There's been a lot of talk of Russia and i think we need to admit a few things as not to delude ourselves

There's been a lot of talk of Russia and i think we need to admit a few things as not to delude ourselves

> Russia is not here to save us from liberalism, they just realize that it is suicide and want to resist it

> Putin does what is best for Russia which is ultimately best for him. He doesn't give to shits about the rest of the world other than benefiting him.

> It's possible that Russia could being manipulated by the jews just as easily as the US

> Putin is as Orthodox as Obama is Baptitst

> The majority of eastern Europe is old enough to remember when there countries were communist states controlled by Russia and resent Russia for it

Conclusion: Russia is in it for themselves and anyone that wants Russia to take over Europe unironically should really think twice.

Other urls found in this thread:,30.272113,3a,75y,343.5h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssauVUYN7gNsgDDq9DdHgOg!2e0

>Conclusion: Russia is in it for themselves

gee thanks colonel obvious

not obvious enough apparently

Because Russia is cucked even more. I know that there are a lot of uninformed Americans and other Putinfans here that think Putin is the savior of the white race just because he is not liberal. This couldn't be farther from the truth. He is basically Russian Bill Clinton-George Bush: a neocon who tries to keep his popularity up by invading shitskin countries like Georgia and Ukraine (like Clinton did in Yugoslavia and Bush did with Iraq war) People in Russia live in poverty and Putin has made it even worse for them. Here are few things this (((nationalist))) jew puppet Putin has done:
1)he made revision of Holohoax a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating anti-communist cause in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called the real nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
9)let in 3-5 million chinks and sells Siberia and Far East to China

>b-but muh evidence said the proofster
Right here
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
Maksim Marcinkiewicz(jailed twice for "hate speech" alone) and Movement Against Illegal Immigration activists are good example
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)
9)Don't forget about the chinks, Russia is becoming very multicultural, and it must because otherwise it will not survive.
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.
>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.
P.S. Moscow is minority Russian by 2025, handguns are illegal, self defence laws are non-existent, free enterprise is a joke and quality of life is barely on Latin American level

There is video of Putin pointing out how Europe has low birth rate and how that must be changed or else people will die out.Healso criticized open border policy of EU after 2 year old boy was raped in Austria

>but those are good loyal mudslimes shills would say
Videos and crime reports say otherwise
Here are some quality enrichment videos starring quintessentially Russian mudslimes

Most of Russians you see on Sup Forums are fucking shills from Olgino and Savushkino. It's them and American useful idiots who spread the false message of Russia being pro-White and anti-degenerate, when the opposite is true.

>ul. Savushkina, 55, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 197183

Google Maps link:,30.272113,3a,75y,343.5h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssauVUYN7gNsgDDq9DdHgOg!2e0

Video inside the building:

>LLC “Internet Research” (TIN 7813585038) was founded in March 2014. The company acts as the successor of “Internet Research Agency” (TIN 7805627478), which was based in Holguín. Legal address “Internet Research”, according to the commercial registry – Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 17, room 1-H. Founder and CEO – Michael Bystrov, born in 1958, retired police colonel, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow district of St. Petersburg.

Guardian article:

Meme archive used by Russian trolls

Daily assignment for Russian trolls:

Interview with Russian troll:

Russian information war:

Pic related, Russian scum trying to subvert and shill within the UK education forum

*insane heanings
I was in St.petersburg just 6 months ago

When Russia ben Homosexual propaganda it was not Russians but US and EU faggot hordes who protested.

A lot of people on this board are too young to know the true nature of this beast.

Russia has been beaten into submission and is tasting blood (read crisis) and will try to grab any opportunity to get back to the old status quo. The total control of Europe with an iron fist.

>anyone that wants Russia to take over Europe unironically should really think twice.
There is nothing to add burgerbro.

Go fuck urself cunt

That's a big benis

GUARDIAN? Yes find Liberal Anti Russia propaganda to show us how bad Russia is

Russia is the ONLY country in Europe where Liberalism Homosexuality and Feminism are not growing.

Looks like RIDF "Internet Research" has the B-team working this Saturday night

Only in fucking social webs they have a freedom of speech, Im very proud of it.

My poor Russia t.t

TOP LOL, you've just made two big posts within 20 seconds , and you are talking about trolls. Too fat.

This retarded faggot with his copypastas, die faggot, you are cancer.

