Holy shit people are retarded
The internet really wants Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020
By the time she'll be ready to run the people eating her disgusting school lunches will be ready to vote against her.
Well, you see, you can't just become the nominee like that, first you have to rig a primary.
We've just been on the verge of two political family dynasties in the States (Bushes and Clintons), why are they so desperate to start another one? Especially one who is basically going to replicate the policies of Obama which has decimated the Democratic strongholds in the Midwest.
Literally just the Snapchat generation pushing for people they've been forced to know. Sanders or Warren would be a much greater threat and align with their true ideology much better.
She said she isn't going to do it.
Trump will be elected for a second term in 2020. Ivanka Trump will be the first female president in 2024. Screencap this.
>Wanting another former First Lady as a Presidential candidate.
Didn't they learn a thing from Hillary's defeat? If they're really that eager for a womyn president, at least pick one who isn't piggybacking on her husband's fame.
>goofy Pocahontas is a real contender
because the left has become the party of the establishment and aside from checking boxes (black, female, insider, Obamas wife) they have no clue what to do.
Nah we want Kanye 2020.
>The MSM want to trick people into thinking the internet wants Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020
I wouldn't vote for anyone under 50, especially if it's a woman. It's gonna be Rubio, probably in 2020 because Trump doesn't want two terms
>wife of former president gets BTFO
>hey, let's try with the black one!
reminder that the internet also thought clinton would win at 99%
Nevermind, I'm retarded. Rubio would be 49.
lmao didnt she say more than once that she doesnt want to run for president?
The internet thinks he's got a bitch dick
>wanting a tranny nigger president
im so glad i was a liberal for like 6 months when i was 12 and what is this
Didn't Rubio say he was done with politics after The CD-ROM in his head skipped?
at least she's hot.
She is, look how many people were begging her to run before Sanders campaign gained traction.
She'd have to flip industrial swing states somehow mind, but it's plausible.
>the internet
She would get BTFO like the filthy ESTJ she is.
Besides the Democratic Party has fallen apart. They won't be able to recover and learn their lesson in 4 years. Michelle Obama is just as bad at attracting working class voters as the Hilldebeast. Both are out of touch idiots
Just another man in the white house, Michel pls.
Good. The left has learned nothing and they're still pushing their meme candidates like female Obongo or Kim Kardashian's husband instead of supporting someone who can win over the white working class vote.
Sorry, we've already had our first black male president. It wouldn't be true progress to elect another one.
just in time for the kids scarred by her lunch program to be old enough to vote
Sup Forums rule the internet, normiefags take every bait we put, top kek.
Don't these faggots get it?
We won't let some uppity nigger become president.
>SJW bitch about Trump not ever having held political office
>want Michelle Obama to be President.
>only known for fucking up school lunches
Oh, that's genius.
We should shill this, seriously.
No one sane enough would vote for it
That has to contain at least 3000mg of sodium by itself
seems like reddit didnt learn its lesson on the jewish media.
king kanye? you brits are truly fucked up. i guess you already have a bunch of niggers in london so it won't change much.
What is it with liberal's hard on for black people?
>HRM King Kanye of West
would she be worse than barack tho
scared Sup Forums?
Trump said he was looking forward to the next eight years.
How furious would Hillary be if Michelle Obama actually did become the first female president of the USA?
What's wrong with that?
I mean, she's black and she's a woman and... well... black and she was also FLOTUS and a woman and... well... and... well...a woman and.... black.... and....
t. libtard
Not as furious as she'd be if it was Ivanka instead.
please make that happen
>Holy shit people are retarded>>
She woul be extremely hard to beat.
After Trump, it's not like political experience is a pre-requisite anymore.
I thought they wanted a woman to run for president. What a trip it would be if the republicans got it first with Carly Fiorina or some currently unknown.Gotta get those virtue points
nah we won't , i prefer having arnold schwarzenigger in the office.
>Malik Obama would be on front stage saying how big of a bitch she was
Oh man that'd be golden
GOP should run a Catholic Latina in 2020/2024 depending on Trump's approval rate, Dems would get BTFO.
She'd have a better chance than Hillary at winning considering blacks would actually vote if she ran.
Do not underestimate our opponents my friend. Remember how the media laughed at Trump?
No, she'd be doubling down on what the Democrats are doing now. Focusing exclusively on college libtards and minorities.
Obviously it's not working anymore.
>Sanders and Warren would be a much greater threat
Michelle Obama's october surpise will be a particularly nasty school lunch
first "woman" president
It would be redundant, as we already had a black president.
le governator's digit please me
I'm sorry but did you just pull that out of your arse?
Literally nowhere on the internet is this a thing.
Mainstream media obviously hasn't learned this doesn't work any more.
>first black man in office
>"Trumo is unqualified to be president"
>lets elect the old president's wife who has achieved literally nothing in her life
Praise KEK and Arnold will be the US president for 2024 !
TRUMP 2020 FTW !
>yfw when the elites wanted you to elect Trump because it sets a precedent for unqualified POTUS
>yfw this was the plan all along, and the Obama family was chosen by Soros/Bilderbergs and illuminopoly to be the new political dynasty
>yfw when you were checkmated at 4D chess
He's not American, he can't run.
>even liberals admitting that Hillary will either be dead or in prison in 4 years
That fucking cunt took away the best french fries I've ever had.
This. But it would be funny.
Austrians make good Reichskanzlers
And Trump has no experience
this is because the clintons have dominated the democrat party for so long that there are no real decent women to run. Trump shattered the clinton ceiling. now ambitious women democrats have a shot at the white house
wot a fugly chinless smug nigger
Fuck all the obamas.
Nigger terrorists
italy shetposting as usual
First tranny president? Is America ready?
How progressive!
this basically
the chicks want black dicks and the boys want black dicks to fuck their chicks.
>Hey remember when we chose hillary clinton & how well that worked?
>let's use Obama's wife instead!
It is going to be a repeat this time instead of being sexist, you're a racist too!
DNC is going to get silent majority'd again!
>son of an actual, literal nazi with a god-complex
sounds perfect
But that's what just failed them a week ago.
Of what?
"The internet ________"
how to justify any news story you want
People fucking love hereditary rule.
She already said she will never seek political office
Dumb liberals, lol. Why not push cutie patootie Tulsi if you want to sound the least bit reasonable.
Well they also wanted Hillary and look how that turned out. :)
Gonna be tulsi though
>Implying sanders old ass will run again.
>Implying Pocahontas is a threat
I hope she does and i hope they double down on the whole " your now a racist and a sexist if you don't vote for her". Easy second term win for trump.
>yfw the biggest meme election is yet to come
>yfw Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy just jumped over trumpman
This explains the 15'000 Harambe votes.
She'll be dead.
By all means, I hope she does run in 2020. It would guarantee a second Trump term
Tulsi did seem pretty based at the DNC rally tbqhwyf
Lol this.
Dat ass
Kanye can't even manage a fashion line
He'll lose the primaries, make his own party, and take away the black voters.
Also Ron Perlman and Chris Rock said they also want to run for president
>Second Term
He'll be too old and tired to do a second term