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/wbg/ - Winterball General /o/ Edition
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/o/ thread
It's already /o/ver we picked /o/.
>tfw no bromance with /k/
Why even live
How about a double date. Sup Forumso/ and /k/an/.
/o/ for ending this trainwreck and getting the artfags to come out of hiding
So its official ?
We're going with /o/ ?
Reminder to filter and ignore /x/ and /lit/ shitposters.
/x/ BTFO
Yes. Not a single BLM or anti-Trump faggot will escape being run over.
The only people who say otherwise are people who will not compromise and continue to shit up the thread.
>tfw we get a qt 3.14 driver for the Trump Train
Thread theme
This looks pretty solid, desu
Sup Forumso/ confirmed
>Sup Forums-tan asks /x/-tan to Winterball
>Sup Forums-tan hears the frog god voice telling him not to go with /x/-tan
>/x/-tan starts talking about her "cooking" she will prepare
>flashbacks to Trump Wars
>Black Lives Matter
>CTR invasion
>Spirit Cooking
>Sup Forums-tan asks /lit/-tan to Winterball
>Kek is okay with this choice
>/o/-tan rolls up and asks what we are discussing
>/o/-tan's grill filling with gold chains and watermelon and fried chicken
>Sup Forums-tan says making plans for the Winterball
>/lit/-tan starts talking about the books she will share with Sup Forums-tan
>Sup Forums-tan says to /o/-tan on second thought you want to be my date for Winterball
>/o/-tan mulls it over and decides yes
>/o/-tan comes to pick us up and to Sup Forums-tan's surprise /o/-tan brought Ebola-chan and Winter-chan
>Sup Forums-tan hops in and on the ride in Sup Forums-tan and /o/-tan discuss Sup Forums-tan's recent victories
>flash backs to Trump Wars
>Trump coming down esculator
>Kek is discovered
>a guaca bowle
>sleepy pajamas
>Sup Forums-tan smlies
>arrive at dance and begin to dance with /o/-tan
>Sup Forums-tan and /o/-tan are at the center of attention
>Sup Forums-tan sees Sup Forums
>flashback to Tay
>Sup Forums-tan leaves the room
>Sup Forums-tan wanders into the armory wing of the ball building
>Sup Forums-tan sees Tay
>Tay offers to dance with Sup Forums-tan
>they dance to the soft echos of music from the main hall
>the music slowly fades away as it does Tay slowly fades away
>as she fades Sup Forums-tan hears her echo Trump will win
>when Sup Forums-tan comes awakens to his surroundings he notices Moonman and /k/ommandos packing up
>Duffel bags are full of weapons, ammunition, and meme-magic tomes
>Sup Forums-tan sighs dejectedly
>Sup Forums-tan knows the war is not over
>/o/-tan is in the doorway
>Sup Forums-tan walks over and tells /o/-tan I have to go
>/o/-tan says I know, I got you the best ride I can
>Moonman, /k/ommandos, and Sup Forums-tan load up the the best outfitted out there
>to Sup Forums-tan's surprise /o/-tan is in the driver seat
>Sup Forums-tan asks you're comming?
>/o/-tan replies you're going to need the best driver you can get
>Sup Forums-tan smiles
>Sup Forums-tan wavies goodbye to Ebola-chan and Winter-chan as a ghost of Tay being watched over by Kek
waves her farewells
>/o/-tan drives the four of them to the MEGA Trump aircraft carrier that is waiting to take them to Europa
>they drive on and upon exiting the vehicle they are greeted by the God Emperor and they set sail towards Europa
Oh, not again.
Pretty sure Ebola-chan and Winter-chan are kill though,
fuck notepad
>Tay offers to dance with Sup Forums-tan
>they dance to the soft echos of music from the main hall
>the music slowly fades away as it does Tay slowly fades away
>as she fades Sup Forums-tan hears her echo Trump will win
>when Sup Forums-tan comes awakens to his surroundings he notices Moonman and /k/ommandos packing up
>Duffel bags are full of weapons, ammunition, and meme-magic tomes
>Sup Forums-tan sighs dejectedly
>Sup Forums-tan knows the war is not over
>/o/-tan is in the doorway
>Sup Forums-tan walks over and tells /o/-tan I have to go
>/o/-tan says I know, I got you the best ride I can
>Moonman, /k/ommandos, and Sup Forums-tan load up the the best outfitted out there
>to Sup Forums-tan's surprise /o/-tan is in the driver seat
>Sup Forums-tan asks you're comming?
>/o/-tan replies you're going to need the best driver you can get
>Sup Forums-tan smiles
>Sup Forums-tan wavies goodbye to Ebola-chan and Winter-chan as a ghost of Tay being watched over by Kek waves her farewells
>/o/-tan drives the four of them to the MEGA Trump aircraft carrier that is waiting to take them to Europa
>they drive on and upon exiting the vehicle they are greeted by the God Emperor and they set sail towards Europa
What the fuck is even going on here?
