When will women finally stop hating men ?
When will women finally stop hating men ?
Simple. When men give women everything they ask for.
when men stop hating women
never, women can't even love each other.
When they make some gains on their flabby tris, jesus
Is (((she))) holding a fucking dildo?
> (OP)
>when men stop hating women
How is it going, Clementine Ford?
That person's obviously lost a lot of weight. I think (s)he should be proud. Despite being a libtard actually putting in the effort to change instead of demanding the world to.
God that sack of complete fat and loose skin hanging off her shapeless arms.
Absolutely disgusting.
Lmao how can women hate men?
They fucking love men, theyre wired to.
I dont get your culture. Why have you become such weak cucks?
When they will stop hating themselves, meaning a creature born to be a mother.
how many men do you know who actually hate women ? i'm talking real life, not /r9k/ world
Women don't, 53% of them voted Trump.
When we finally get our sexbots.
I don't hate men. I love men.
It's the creepy ones and the redpilled I hate
dude i don't know how it happened i ask older people but they don't have an answer, but come to america you will see how much they truly hate men maybe it's because i live in one of the most liberal cities in the country
If you stepped away from Sup Forums, InfoWars, 'Le Argument man' and clickbait like HuffPost for one day, you'd realise that it' a small % of women who hate men.
In fact, when normal women see third wave feminism in radical action, they're repulsed by it.
As for stopping feminism in general? You also have to improve masses of men to stop being nu-males.
When they kill the last one.
Hatred is inherent to the weak and cowardly and jealous
They would hate them even more for being weak.
At least according to Der Spiegel and my personal experience
53% of the women who voted, voted for Trump
That's not 53% of women
SJW feminists only hate themselves
Most women don't. We saw proof of this during the election.
In my expreience, if women hate anyone it's each other.
you are correct, but when you say 'step away' from those things, you need to step away from liberal college campus cities, i see women give me dirty looks all the time and they are just angry in general with huge egos and i'm actually friendly to them and smile and hold the door and shit
after travelling out of this country and getting involved with foreign women i don't think i can ever date a white western woman again, they are just too repulsive
You know my dick is kind of shaped like that thing I wonder if it helps me
Never, it's time to establish a homotopian republic where the woman's only role is surrogate children of superior homogay relationships.
We need only to wait for the process of skin cell birth to be perfected.
those were old women who voted trump, all the young women voted for hillary, i don't know what you think the average age user on this board is but it ain't 60 and i don't give a fuck about the boomers i have enough problems in this timeline
We saw proof that a minority of women voted for Trump. That's about all the election taught us - not all women are demographic voters.
Hello CTR.
Now kindly fuck off
They don't. Although they do not adore them as well.
53% of white women, not women in general
>It's the redpilled I hate
That's because in spiritual truth femininity represents matter so your primitive instinct is to embrace mundanity and to avoid people seeing beyond appearances.
any1 know where i can buy that dildo/plug?
When men grow the balls to dominate women again
After the menstruation.
Is it gay if I want this?
me, i hate women and dont pretend like you dont.
I think most men do, at least betas like me and you. I dont blame them for hating us, if i was a women i would hate men too.
When they do not possess artificial power granted by the culture and the state.
Women hates women
how can you project this much in one post ? fascinating
This bitch needs a good dicking. After that, she'll grow out of her phase.
The Jew in the picture hasn't lost any weight. The Jew just doesn't have any muscle to keep its fat firm around the arm. Also, Jews have terrible skin with terrible elasticity.
No, fucking a really feminine trap is pretty bisexual
Sup Forumss view on women is so fucked up and narrow, because they take all their experience from porn and the internet
>Hatred is inherent to the weak and cowardly and jealous
It's got visible stretch marks. Unless it's a former bodybuilder, that one used to be way fucking fat.
question: why do people like those fancy curved type door handles?
He didn't project anything, he called himself a beta
Actually, all my bad experiences with women have been in real life.
Asa Akira was never a bitch to me.
Women don't hate men.
They hate all men who aren't in the top 10% of men. And then they pretend to hate the top 10% men too, because they think acting like an arrogant woman means you are in the top 10% of women and that is the only chance they have of ever ending up with such a guy.
The problem for the women is:
1. There is not enough top guys for every woman to get her own.
2. While women are attracted to arrogant 'confident' behavior in men, men are not attracted to those same attributes in women. Men mostly go for youth, beauty and femininity. Meaning that women have no idea how to properly get a man interested in them. But even if they did, it would not help,because of reason 1.
bretty cute otherwise, desu
But it can be assumed by just increasing the sample size within the same society, especially when the sample size was already so huge, it would end up around the same result.
see i could understand why betas hate the modern woman but the modern woman OBVIOUSLY hates the beta, just look at how they use nu-males for their own devices and then dump/divorce them when they are done with them
plus these betas are bombarded with stories not just on Sup Forums but in their own lives of women ruthlessly mistreating men and then not only showing no remorse, but being very proud that they could destroy a man
Actually, it cannot be assumed at all, because the sample was not randomly selected.
my girlfriend got some weird ass haircut like this except just all blonde and I hate it, i dont know what to do
Tell her?
this sounds like a losing formula, i know some of you darwinists on this board will claim this is perfect for evolution of the species but it sounds more like racial extinction to me
It's pretty gay.
