Is this our new reality?
Never ending hate crimes?
Is this our new reality?
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Didn't happen.
Just a fag using the bruise he got from a dick slap across his face to pin the blame on others.
>Trump gets elected
>suddenly hate crimes start occuring everywhere
What exactly is the logic in this?
>the tear running down his face
>slice of pizza
>Google: how to punch ones self in the face***enter***
How did they know he was fagola? Fake and gay.
True or not his story is hilarious
>got a rock thrown at his face
>has a red spot
none of this adds u-
Oh right.
His last name literally rhymes with faggot, what is this kid expecting? They were probably making fun of him for being dressed like a fucking queer, and rightfully so
>nigger boyfriend beats him
>claim a bigot threw a rock at him
no shit. i kinda hope it is true because jesus christ that faggot's tears are sweet
Hate crimes aren't a thing
i'll take "I punched myself over and over" for 1000
It this were to be true, his cheek would be DESTROYED.
A rock would had teared through the skin, and most likely cause a severe concusion.
Can't wait for Pence to indroduce him his favourite band: AC/DC
I would punch this piece of lying shit for real.
These idiots believe that Trump winning has energized these people and made them think it's okay.
But it's not happening, so they're making stuff up to match their narrative.
>How did they know he was fagola?
look at how he is dressed
not that this actually happened anyway
>a single slice is a meal
god what a faggot
>Rock flung from a car
>Causes the lightest of red marks
Either fake and the guy lightly tapped himself on the cheek or the guy threw a wadded up mcdonalds bag instead of a rock.
>Threw a rock from a car
That wouldn't make sense unless he keeps rocks in his car for some reason.
It's working.
>goes out in public wearing rainbow suspenders and a bow-tie
>expects anything but that to happen
it's to smother with false flags.each real recorded events of libs attacking Trump supporters
so the bruise is on the left side of his face, was he walking backwards on the left side of the street?
maybe he was walking on the right side of the street and the passenger of the car threw the rock backwards as the car passed him? or threw the rock across traffic on the same side of the street as him?
Who keeps rocks in their car to throw at wayward faggots?
He probably slipped and fell while giving a BJ. Nice fake tear though.
your suppose to use jew mannerisms like oy vey and goyim
You know, who drives around in their car carrying a rock waiting to see a gay person by the side of the road and throw it at them? It's just so fake.
>not keeping a bucket of rocks in your car
Faggots aren't going to hurt themselves
Wait nevermind yes they are
Where'd they find a rock in New York? Someone just rides around with rocks in their car?
It's real in their mind.
the person in the car has really good aim apparently, I think we should investigate MLB pitchers
He is crying. How weak can a white men get? If someone throw me a rock and speed off, i will search for him afterwards, not go to social media and bitch about being weak.
Amazing how none of these people ever report the crime to the police, instead they post it on fagbook.
don't you guys have any one way streets?
Why does he make a such a big deal of spending a little money on a slice of pizza. What does this guy usually live on, pet food?
>Hit in the face with a rock
>Not even injured
huh really makes me think
also how did they know he's a faggot??
Another story from the book "Things that never happened - how libtards think the boy who cried wolves had a pretty reasonable concept going"
He's a dramafag, he can cry on command.
Police report?
Either he did it to himself, or it was niggers/muzzies.
Eventually its going to sink into the nations conscience that Trump supporters dont do this kind of shit. We won. We dont have to fight or protest.
they want to weasel their way back into power either by creating enough image of chaos on the streets forcing Trump to "modernize" and give in to them, forcing the electors to vote for Clinton(they believe this is possible) or martial law
most are just doing it for attention because they're useful idiots but (((some))) in the background are pulling the strings
Yes people keep rocks in their cars, just in case a man in gay suspenders walks past.
I'm getting more and more convinced that these homos ARE mentally ill… not even the sexual attraction thing, but the shameless drama queening has got to be a sign of an unhealthy personality… something is 'off' with these people.
>one slice of pizza
oy gevalt this goy should have bought more pizza, it was a real bargain! and with free rocks too!
Fucking faggot. Lying for attention, what a surprise.
These are all so fake. It's only so many times you can cry wolf. Nobody believes these faggots as it is.
Gas em.
You mean you don't drive around with a carful of rocks on the off chance you happen to pass by a huge faggot?
A lot of rocks lying around in nyc? When i was there all i saw was concrete. Seems like yoid really have to go out of your way to get a rock...
The two highest profile hate crimes in the Trumpening's wake have already been debunked anyway. That muslim bitch who said Trump supporters ripped her rag off her head lied according to the police and the gay guy who supposedly got beaten by Trump supporters did not report a crime according to the local police forces. They even checked all the area hospitals and no one with those injuries had checked in. Okay, the latter isn't explicitly "debunked" but if he did neither of those things the claims deserve no credence. Both stories were hugely popular but there is no way the media will do a follow-up.
>rock thrown at my face
Where the fuck are people finding rocks to pick up in NYC?
