CNN: "Mayor: Database of undocumented New Yorkers could be deleted"
>Link for Sup Forumsacks
They're doing a Hillary and wiping incriminating info. How can we stop this? FOIA?
CNN: "Mayor: Database of undocumented New Yorkers could be deleted"
>Link for Sup Forumsacks
They're doing a Hillary and wiping incriminating info. How can we stop this? FOIA?
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lil help, russia?
look at them squirm
So it's treason, then.
what the fuck can they do that?
Checked and kek'd
Isn't that obstruction of justice?
Well, time for the 400 lb. Russian hackers to get to work
I bet the NYPD already has it. They are based as fuck.
This, digits dont lie.
Trump needs to come down on this shit hard and fast. If they delete the fatabase he will make sure it is rebuilt ahead of time and under budget, and deport every single fucker on it.
Also he will need to charge the people responsible for obstruction of justice.
Trump is NSA now
If thats the case it wont be lost, even if it is deleted.
The NYPD loves Trump.
i'd agree, but USA does has strict PII(personal identifiable information) laws that are hard to breach - i'm sure hillary did it with the sloppy way she handled her emails, but because her last name is "clinton" she didn't get charged
but all it would really take is a warrant to release it. overstaying, coming in without permission, are crimes and there's no two-bit jew judge that can argue holding up their release from city to federal agency
He is going to audit the Federal Reserve. Screencap this.
"database of undocumented" sounds a bit like a contradiction
Patriot Act
>tfw stuck at 399lbs
he'll go to jail if he does that.
For the next time some smug asshole tells you firearms registration is a good idea and can never be abused in a system of checks and balances, please point to their absolute ignoranve and hypocrisy with this.
They knew where the illegals were this entire time and did NOTHING about it?
Seriously, this man needs to be locked up for obstruction of justice.
patriot act and pii laws are seperate. if homeland security can argue to a federal judge they're all terrorists i guess some steps could be jumped
Perhaps not if there isn't an order to retain the info. That's why we need a FOIA request, preservation of records request, or subpoena as soon as possible.
It's a big fuck you to the taxpayers who paid into the program, and a bigger fuck you to the rule of law. But as we've seen from WikiLeaks, it's not like the establishment ever gave a shit about that in the first place.
Some illegals should get to stay. The ones who haven't committed any crimes besides being illegal to be honest.
That would be easy. The Patriot Act was pretty broad. Technically any crime can be terrorism.
So hes admitting to committing a felony? Govt records have to be preserved......
I disagree with you.
I disagree with you
Undocumented just means illegal but leftists were having a hard time arguing that illegal immigrants arent criminals
They can stay after paying a large fine, learning proficient English, and passing a citizenship test--but they broke the law, and as such, should only be granted residency and NEVER given citizenship. Under no circumstances should a person who broke the law to come here be granted a voice in our government.
>Database of undocumented New Yorkers
To breed like rabbits and continue the problem. Nope.
Who cares, you're a dominigger.
That sounds fair.
But I still think Trump's stance is very tough and they'll all get deported anyway. Even the ones who speak English and are don't commit any crimes other than being illegals. Too bad really, there are some good ones believe it or not. I don't care what Sup Forums says.
Honestly, those undocumented that filed for citizenship, thru the proper channels, should be immune from deportation. Let's go after the criminals first.
Dominican republic
Funny enough, they document themselves pretty brazenly.
Search Twatter for "undocumented" and you find all these news stories covering illegal immigrants by name, or the people themselves admitting they're here illegally and are afraid because of Trump.
Is there some ICE list I can add these names to? Hilariously stupid people...
They can stay in California so long as California has no say in elections. Deal?
Part of the problem is birthright citizenship. It's outdated--when it was installed, it would take weeks and an extremely expensive (for most) ticket on a transport to get here. It already served its purpose of giving freed slaves citizenship; it's time to get rid of it.
I mean, there is even a bloody 'birth tourism' industry in China: pregnant women pay to fly over here, have a kid with US citizenship, and then they fly right back. It's insane. We unfortunately have to deport illegals, because they just have too many kids who then don't integrate and now have citizenship to vote for gibs and amnesty. If they didn't get citizenship, it would be much easier to handle.
If only someone could upload it to wikileaks
>t. Illegal immigrant
What does t. mean?
I don't think you realize how much of a clusterfuck the patriot act was bro. There is a reason its one of the worst pieces of recent legislation for our freedoms.
Traitorous marxist queer.
Fucking christ, Dems doubling down on deleting shit
>t. newfag
All illegal immigrants should be deported.
If you're an illegal. You need to go.
