Sexual harassment in STEM: 'It's tragic for society'


>"Conversations became increasingly sexual and they eventually progressed to physical touching, like skin on skin on my neck."

>"He would actually come up to where I was staying at the observatory at 11 p.m. at night, and knock on the door and wait on my porch as I would hide under my bed with all of the lights off."

>"It became clear that he actually wanted a sexual relationship. ... He got very drunk and physically separated me from the group."

>These are the experiences of three women who spoke to CNN about a culture of pervasive sexual harassment in academia, especially in the sciences. They were harassed by different men, throughout different parts of their education and careers.

>Distinguished scientists in the field of astronomy have been making headlines for harassing students they are supposed to be advising.

Pretty messed up, DESU.

These women probably dreamed of careers in astronomy since the time they were little girls, playing with telescopes their fathers got them for birthdays, and when they finally achieve their dreams, it comes with the caveat of male co-workers trying to grab their butts every day.

Other urls found in this thread:

>they fell for STEM meme

Poor women thought they were signing up for astrology :(


So it never happened. Gotcha

Why doesn't she kick his ass or call the cops?

I'm in STEM and I've never harassed a woman. Why should this be my problem?

>getting a degree in astronomy

Do people actually do this?

>Sexism a problem in STEM
>Mentions one case

Are they serious?

It's all fun in games until your daughter tells you she's no longer interested in a STEM career because of the crap she has to deal with from boys at school.

>New study finds 1 in 4 college women victims of sexual misconduct

>A new study shows how Star Trek jokes and geek culture make women feel unwelcome in computer science

I was going to until I switched to IT and now I'm an intern making $20/hr.

what a bunch of utter horseshit. feminists just can't deal with the painful reality that wimminz just simply don't show as much aptitude or intression in science and math. I say this as a pure mathfag about to do his PHD, the few girls that made it through their bachelors are treated like fucking goddesses, worshipped by permavirgin nerds. it was so bad that during the first courses they barely had to make their own homework.

so no, sorry girls, stick to social "sciences" and go die from intellectual starvation in your echo chambers

>Star Trek jokes and geek culture make women feel unwelcome in computer science
>Star Trek jokes
How the fuck a joke from old ass TV shows can make you feel unwelcome.

Dat chocolate qt.
My penis.

I really really wanna fugg that black girl.

How the fuck if a nigga supposed to get laid if you expect dudes to be nonsexual all the time? A dude trying isn't harassment, just tell him you ain't interested you dumbfucks.

>So it never happened. Gotcha

>Recent reports have revealed how rampant sexual harassment is in the astronomy community. What’s to be done?

>It was then—with the help of her friend’s outrage—that she realized the problem. She was being sexually harassed.

>How Sexual Harassment Halts Science

Nice try. This is an all too real problem that has probably robbed astronomy of some of the brightest female minds. We'd probably be on Mars right now if it wasn't for men who can't keep their hands and lewd comments to themselves.

Oh wow nobody cares.

>Be me
>Take specialised computing course in secondary school in a class of 10 guys and 0 girls
>Get accepted into a prestigious university
>Spend 3 years working on a computer science degree
>Literally 3 girls in the course out of ~150 pupils
>2 of them quit in the first year with shitty grades
>Get high paying job as system admin for big tech company
>Have to start interviewing candidates for low level tech support job
>Approximately 30 applicants, 29 male and 1 female
>The girl has zero experience, almost zero technical knowledge and unironically checked her phone several times mid-interview
>CTO tells me we're hiring her to promote diversity
>mfw I read articles telling me how women are being discriminated against in STEM

So, this baffled me too, for the longest time, until I had the following realization.

You know how women do that thing where they expect you to know everything, and then when you ask them to communicate better, the respond "It would mean more if you did it on your own", and related bullshit?

That's all this is! It would "mean more" if people didn't "rape" them, but they just want to vent about it, instead of fixing it. Its the same concept.

>"He would actually come up to where I was staying at the observatory at 11 p.m. at night, and knock on the door and wait on my porch as I would hide under my bed with all of the lights off."

>Oh wow nobody cares....

..until their daughter comes home from work/school with tears streaming down their face sobbing their their boss/professor asked them for sex in exchange for a promotion/high grade.

Maybe this is because getiing hit on by someone they don't like = sexual harassment.

If women quit stem because some nerd said they have a hot ass then they are useless cunts anyways. Nothing of value was lost.

There wouldn't be a problem of sexual harassment if beta males could control their alcohol addiction.