Sex robots are what we need.
it's true. most women I know who are under 25 want nothing to do with 'feminism'
get a new gf
An ex of mine did the same user. Just showed up one day with her hair short and platinum blonde. Then she started writing poetry, then she started taking gender studies classes, and now she's gone full SJW and talks about how great Nikki Minaj is. Nip it in the bud while you still can.
where can i meet these cuties ? i'm 26 but i live in minneapolis and these women are lost
What the fuck will be the being if it gets YY chromosomes?
A god?
We don't hate them, we consider them inferior individually and as a group.
>canadians unironically think mice lay eggs
Is that what you think those Easter candies are?
Tell her you aren't dating a trap user and that if she doesn't change soon you'll turn her in to mike pence
So does that mean white nationalists are jealous weak cowards since they hate the Jews?
I don't know though, like she supports trump, is good looking, and majoring in like some dentist stuff. She also got this weird tattoo on her leg and I'm just shocked and kinda weirded out, I really like her but I don't know if I can deal with this anymore
When you gas all kikes..
>YY chromosomes
Can't tell if you're actually retarded...
You must be missing a few chromosomes.
As long as they are inferior to men,they'll keep hating us
Which is forever
When men stop putting up with the "feminist" bullshit and call it out for what it is... man just beta cucks
Most men I know think women are a pain in the ass, but they don't hate them. They definitely wish that they'd stop trying to infiltrate traditionally male social environments. I don't know a single man that thinks they add anything of value to social situations that are traditionally masculine.
Yeah, I think that, if for nothing else, this is what will cause feminism to implode.
It's simply not a sustainable model and the birthrates and well as statistics on depression, suicide, etc. is already proof of it.
Either the non-whites will outbreed us or we will have to say no to some parts of feminism.
if you genetically engineer something outta 2 men it may happen
Women only hate sexist men.
This is why I am single.. fuck woman are a pain in the ass, and rob you blind, porn/hookers are only honest woman left...
>Woman (male)
No one asked the faggots for an opinion.
There is no such thing as ''sexism'' It's term invented by Feminist Jew much like other ''ism'' and ''phobia'' bullshit
No you retard, you need one X chromosome.
There are men with XYY chromosomes, they are infertile and mentally retarded.
Are you sure you're not XYY?
They don't hate men, they hate fat men
when they realize everything we do is just banter
Note: everything that is not feminist is sexist.
And sexism is wrong only if it doesn't privilege women.
There you go, Pierre.
Radical Feminism is Jewish Marxist Anti Male bullshit. You want birth rate, values, family , culture etc....be feminist.
When men finally stop putting them on a pedestal. The moment they get real equality and equal responsibilities, they'll go crawling back to their traditional roles. Right now there's an unspoken agreement that women should still be treated like princesses while also enjoying all the benefits of having power and authority. It won't last forever.
>or we will have to say no to some parts of feminism.
which ones do you think will stay and which will go?
non-whites already outbreed us, Bjorn
>you need one X chromosome.
the question is what happens if you make a woman give birth to a fetus from a male cell and male sperm you fucking abbo.
Something like this never happened before but with this technology it may.
>massive amounts of special rights and privileges for women
>diversity initiatives everywhere to get unqualified women into opportunities
>saying one bad thing (or even neutral thing) about women is enough to get you kicked out of university and fired from your job
>government tripping all over itself to give handouts to women
>entire justice system geared around catering to women
>women can falsely accuse men of anything and have them locked up
Herp Derp the entire SYSTEM is misogyny!!!! Patriarchy!!!!!!
I meant ''You want to destroy birth rate, values, family,culture ...be feminist
>Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
kek typical leaf lol. forgot to change it from last thread? leafs are the best shit posters ill give you that. australia best bantz
well where do you think eggs come from?
Yeah, I could tell it was a typo
he specifically said not /r9k/ world
When will you anti semites stop hating Kikes
When we give them the guidance they crave again.
The store. Idiot.
You clearly have no grasp in basic biology and genetics, Adidas-Man.
YY chromosomes will lead to a miscarriage. The foetus won't survive because Y chromosomes have much less genes than X. You need at least one X chromosome.
Go squat on a perch.
The day the Jews stop making violent pornography against women.