That's better
Thank you
Based israeli
You're supposed to use correct grammar when insulting someone. Scientists found out it has more impact.
sure, that's a possibility, that this guy was stopped on a one way street, with rocks in his car, waiting for fags in new york, and stops traffic to throw a rock at this guy and call him a fag, then speeds off, in New York.
Now he's a faggot and he doesn't have pizza, if only he'd have been less of a pussy he could have still had pizza.
Isn't it funny how ALL these nigger faggots report the crimes to face book and twitter instead of the police?
Leftist logic
>Trump supporters smart enough not to attack before election
>All out faggotcide Trump president elect +1, no holds barred
Makes perfect sense
Thanks white america
Let me get this straight. Trump won because of a bunch of people that kept so low key that they denied even voting for him to anonymous pollsters... But they'll go out and commit hate crimes now that he won, putting all of the public scrutiny on them....
>Liberals don't even think outside of step 1 in a 5 step plan
i wasnt insulting
i was righting a wrong
The logic is that the libtard media convinced libs that Trump was orange Hitler and the alt right was a fucking paramilitary so libs are now scared of their own shadow and histrionic personality types are faking attacks on themselves
>all that fucking blood like his brains are spilling out
>completely dry
>no attempts at stopping the bleeding
How could they possibly know he was gay? It's autumn, it's cold, he clearly would've been wearing that jacket which would obscure those rainbow braces. Why would someone driving past keep a rock in their car? Where do you even get a rock in New York City? Why did it leave such a tiny mark if it was hurled out of a moving vehicle?
Why are these people so full of shit?
Where's the police report?
>faggot with dick slap bruise on his face
>who drives around in their car carrying a rock waiting to see a gay person by the side of the road and throw it at them?
I'm sure you don't see that because assault rocks are banned in the UK
I had a rock thrown at my face once. I remember kneeling to the ground, confused because i wasn't sure whether or not it hit my eye. I slowly opened my left eye and was relieved that it hit me just underneath it. Still, there was a stream of blood running down my face and leaking to the ground. So I ran to the bathroom and washed up. Then went to my grandma to get it bandaged up. An hour later, i was back playing outside.
I was 9 years old. So why the fuck is this grown ass faggot crying?
>new yorkers does a hateful act
>blame trump
was it a trump supporter though?
He just wanted a slice of zaa
>Is this our new reality?
Never ending hate crimes?
God willing
Obviously staged probably hit by another little faggot I would literally crush his fucking eye socket if I punched him in the face
remember a black guy ate a homeless mans face while obama was in office
that would require him to describe the phantom car, color, make, which way it went
the "rock" hit him in the face, he must have seen the assailant, right?
if he was forced to describe any detail again, he would fuck it up
>we all know it was white guy anyway
okay. what the fuck is going on.
are liberals so disconnected from reality that they fall for these false flags? how many times do they need to be proven to be obviously fake for the new liberal false flaggers to come up with fake stories of oppression that actually sound reasonable?
who keeps rocks in their car?
who looks out for faggots as they drive around to throw rocks at them?
who would actually hit someone in the face with a rock thrown from a car? you can't even throw accurately from a stationary vehicle.
why is there no gash? look at where he was hit. you dont just swell up when you get hit by a rock there. that size of swelling just doesn't happen with a rock. that's a punch (large area, lower force). a rock that puts that kind of swelling on your face would need to be relatively large, like a fist, but thrown weak as hell.
do these people ever actually face any adversity in their lives? i can't believe that out of the potentially hundreds of fake oppression stories not one is even remotely believable. none of them have ever actually been hurt in their entire lives.
It's pretty bizarre how all these hate crimes only happen in liberal cities.
My fb is littered with this shit. Every single female has apparently been assaulted by the same group of 3 white men in trump hats screaming grab em by the pussy.
Anyone have the picture of Maria's "Wall" and racist note that matched the handwriting of a sign she made years ago?
I'm sorry for his father.
>are liberals so disconnected from reality that they fall for these false flags?
Do you really have to ask?
>look like a faggot
>someone calls you a faggot because you are one
Faggot. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?"
maybe if he wouild just be a normal person instead of shoving his gayness down everyones throat it wouldnt happen...
moral of story.,
Either its fake or that was a weak ass toss that a grown man should not be crying over.
BUUUULLLL Fucking shit. If you live in a blue area it is not very likely that you'll have Trump supporters even near you. Lying faggot is lying.
Wear a helmet
That fucking costume.
Don't be retarded. Of course they will end, once they're all gone.
I can't stop thinking about baby rape whenever I pizza is brought up
Rocks. Rocks never change.
>Alternate reality
>Hillary wins
>"Ah shucks! Ok boys, turn in your grand wizard hoods, pitchforks, and torches, Hillary won"
>"Dammit, we have to be tolerant now. Ok, time to suck some dicks because I'm gay now"
>"Bob, get the knife, some of us need to be trans to. Oh well, I guess we got to wait until the next election season to start our race war. God, I love blacks so much..."
I cannot answer a single one of your questions sir.
Poor MrRepzion.