Alcohol culture in STEM is laughable. Betas get over the top drunk and do shit they KNOW wouldn't fly if they were sober. Its embarassing.

t. engineering student

Looks like we have another "Listen and Believe™" case.


Yeah. Let's just ignore the vast majority of women who get sexually harassed by sober men.

Probably a whore who went into the male dominated industry and was surprised by the number of men who hit on her


Also, girls being extra drunk makes beta males think its okay to also be totally tanked.

>no proof
bullshit story for stupid people


I'm not ignoring it.

I'm saying alcohol culture in general is behind most of these incidents for both genders. A blackout drunk girl is just as fucking guilty as a tanked beta male.

Also I'm not shilling agaisn't alcohol, but in university its fucking over the top, especially in socially liberal places like Quebec and Ontario.

>Sexual Harassment Is A Men’s Problem, Not A Women’s

Sexual harassment is a male problem. It's up to men to educate their sons, nephews, etc. that it's not acceptable to sexually harass girls. It's also important to teach them that NO means NO.

Your mind might not be too bright if you cant tell somebody to fuck off

>no audio
>no video
>no way

The argument can be made that it IS a male problem from this viewpoint:

Manly men are in rare supply and this is what women crave. All the hysteria around rape can be interpreted as a cry for more manly men.

Sexual harassment can be curbed by actually making more beta males more attractive and increasing supply in attractive men in the sexual market.

As usual, don't expect women to solve a problem efficiently, just whine about it like Huffington.

That wouldn't happen in the kitchen

>if you cant tell somebody to fuck off

>if you can't tell your boss to fuck off

>tell your boss to fuck off

And have their careers ruined?

>hamplanet so fat that the elastic band in her pants broke
>can't even lift her leg over her body


So it never happened. Gotcha

>That wouldn't happen in the kitchen

>Sexual harassment wouldn't happen in the kitchen

I've got news for you, buddy boy.

>40% of Female Fast Food Workers Experience Sexual Harassment on the Job


pick one


Fucking kill yourself. Stop baiting.

We have laws against rape. We have done our part. Now it is your turn to recognize situations in which bad things can happen, and avoid them or remove yourself from them if you don't realize in time.

You don't want to do that though. A rape victim is the ultimate special snowflake. Everyone has to walk on eggshells around you. Everyone has to tell you you're perfect, that the world did this to you. Everyone has to deal with your instabilities. Everyone has to give you support.

Face it, you get off on this more than the guy on the other end.

Fatty tries to do something about her weight. That's good.


Women consider rape so bad because sex is the only thing they have to offer

at what point did they say "dude i don't want to fuck you leave me alone"

bitches with no social skills dealing with men with no social skills

It's not astrology. Do you know what STEM stands for?

Is this a joke?

>Going for astronomy
>reads this
>feminist infested

Chemistry it is then.

>Fatty tries to do something about her weight.

>women among nerds
>isn't a nerd
There you go.


Basically one girl every ten horny guys?

>How Women Are Harassed Out of Science

>Margaret Leinen, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, described a conversation she once overheard between one male and five female scientists at a meeting where harassment was being discussed. “I don’t see what the fuss is about,” said the man. “I’ve never met anyone who has been sexually harassed.” The women just looked at each other. “Well, now you’ve met five,” they said.

Women are being sexually harassed right out of science. Think of all the inventions we'd have if men in STEM could control themselves. We'd probably have flying cars and that hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 right now if it wasn't for these assholes.

>things that never fucking happened

I think the main problem in STEM is that most dudes are awkward as fuck. Usually in life they would never approach grills but they're right there in there class or whatever. But many of these dudes never learned how to flirt or how to take subtle signals that girls aren't down.

Yes it's on girls to say 'hey i'm not interested' but they either have a victim complex of woman in STEM, are too awkward themselves to say no, or believe the feminist rhetoric that they would be outcasted for standing up.

Physics masters student here, i have seen absolutely none of what you mention. All the women i've met in my department work very hard and never abuse their femininity to make guys do their work. All the women worked very hard and in my undergrad a girl was easily the best student. Plus, they were all pretty 'stronk women' and would clearly indicate to guys that they weren't sexually interested.

>STEM results are quantifiable rather than subjective
>Math isn't going to give you special preferred treatment because you have a vagina
>have to come up with some other bullshit reason that your gender underperforms yet you need preferred treatment in hiring/attention


>Women in STEM: 'It's tragic for society"


Yeah, amerifags like you treat women as second class citizens (proof by the creep webm). Dont cry when feminists gain motion, its because of autists like yourself that they get anywhere at all

>things that never fucking happened

>Even With Hard Evidence Of Gender Bias In STEM Fields, Men Don’t Believe It’s Real

>STEM girls

pick one

Someone that has this many creepshot webms saved is trying to push the muh female rights meme.