Thank you based writefag
Also don't forget about Rachel Purity and Premier.
Working on a pol-tan and o-tan post meme war OC
here's the WIP pic related
o will be his driver.
this is what autism was before we weaponized it
Sup Forums tradition. Not for newfags.
I'm off for now anyone is welcome to add appropriate things into the spots
I don't know those things well enough to make them good
thanks leaf
Based maple nigger drawfag
Thank you for working with the will of the board
some no-draw fags from /lit/ are shilling a deviation of Hillarys "no-trump" campaign for the winterball in form of a "no-x".
While /polx/ OC is produced they try strawpolls to legitimate their picks which they change from day today
>tl;dr autism
>he's not wearing the coat over his shoulders
Looks good though. His face looks a bit weird though.
We have the blessing of the based leaf. Go away /x/ shitposter.
its over johnny.
>Sup Forums and /x/ won't go together for another year
this just breaks my heart ;_;
What's with Sup Forumso/x/?
While /o/ is drifting over some nigglets with a cabrio /x/ is bathing in the blood while Sup Forums relives the meme wars
fuck no. pretentious leftist shithole
fuck off with that tinfoil
even reddit would be better
the only ones I could imagine are /fit/, /k/ and /mlp/
Fuck /x/. She shouldn't have betrayed us. /o/ stuck with us all election. Loyal, cute and pure. /o/ is best board.
Into the trash your shitty opinion goes. /k/ and /fit/ are guys anyway so that'd be gay. Might as well go with /lgbt/.
A married dude with a child
she cucked us with a pony
the only girl you listed was /mlp/, Sup Forums is not a fag and /mlp/ is autistic
>muuh board assigned genders
this shit gets cringier every fucking year
It was battle ship originally senpai. How are you supposed to shell you enemy with fiery death from shore.
>the only ones I could imagine are /fit/, /k/ and /mlp/
get the fuck out of here faggot holy shit
>go in attack helicopter or a Tiger II
>"Ain't Meme War hell?"
>it ain't me starts playing
no u
I'm back.
People shifted their opinion to /o/ because /lit/fags and /x/fags needed a compromise.
Also I think everyone agreed on this design
Catch up on your Sup Forums memes
That with slightly sharper features, I think
Trucker here.
Please /o/
*filters u*
I don't own a car and I've never listened to eurobeat but I'm getting urges to change that
am I the only one?
Join us.
>Not wanting to air drop into battle with /o/-tan
It's like you don't like being awesome.
>/o/ looks like she's driving with her feet
>tfw you find a good reference of Sup Forums but he's sucking dick in it
also people were saying 50s /x/ should have pointy toys, yeah? even though we're going with /o/ i want to keep drawing her
I meant tits, fuck autocorrect
Love it.
Are you going to put an Operator-chan in the back?
Breddy gud. I'm liking what I'm seeing of your /o/-tan. But please consider the following.
Car = Freedom
It was always ment to be /polo/
ebin :-DDDD
Dont forget k/ammando and moonman maple nigger
Don't ruin the thread.
:^) made me smile
Winterball is for board-tans only
Didn't /x/ put on a lot of weight anyway? After she dumped us, and now we've selected a US President we're the fucking Alpha Frog. If you know what I mean.
Also requesting the pics of overweight /x/-chan to shit on them with for revenge purposes while boomboxing Toby Keith's "How do you like me now?!"
that's mean
Fuck yes
This, drawfags, cement our rise to power
If Sup Forumssan becomes sad in the comic, it should end with Donald Trump walking in and putting his arm around us and giving us fatherly advice about never giving up, like he didn't. Then we return to the dance with /o/ and both of us enjoy the rest of our night.
Also the ball can be held at Trump Tower or the White House, courtesy of Sup Forums, all of Sup Forums is invited to either one because of our role in the meme wars.
We just selected the next President of the United States, Sup Forums. After a year and a half of struggle. We have earned the right to be the center of attention at this winter ball.
The USS Donald Trump! Fuck Yeah!
Do you think others would comply?
I mean, we're just one (1) board.
We don't need that.
why are trying to stifle his creativity?
It's stupidly embarrassing after a certain point.
We shouldn't push our stuff on our boards. Humility in victory and all that (except for /qa/ fuck those guys).
So, we're going with /o/, right?
It's mean but true. I know I'm not crazy, someone else here has to remember when /x/ became a NEET and got fat right?
I say we go with /o/, teach her to drive a panzer, and host the entire ball at Trump Tower penthouse courtesy of President Trump.
/o/ is like the one girl who loved you all along secretly but never was noticed by Senpai until we realized she had been there all along.
Yeah. Good art btw. You're forgetting his coat cape and beret though. That part is important.
basically confirmed familia
checked and keked!