>wanting to exist is racist
I want off this ride
>wanting to exist is racist
I want off this ride
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that richard spencer propaganda shit is gay as fuck though
lol do they advertise on bulletin boards now?
I thought they were all about muh sicrit clup
You just couldn't help yourself with that Jared Taylor-tier FBI stats shit.
>But you see, hhhhhWhaaaahtes are simply the superior species
>heart is over Egypt
>The Right Stuff
Oh for fucks sake fuck those faggots. TRS were the fucking faggots who kept flooding this place with shill shit and anti-trump bullshit the whole election in order to get us to start going there because those faggots wanted to be the only conservative place on the internet. Fuck those faggots
It's almost as if, racist rhetoric against white people is causing a racial rift separating white people. But I'm probably wrong.
TRS are faggots, and they also do some good. Never lose sight of the goal, friend.
what are you even trying to say?
more like over crete
>Nazis still believe in phrenology
And Sup Forums says libtards are the ones that are anti-science. KEK
>le superiority
Is generation z our hope? They say they are as bad (meaning good) as the baby boomers in terms of niggers and fags
fuck white people lmao
- posted by a white person
fucking spat out my soup
Hahaha no we fucking didn't. Most exclusively post on 8c if at all.
Of course, not all whites are "brilliant". But autism is a part of whiteness too. Combined with high intelligence, it's what many times moved mankind forward.
idk, their forum is for sure but the website itself doesn't really seem like that
I love how they can't win a debate with a race realist so they just scream "racist" and stomp off.
Sorry. Blacks are taller, run faster, have more endurance, jump higher but are stupid as fuck.
Asians have faster hand eye reflexes, are smaller, more agile and smarter.
Whites are the most attractive, most influential and are pretty well rounded. Whites big weakness is their ability to be overly empathetic.
>Blacks are taller
always knew aussies were subhuman
thx spencer
lel at that picture
>clearly different skulls
>their the same
I fucking knew it.
forgot pic
The ones at the ends are kind iffy. The middle one should definitely be allowed though.
The middle one is great, if a little aesthetically underdeveloped
the left and right one are bad
i thought the same
well im a fucking idiot just realised that was the point of that picture, am i a leftist now? didnt do my research before jumping to a conclusion
I cant believe that there are people stupid enough to print stuff like that and throw it in a public place days after this election. I mean cmon people currently lose their idiotic minds and someone pulls this? WTF if you want lose all white women support again .. yeah pull this you moron.
>love who you are
>it's ok to be white
Wow, such tolerance from the peaceful and loving left.
oh shit the liberals are so desperate
Its the last picture that breaks the camels back and you fucking know it.
Fucking use your brain
>"Hey Jaquanda, what'cha doin?"
The one on the right isn't a good image for the movement. It's implying that White people are not just worthy of feeling proud, but also intrinsically better than others. Even if that is true it's gonna create a bad image for us.
"not okay"
Was there a SJW lesson that told them all to say this about everything they don't like?
Yeah, I'll agree with that. Whoever thought that last one was a good idea was stupid.
I'd bet a bunch of this shit going around on social media is false flagging though.
We won.
Steve Bannon is in the White House.
Alex Jones in the white house.
lmao the TDS madmen have really done it now
Has anyone been BTFO this hard in the history of getting BTFO?
I'll never understand why Sup Forums cherrypicks retards on social media so you can work each other up into a tizzy about it
Just ignore it, like I'm sure most of their """"friends"""" do
Nice argument, "white guy", but it's not white people's fault that your mom kicked you out.
OSU bro here. I posted this already
because pol is dim
The Daily Shoah has been talking about having listeners put up these posters around campuses across the country to trigger piss babies, gain more traffic to their site, and force university administrations to dump millions of dollars into pointless diversity and cultural awareness programs on campus
Everyone already knows that tho
Drop the race issue, at the very least in public, if you want any chance to get the White normies.
Holy crap :|
Every single goy on Sup Forums needs to be printing this shit off and putting it onto their campuses. The last time they did this, they got some college to waste a million dollars into pro-diversity efforts, we can drain the fuck out of them and it's so easy to trigger people.
>TRS were the fucking faggots who kept flooding this place with shill shit and anti-trump bullshit
everyone on TRS is also a Sup Forumstard bruh
That's the point, bb
I know who Jared Taylor is but I still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
What's the problem?
