This necon faggot is driving the ship

This necon faggot is driving the ship.

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Shut up, Daquan

thank you for concerning the record

problem faggot?

Pence is hardline conservative as fuck and will make our country non degenerative you fruitcake piece of shit

Good. We need neocons to do some janitorial work wash the country of Obama's shit tier social justice based policies. Then Trump can govern from a clean slate.

Just told my parrents about Pence and electrocuting the gay out of fagots.
They legit cheered out loud at dinner.
Finally a cool VP.

Mike 'Only power we're giving queers is volts times Amperes' Pence


Pence isn't a neocon. People like Pence are often used by neocons as puppets but Pence isn't being controlled right now.

That fat fuck Christie is a true neocon which is why Trump is distancing himself from him.

I love that he triggers all the atheist bisexuals on Sup Forums

i think you mean "necron"

At the worst he can do, it won't be any worse than the Clintons


Mike "Like the cock? Time to shock" Pence let's get some real patriots in there
I bet you also like Dubya

Ctr you've already lost.

Mike "Taze the Rainbow" Pence

This and the tesla rays one are the best ones I've heard. Bravo.

that bridgegate shit didn't do Christie any favors either

How long are you faggots going to continue the delusion that anyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill? The election is over. Just accept the fact that not everyone on Sup Forums is part of your hivemind.

He kind of earns it considering he time travelled from the future to do his part. How do you think Trump was able to 4d chess on everyone.

Pretty sure trump just put christie in his cabinet.

Mike "Homoshima and Fagasaki" Pence

Mike "If you like it in the rear, in the chair you'll sear " Pence

Mike "I don't give a fug, I'm forever smug" pence

mike "like the dick? this might hurt a tick" pence

I think it has more to do with Christie turning against trump after pussy gate.

Sup Forums are republican cucks now
>they won't accept the red pill

Mike 'Turning fag degeneracy into renewable energy' Pence


Mike "Like getting buttfucked? let's see how well you conduct." Pence

>This necon faggot is driving the ship.

Mike "if guys are cute, electrocute" Pence

I'm atheist and bisexual but I don't give a shit about pence because if he electrocuted me it would just make me hard.

My sides...

Too late. Sup Forums has been changing rapidly since Trump won. Neocons and corporate shills are flooding the board and nationalists are whimpering before them. Israel won.

Pence is a neocon who's all for more foreign adventures and overthrowing leaders in the Middle East. He's as much a Bushite fag as someone like John Bolton and should thus be marginalized appropriately.

Mike "The Cock-Hopper Heart-Stopper" Pence

Mike "meet my friend Faraday if you are gay" Pence

reeeeeeee shill reeeee

KYS, CTR shill faggot.

Your opinion is entirely unwelcome here.

He's chosen by God Emperor, and what are you other than a boy cunt?

Pence is the establishment's inside man. Is Trump sophisticated enough to keep him sidelined?

You tell me.



CTR and other shill groups are exposed by virtue of being here. You are ironically not as anonymous as you would be with a name.

A lot of us here know each-other by writing styles.

That's how serious this shit is. That's how tight-knit we are. We are literally close friends.


> Greece
> Benefit Queens of Europe

Mike "Faggot whore, it's time to meet the power of Thor" Pence

say it with me

