tfw you are nigger breed :(
Tfw you are nigger breed :(
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you have dark hazel eyes you are not nigger breed
Sup Forums BTFO
congrats, you have the same eye color as a paleolithic European lady from El Miron, Spain
You know that white people can have dark eyes and hair?
t. blue eyes, light haired wend
original white m8
dark hazel? then who was brown?
Reminder that being white is a social construct so you can be white anytime you want
Master Race reporting in
Haha, nigger!
>Posting a picture of your eye
Might ass well post a picture of your fingerprints
>brown eyes = black grandfather
Where does this meme come from? I have brown eyes, but also very pink nipples.
btw. 2 blue eyed parents can have a brown eyed child
Send a picture of your anus. If it is pinkish you are white.
I don't believe it. Is it a small chance? I'm actually picking my mate on the basis of blue eye color. Most blue eyed parents I see have kids with blue eyes. Which is cool as shit because it's probably my favorite feature about myself
he has color in his eyes unlike people with solid brown eyes, me myself i have light hazel eyes which are mostly yellow, gray and green
then there's solid black as well...
Ivanka and Jr both have brown eyes too.
Yeah but 99% of the time they are blue
True nordics have blue eyes.
>brown eyes
shitskins plz go
>green eyes
What does it mean for my genetics?
I'm more ashamed of the mega pixel count in my camera than i am of my eye color
The way I understand is, that brown eyed have two genes, while light eyes only have one. But if two light eyed parents have the different gene, and they also succed in transfer them to the baby, it will come brown eyed
Ari is that you?
>being wh*ite
More susceptible to being a FUCKING SOCIOPATH
t. Gods most hated
>tfw Afghan girl eyes
nope sorry bro
george washington thomas jefferson and andrew jackson were red heads
also theres a difference between brown haired white male and brown haired indio scum
All you guys have pretty high eyebrows. Do you have brow ridges?
>tfw dominant genes
everyone with blue eyes are inherently white apologist cucks
>I had a 50% chance of being blue eyed
>I have brown eyes
evolution is cruel
>falling for jewish divide and conquer tactics
those are pretty
I'm going to say it depends on the mother/father, I know someone who has mostly blue eyes with a tinge of green, father had brown eyes and mother had blue. I have blue and both my parents had blue. Theoretically our children could have blue, blue/green, green, brown eyes. If her parents both had blue eyes instead, I'm pretty sure it's 99% chance our offspring have pure blue eyes as well
oh no shit. Yea mine are like a burnt orange with yellow flecks and streaks. family all has hazel just figured I had brown cuz most people have the green or blue thing going on
This man gets it.
Recessive gene fags please go.
Hey Jamal, that's why we put arabs under the white category. Unfortunately, many of them have african blood too (and have their violent genes).
Am I white?
straight to the gas chamber mate, brown is subhuman. Mine are honey-hazel, and if you watch them with a certain amount of light and from the right angle, you can say that they're green. I would obtain an aryan certificate
>clearly blue tinted picture
>brown is subhuman
>t. recessive literally cuck genes
Get fucked, brown eyes.
t. Mixed race man
Your grandmother fucked a nigger by the way.
Who gives a shit about what race you were born from. Just don't act like a nigger and you'll be fine.
>brown takes over your genes just like refugees are taking over Europe
Just because it's dominant doesn't mean it's good
>tfw ywn be aryan
Francisco franco is the inly thing i have to be proud of
>le brown eyes have a lower risk of having eye health problems
>I have brown eyes and keratoconus
kill me
I've been realizing lately just how lucky I got with the gene pool. Man god loves me or some shit
great-great-great-grandmother fucked a 1/5 italian*
I have brown eyes and several auto immune diseases
t. 1/4th italian istrian
will you accept me senpai
sPAIN has arab blood also sPAIN genes
Nah. Mother is from Baltics, father from the Volga region, so probably some Turkic/mongol :/
sure why not
yeah my family has bright green and blue eyes, i took after the pheonician lebanese side of my family and got the yellow greek eyes and have light hair
>le my genetic mutation that makes me have weaker vision and more health problems is superior
i was just memeing, i have shit brown eyes
>posting your iris in an NSA thread
you people are fuckin retards
Hapsburgs where Austrian, brother
>the NSA will be able to your biometrics from a shitty out of focus phone picture
Blue eyed people have higher IQ, better aesthetics, and see better in low light conditions
Theres a reason why light eyes are most prosperous in cloudy regions
Sorry, shiteye
Mine are brown but my brother has blue, and not shity blue i mean real blue.