I think it was something like 80 million dollars kek
If you can find his "debate" vs RA the rugged man you will.
At UMich I believe
Didn't know Aussie's had a bigger jaw line then us.
RA The Rugged Man went to my high school
The point is to destroy any chance of support from normies or women and in fact lose most of it?
In exchange for wasting a shit lot of taxpayer money in a Trump Presidency?
Wondering wondering who is behind this post.
The growing sentiment of admiration for sempai makes me giggles every time I find their handprints. ;)
There's a lot of gay secret club shit in the alt right (especially around the TRS and TDS guys), but in general any sort of publicity is good publicity.
holy shit
That trait is attached to the shitposting gene.
So are Australians considered subhuman now? Great.
It's for maximum Listerine consumption.
Firget pic
Not an argument.
They need bigger jaws for bantz, beer and barbeque
That's stupid. How is showing two different skull shapes implying whites are superior? They're just showing that the races are different.
If they didn't have that one then lefties would just say "race is skin deep" and all that shit.
No these pro diversity initiatives have the opposite effect on white people, and the main takeaway is that we are being targeted and singled out. TRS is essentially trying to balkanize college campuses.
As for the taxpayer money, almost none of the colleges and universities here are totally state funded. It's the administration's fault for going insane over a couple flyers
I spit crackers out of my mouth. That's getting BTFO
Are you saying that Jared went out looking bad from that "debate"?
if you aren't at they very least putting up posters like this at your university or elsewhere, what the fuck else are you doing other than larping on Sup Forums?
>I'm the brown one...
I'm friends with this guy. Who is dis?
holy shit this is brilliant
What the hell are you talking about, retard?
Jared Taylor has never once stated that he believes that Whites are the superior species. In fact, he's acknowledged on countless occasions that Asians are more intelligent than Whites.
>white 'boy'
>brown 'man'
I bet her next post was "Jameequon says I'm such a white girl lol".
Or possibly "we white people need to accept we don't have any culture"
Baby boomers are the single worst generation, worse even than mellenials. Millennials are the second worst, having been raised by boomers.
Gen x is probably the best, and genz is great because they are raised by / descended from gen x
T. Millenial
>The point is to destroy any chance of support from normies or women
If you lose support from normies and women for simply pointing out the fact that race is more than skin color then we've already lost. They're too stupid to ever support us.
Im shocked that we won with these autists making stuff like this.
Just so everybody knows, 98% of the population thinks Nazi's and the KKK are bad and their endorsement or association is not helping the cause.
Like when this guy made this I was so pissed. Normies dont see the Nazis and the South as the right side of history and protip, losers never are, time to get over it.
The alt-right is literally SJW shit on the right side.
I miss the 2000's.
The point is to demonstrate there are inherent biological differences among different populations, not to necessarily indicate superiority or inferiority. Most sociology classes today claim that race is just a social construct and there are no significant genetic differences across the human genome aside from skin color and hair texture or whatever
Hey Rabbi whatcha doing?
Our power comes secrecy and fake cucks. We must make them believe that they won, that way the tears will flow even more next time.
>All of us are little kiddo college students
Some of us are older professionals
Good luck though to you.
Yeah, that's what I said.
because whats there to be gained from saying we are different? Where does this conversation go? Normies arent going to like or accept where it goes.
I've noticed this too. That's why any time I describe a black male I say "black boy" and any time I describe a white male I say "white guy" or "white man."
>The alt-right is literally SJW shit on the right side.
Yes, that is exactly right, they're doing identity politics for whites.
And that is a good thing.
The fuck do you mean by "iffy"? We're not interested in conforming to PC rules about what you can say and what you can't.
>Gen X: cynical nihilists and hedonistic materialists
>best generation
Not really. Just look at Southpark, Trey and Matt: it leads directly into being a shill for hill and the SJW culture as a substitute for identity, sense of belonging and a value system. It feeds on nihilism and creates non values of negation: whites have no culture, no identity, no traditions, it's all just a construct. They were receptible to the postmodernists, the deconstructionists.
I guess. It'd be better if there were NO identity politics. But if the other side is doing it you have to have a reaction, I guess.
Sounds like a fucking imbecile desu