You broke the law. You came into our nation with your family, and laid quietly without paying taxes 'nor anything of that sort. You're a leech to this great nation and must pay the price for what you've done, the cold iron fist of consequence ought to rain down upon these parasites.
I don't care if they're "good people", hard-workers, or even have family's. They all must go.
Will they Bleachbit it?
It means "typical", basically when someone says some dumb shit, you assign it as something typical of a certain stereotype.
>t. newfag
i don't but hey, it was written that way
What the fuck, no it doesn't newfag
It comes from Finnish memeboards.
Basically, "t." is short for "terveisin" or "terkkuja" which translates to "greetings" or "yours truly". As if ending a letter or a postcard.
So "t. newfag" means essentially "Greetings (from) newfag."
WTF new york.
There are countries where this sort of thing is considered treason
just say illegal for fucks sake
You fucking faggot spoonfeeding newfags so you can wave around your big meme dick, our komrade here was just tossing up some bait.
Deleting... undocumented... so they do have the illegals documented in a database. Just another empty gesture to the invaders but the idea that NYPD/FBI/ICE is going to delete their database is laughable. The Dems tried to stack the deck with foreign invaders so as to undermine the vote... I say never take the boot off their neck!!!
The DNC is looking to elect a black "muslim" as chairman and will further alienate average Americans. The future of the Democratic party is looking more and more bleak.... good.
The biggest problem with illegals is that whatever kids they happen to have while they're in the US are automatically considered citizens for whatever retarded reason. That's why they all need to be deported, even the non-violent ones.
Get the fuck out
Its too bad we need to amend the Constitution to get rid of birthright citizenship.
You should only get birthright citizenship if your parents are citizens.
It's not so easy until he takes office. Gowdy, Ryan or that one other dude will have to get on it.
Undocumented is the liberal way of saying it because it implies they are still immigrants of the same quality as legal ones.
>database deleted
>ICE deportation squads let loose on NY
1. Dig up dirt on/get the emails from de Blasio
2. Tell him to play ball or else he is the next John Podesta
Problem solved.
Anyone can be compromised
California gives drivers licenses to illegals. We need access to this database as well.
This database would likely only contain illegal aliens who have been caught. If they have been caught then it's safe to assume they've been deported, and the database only acts to reaffirm their identity. Wouldn't destroyting something like this be absolutely illegal?
The database is for their id card
Its not about being caught
He can make requests from the NSA which will have it
>people shouldn't go to jail. They haven't committed any crimes except the ones they've committed
Just for saying that he should be immediately removed from his position. there is no way a government official openly helping criminals can be legal.
I tire of hearing Mexican women parrot CNN and claim Trump is going to "Deport all the Mexicans!" Then when you correct them and remind them border jumping is illegal and you are a criminal if you are here legally, they act like the law doesn't matter and their wish to stay is all that matters.
Why? We have enough people, and they disrespected this country by breaking the law as their first act in it. That and it's a huge insult to all the immigrants who fought to get here legally.
We need to continue to infiltrate governmental and LEO organizations. Once inside begin to seize leadership positions.
We already have the NYPD and parts of the FBI, as well as police departments all over the country.
Soon we'll be able to crack the skulls of any degenerate dissenters for any reason
this is like the new JUST
>t. oblivious dweeb
>tfw want to fap but the face looks too much like Brianna Wu
Will take some time hacking chinese servers to get copy of it.
You know what this means boys and girls? Sup Forums is always going to be relevant! Sup Forums isn't done now that the election is done!
With corruption and evil at the highest levels, people looking to sabotage Trump and even kill him, we can root out every hidden foe, white hat hack everything that needs to be hacked, read every email, defeat every version of the CTR HYDRA and Democratic paid protester machine.
We know the press has a few patriots because an article like this even was released on CNN. All we need is a bit of help from our "three letter friends" and Trump can never fail and never be stopped.
Its really thrilling that we have a chance to be the side that gets to fight evil, the left just chases boogeymen from the "ISTS" we get to be actual heroes.
Why dont your people want illegal people out of your country
What the fuck is wrongwith your country
Don't let them avoid calling things by their real names, that's how they obfuscate the truth.
This would stop white people like me from having American kids.
My solution: You have to be here legally but not as a tourist. We already do this for gun purchases.
>deletes the database
>the entire thing is dumped on wikileaks 2 hours later
>but only if you respond with "Thanks, Putin"
Democraps want votes.
Why do they have a database that they're not doing anything with?
So they know where to send the buses to pick up their extra voters.
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back
* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
>* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
>* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
>* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
NYC is FUCKED, along with every other major Democrat city.