The suevian blood must be.
>Blue eyed people have higher IQ
oh boy this is new
I have the blood of Gods and conquistadors. I am genetically superior to your fucking inbred piece of shit genes.
Idk, you tell me
>all these shiteyes on MY Sup Forums
Get the fuck out, you do not belong here
Its a fact, sorry Mario
>tfw even Italy's mascot has blue eyes
I assume they are all opening their eyes quite widely to get a good pic, it's not a relaxed position
I only said that because people had buggy looking eyes. Yours look a little buggy too.
>Its a fact, sorry Mario
not an argument
last time I checked Jews and east Asians don't have frequent light eyes
I thought that might've been the case. especially for the pics taken with flash on, but I don't see why you'd have to raise your brows.
How does it feel having white skin but then look in the mirror and have brown eyes? So close yet so far.
t. Pyotr Cûkóvìtch
Fucking American education, man...
>Blue eyed people have higher IQ
>see better in low light conditions
I've never heard that before. Plz gibs sauce
Ashkenazi Jews are more likely to have light eyes than Italians
As far as east asians go only Japanese and Korean have high IQ, which doesnt make up the damage that all the brown eyed subhumans (but I repeat my self) have done.
You have niggers, arabs, mexicans on your side.
nice sources you got there
look at the chart from the link I posted, aperican, if anything we have asians on our side
lighter eyes are more reflective which improves your vision like cat eyes. The result is fucking minimal though. As for Higher IQ thats true on average but different races with predominantly brown eyes like Ashkenazi jews and Asians have the highest IQs.
Theres no point arguing genetics with Italians, they are the most delusional people on earth.
They live among the ruins of a light eyed/haired society and believe they were the kings. In fact, they are the mogrelized descendents of the slaves and lower classes.
They have a deep and unassailable inferiority complex. At least full arabs accept their real heritage unlike you.
Only japs and koreans are smart, the rest are dumb on average
Ashkenazi Jews are as light eyed as central europeans
not a single counterargument, I can smell your jealousy from here
stay mad
Am I white?
>deflection and projection
Every single time. Italians always respond the same to genetic questions, they deflect while posting stupid pictures and denying their obvious shitskin genetics.
>"The Italian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shitskin, spaghetti nigger, shiteye, Luigi, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an arab subhuman and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
subhumans impersonating whites, top fucking kek luigi
Strong asiatic influence but you are certainly white enough to be considered white
you haven't made a single argument or posted any sources for your pathetic white wewuzing
everyone can see that
you got blown the fuck out, son
stay assblasted
Thank you for posting your eye for our record
The NSA has collected enough information today and will return in 4 days, 14 hours, 54 minutes, and 12 seconds. Thank you for your compliance.
every. single. time.
>stupid picture is meant to implie the italian arab is just so confident, while betraying his insecurity
>deflection, claims of needing more proof
You italians react the same way everytime its amazing
Just remember, you will NEVER be white
>you will NEVER be white
thank god for that mate
still no arguments I see, keep embarrassing yourself
Sup Forums BTFO
>It's a Sup Forums wants a race war but believes most whites aren't white episode
I want to show off my eyes but I'm scared of it because of that reason.
Maybe just the iris would be okay...
Greeny masterrace!
>he keeps doing it
Just by using these canned and predictable responses you reveal yourself to be subhuman
You claim I am idiotic but you keep replying ot me, you do this because of your insecurity.
>You will claim that you are only doing it "for the lolz"
Replying with "hahahha ur so dumb!!" is a strong tell for cognitive dissonance.
Anti-nordicism is anti-white
Digits confirm