was how he didn't want transsexual people using certain bathrooms.
Do these people even pay attention?
he doesn't know
bro we get hot girls to and for you op its not a girl if it has a cock if you want to argue its a human i get it but idk what these reatarsd think if it dosent idenitfy as a girl thats fine its still a girl or guy goes of chromosomes
That's no 10 dude are you fucking drunk or something?
>being a girl
>having a penis
Pick one and only one. Transgenderism is a mental illness.
She's adorable.
ye but then so is words...
if i start calling people donkeys and donkeys doors and trees cocks and chikens pigs do you see my point?
At one side i dont share that christian "heal the homo" or "no evolution" stuff but i just love how it triggers liberals so i guess i support it anyway
I've seen recent pics.
Neck tattoo.
Facial piercings.
Really short hair.
I didn't even save the pics because it was so depressing....
prove evolution>??
I would.
Pick one
you should. spam them in these autistic threads to discourage autists from making them.
Pick one
Wow, nice proof you got there
As someone who met "Rose" multiple times at gamescon and eurogamer, I can confirm she is indeed a girl.
Man me too, wtf how can you even tell it's a man?
It looks like a girl.
I prefer anons remember who she was, not what we turned her into.
rose isnt a tranny lmao
Fuck you she's a beautiful woman.
And let them do it again? Fuck the faggots, they deserve to know how they destroyed the very few chicks who could have been on our side.
Trump said he doesn't give a fuck what Bathroom trans people use as long as he doesn't have to build a special one.
Fuck you, he's a beautiful soul.
haha pretty true desu
Free speech is a social construct.
sex isn't
>penis girl
Pick nose.
rose is half-icelandic, pretty sure she said it on formspring
We're going to make the trannys build their own bathrooms.
Fuck off eurofag.
Thanks sweden
>having a penis makes a girl less girl
>having a penis makes a girl less girl
You want to make it sound like it doesnt have total sense
If """""she""""" has a penis, he's not a girl you friggin autist.
I don't get how braindead one has to be to actually support this traps ain't gay/i sexually identify as an attack helicopter meme.
It's a retarded SJW policy that was ridiculed enough to actually turn into a meme, how can one even take this seriously??
OP is a faggot
>tfw only in this thread to see what the tranny turned in to and no one is delivering
No, it's a biological one. Gender roles are social, gender itself is physical.
Yes you fucking faggot
I honestly am surprised there are many traps in the UK. Pretty much everyone in the cities where I've lived here would be disgusted and openly hostile to traps.
>has a p0n0s
pigg one
Has penis
>thinks it's a girl
Just when I think I can't love the God Emperor more, he levels up.
But german girls like british accents.
>Presenting her as trans
>Tards falling for it
Trump has already said that he doesn't give a fuck what bathrooms people use
no way that's a tranny
I need more proof it's a dude. she bent over and I saw boobs. It could be HRT, but they looked pretty natty.
>only people to be like "HAHAH THIS XDXDXD EPIK WIN" are American or German
It's almost like it's a poor attempt at projection
if you're not american i don't have to love your faggot ass. go to a private stall and keep your dick do yourself in either restroom you creepy deviant.
This. Gender was socially constructed in the last 50 years. It is irrelevant. What is relevant is sex.
I'm alt-right and I would bang.