Why would anyone think Russia wants to "take over Europe" or save it from something is completely beyond me.

copy paste is a thing here in the west

He is posting the same thing in every Russia-related thread.

>they just realize that it is suicide and want to resist it

Russians are as cynical and as utilitarian as Westerners

lets not have Russia-related threads then. Nothing intresting here happens anyway.

In the east we call it "using metodichka".

>Russians are as cynical and as utilitarian as Westerners
Sort of true, but we are also cynical and utilitarian in a very different way from the Westerners somehow.

Can't quite put a finger on it, but we often react very differently to same events.

this guy is the only one telling it how it is.

any faggot with a russian flag disagreeing knows all this shit is true.

any faggot disagreeing is probably a nashi faggot as well.

is a political youth movement in Russia,[3][4] which declares itself to be a democratic, anti-fascist, anti-'oligarchic-capitalist' movement.
Nashi was officially announced on 1 March 2005 by Vasily Yakemenko the leader of the pro-Putin youth movement Walking Together.

Yakemenko claimed to have constituted Nashi as a movement to demonstrate against what he saw as the growing power of Nazism in Russia and to take on skinheads in street fights if necessary.[17] While officially, its funding comes from pro-government business owners,[18] it is widely reported that the group also receives direct subsidies from the Kremlin.[10] Yakememko once said to that the Kremlin's support makes it possible for them to tell businessmen: "we need money for a national project".[19]

Western critics have compared its "deliberately cultivated resemblance to" the Soviet Komsomol[8] or the Hitler Youth[9][10][11][12] and dubbed as Putinjugend.

Hey it's the first time I am actually getting his sources from a Russian /po/ dweller. They usually just screech about everyone around them being a shill.
>Because Russia is cucked even more.
The worst part is that the most prominent people who oppose this in Russia are paid by organizations like Open Society Foundations and Open Society Institute backed by Soros and other wonderful selfless people. Two above are banned in Russia now, but you probably are aware of that.
We have to get to the truth alone and fight it alone without foreign support, because hungry wolves ready to tear us apart are not only in Moscow, but around us as well. Like "vatniks" I believe that the moment Russian /po/-tier retards start a coup in Russia we will get "help" from the west and end up splitting again, natural reserves will be bought by foreign companies and we will be left with worse living standards than ever and a large enforced debt to IMF.
>Putin is the savior of the white race just because he is not liberal. This couldn't be farther from the truth.
This. He's literally western style liberal. Free market, diversity is strength kind of guy.

>Putin does what is best for Russia

Nashi hasn't been a thing for years, don't even know if they still exist. Update your metodichka plz.

Nashi doesn't exist 4 years already. You don't keep up with the events, but probably you even believe in illuminati who also don't exist hundreds of years, but are still usefull to paranoia and conspiracy theories

Russia and eastern europe in general are poor shitholes full of lazy slavniggers

The west in general is a debt-ridden shithole full of sandniggers

Don't know which is worse

>in a very different way from the Westerners somehow
You are less restrained by political correctness when it comes to sexual minorities but it's only because LGBT represents a deviated form of femininity, it's just basically men acting like women which is met with a harsh reaction from the Russians because they only believe in strength and force and you can't have flamboyant and feminine population when you must be prepared for war. Stance on corruption and LGBT is I think the only thing that makes Russians different from Westerners

Hello RIDF
0.05 vodka bottles have been deposited to your dota account

>Nashi hasn't been a thing for years
but that is a pure truth, ahmed

The fact that before Trump,it was Putin who was the most hated by Jew World Order make you see the clear picture.

>country in Europe
Stop this meme. I don't want to be associated with Europe.

EU and Europe are two different things.

Well, I disagree. Our mentality is different, because our nation involved in a different environment.

European nations developed on lands with good predictable climate and lack of space. Their enemies were mostly other competing European feudal societies. So, Europeans like Germans believe in improving your life with hard work and they are good planners. In limited space, differences had to be resolved by bargaining or violence. War for them is "an extension of politics by other means", an acceptable and controllable tool in economic competition and dynastic squabbling.

Russian nation evolved in wide open lands with harsh unpredictable climate. Their enemies were hordes of essentially aliens, from East or West. So, they grew to believe your lot in life is determined essentially by luck, and the best you can do is learn to endure.They are bad planners but good at adapting and improvising. In abundance of space, differences were best resolved by simply existing separately. War for them is an existential struggle for survival.