This is what you voted for.
"Hate Rising"
Other urls found in this thread:
I voted so people don't get killed for leaving a religion.
I voted so gays don't get thrown off rooftops.
I voted so women don't have their clits cut off, can wear what they want, and will not be killed for being raped.
I voted for the separation of church and state. Admittedly, I don't like Pence.
Fuck you, OP. And fuck Islam.
Islam is the real fascism and Islam is the real hatred and anyone who cannot see that is a fucking retard.
>liberals confused about the difference between their anti-free speech safe spaces for toddlers and NATIONAL DEFENSE
Yeah, but let's be honest... the left honestly deserves hate. Nothing less than utter contempt.
Trump is bought and paid for by globalist Jews, of course he is going to slander Muslims
True wisdom.
I voted for an end to Safe Space
I voted for an end to Censorship of my right of free speech
I voted for the Veterans who get jack shit for their service
I voted for the black community that Democrats have been fucking voted for by them 60+ years
I voted to Prevent a Islam from corrupting the west
I voted to keep a traitor out of office
I voted for an investigation
I voted for America
I voted for Trump
Truer words are rarely spoken my friend. I too do not like Pence, but at least we will now for the first time in modern history a world leader that recognizes and admits to the danger that is Islam.
Not daring to name the problem will not make it go away, and on top of that, Hillary is well known either collude with Islamic countries, arm their "moderate" Jihadis, or cause civil wars.
I think the right choice was made.
>I don't have an argument so I'll post this meme
OP found expressing his frustration with the election outcome:
how did TB get dragged into this? give the poor guy a break, he doesnt have much life left
>1 post by this ID
Also fuck Jorge Ramos
>black memes
I cringe every time
Amen bro
Yes, it isn't intolerance it actually is bad opinions. Saying death to the west, death to the west, sharia law NOW! is a bad opinion when you live in a country in the west full of people you consider infidels with completely different laws.
You have 1 post by your ID too, idiot.
>stage a bunch of vids with white kids waving confederate flags, giving nazi salutes, and screaming how they want to kill all muslims
>be shocked when no one falls for it
Enjoy your pic related
>standing up in the middle of a press conference
>making a scene on purpose
>This is what you voted for.
You bet it is you fucking muslim faggot.
America is for Americans. Not muslims, not latinos, not bhuddists. Americans.
Kill yourself.
> PC culture
> Don't-suicide-bomb-our-shit
Apparently these are the same now.
This election showed the power of memes. Can't blame them for trying.
What did they mean by this?
Hi there, friend and welcome to Sup Forums!
Now I know this is your first time, but let me give you the tour:
Kill yourself.
I can blame them for posting a lame ad-hominem meme.
Literally none of this is happening
>Rioting in the streets
>Trump supporters have been critically injured
>PC police has been reigning up till now
Fair enough
Latinos have always been in America.
Most of the states acquired by America were colonized by Latin countries
You're damned right this is what I voted for. We don't wear tablecloths on our heads here faggot. We speak English and worship The Lord Jesus Christ here you son of a bitch. This is MY country, not yours. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from, subhuman.
>Oh you dont like to be PC huh?! Then how come you complain about the opinions of people wanting to hang gays and stone women to death huh? Checkmate bigot!
ramos hasn't got shit on elvis
TB was a clinton supporter and was the source of much salt mining when trump won. That fag even deleted his reddit account if i remember right.
>statistics on black crimes are completely false
Is this video supposed to be satire?
holy shit, do we get those helmets?
It's literally impossible to satirize the left.
If you joke about how stupid they are, they'll just see it as a challenge.
Well duh. How else are we supposed to MAGA?
>liberals think making Trump look like a street judge will have a negative effect on his popularity
Haha you don't like SJWs? That means you watch these people which means I win the arguments
Why are there women in america wearing Hijabs?
>Guy picks up the phone
>Who is that
>Who knows!
>Oh it's just the pharmacy calling that I have cancer
Yeah.... Okay... I'm sure...
He is a SJW cuck that hates Trump. Kek is punishing him.
>Latinos have always been in America.
You missed the point. It's about loyalty.
>12:30 there's poeple saying blacks kill whites
>it's radicalizing them, there's no counter to say it's not happening
>it's not happening
they can't even say it. it's happening and if they admit it their entire narrative they've built up for their whole life in their heads comes crashing down if they admit it.
would have kids with
>muh 6 million
By the way, you already have a "muslim weirdo test" with "do you want to blow us up" question, it's the Form I-94 and I-94W. You signed for them in the constitution. You asked for it to the TSA.
This comic strip is retarded and I hate social media so much for making dumb people think "wow this is so clever and funny" so they can clap their hands like walruses.
this place is getting shilled hard ffs
look at this shit.
you can't tell me this is legit. Everything looks staged as fuck.
>"yeah tom, just put on this silly costume for a minute and stand like a kkk guy would stand, you know?"
How do people still buy this shit?
Where the fuck is Molymeme?
I'm OK with it.