What is this thread?

Well, during the first months there are some cuties

Come to CS or CE, its more or less accepted fact that girls can't code, and it's not particularly scandalous to say so, so those that stick around generally work really hard to avoid confirming that stereotype.

It's a baitposter.

He post here sometimes

Yes, you do have to go back.

>Guys gets drunk.
>Guy makes pass at a woman.
>Sexual harassment.

Fucking hell, is there anything they won't label sexual harassment these days?

>girls take twitter replies and facebook comments to heart: the article


>Who thinks only attractive women suffer sexual harassment?

Tonight on "Things that Never Happened"

Refugees raping.

>is there anything they won't label sexual harassment these days?
women sexually harassing men

>flirting is messed up
If you're an attractive girl in STEM you will eventually have guys trying to flirt with you. Maybe stop being such a fucking baby and make it clear you're not interested, and if they keep going report them to your hierarchy or whatever.

I've had it up to here with so called "studies". The "geek culture" study gets discussed here:

I'll take that into consideration. My friend is already into computer science.

Since when was astronomy not a STEM course.. oh wait it's Sup Forums.

>Female astronomers

Can't believe nobody used this meme yet

I took a couple of courses in astronomy in college and our professors told us straight up that it is possibly the worst degree to get for employment, even beyond the traditional meme degrees (psych/history, etc).

Being told you're too ugly to be sexually harassed is not sexual harassment. Call it what you want, but you know the truth.
/leftypol/ pls go

This is a world built on the backs of men. In comparison, women have offered little to progress humanity beyond their vaginas. The margins may shift, but men will always be at the frontier of progress, risk takers pushing the boundaries.

this could be relevant or reputable if it was reported by something other than CNN

>female astronomers

>women scientists

I'll give you that there are some awkward nerds in STEM that might come off as creepy, but no there is not some magical widespread harassment problem. Most of STEM is way too autistic for that to be possible.

>People show interest in you
>Its sexual harassment

probably doing them a favour

It's not hard evidence that's why. It's literally anecdotal evidence and flat out lies. They're trying to create a false narrative because in reality, woman aren't doing well in STEM because they just aren't cut out for it. Every soarce you post is a far left wing outlet with a clear bias. It's nothing but critical theory, which teaches that it's okay to lie about the truth to promote a long term goal.

This is my biggest problem. The position of authority thing.

If ugly dudes are hitting on you, that's shitty, but that's just life. On the other hand, if it's a prof or lab tech or something, then that is very problematic. It would make you feel totally uncomfortable in school, invalidate you as a student and could lead to the suicide or dropping out.

being hit on is painfully awkward. there was this disgusting 70 year old lab tech lady who used to always spend a huge amount of time at my table talking with my and my lab partner and semi-flirting with us, it was fuckign brutal. There's nothing you can say and it makes you feel terrible uncomfortable, which is the worst possible thing when you're trying to fucking do a lab.

I have a female friend who's a student for electrical engineering. She told me that once during a lab assignment, some young men held her down and tried to close a circuit with her vagina. They did it to oppress her. since she was the top student in her class. After that day she left engineering and became a teacher. As a man, I wish men were ded

>work with autists
>be suprised when they get stalked


>Female astronomers
I think they meant to say "female astologers".

>some of the brightest female minds
Oh, boy. You had me going until I saw this.

"How will we ever get to Mars without mandatory gender quotas employing people who can barely sharpen a stick?"
topkek lad. 10/10 troll

>Why We Desperately Need to Study More Female Astronauts

>Do women make BETTER astronauts? Russia locks an all-female crew in space simulator for eight days to find out

People are even beginning to recognize the untapped potential of female astronauts. Think of how many more female astronauts there would be right now if they weren't harassed out of pursuing a space career.

>Not full out autistic manchilden and obnoxious betas who take jewtube PuA videos seriously

I can easily see why women would have hard time if they try to play games and give false hope to socially inept idiots.

>CNN believes anecdotal evidence is enough to make an argument
Then again, they did shill the fuck out of Hillary, maybe Ted Turner should euthanize the hell out this network.

>tried to close a circuit with her vagina
What was the resistance of her vagina?

No no these are women who ask everybody's sign and then give your personality traits, retard


>damn, women are being sexually harrassed out of everywhere we go.

>We would have invented the wheel by now.

>Female-partner, tell me about your sexual organs

Why are you posting these fat fucks?