Fuck Trump

"Let's heal the divide!"
"Trump won fair and square!"

Fuck you racist, misogynistic, homophobic pieces of shit. Where were you when we were trying to unite the country under equality for everyone? The time for healing was during the election and now it's too fucking late. Hillary won the popular vote fair and square, but Russia rigged and stole the election out from under her.

Trump will never build his wall.
Trump will never repeal Obamacare.
Trump will never overturn abortions.
Trump will never overturn marriage equality.
Trump will never deport undocumented immigrants.

Fuck you pieces of shit for ever falling for his bullshit in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:


Since CTR isn't paying you anymore don't you have some rioting to do?

Can obvious bait threads that put nothing forward to discuss become a bannable offense yet?

Fuck off CTR

Keep crying faggot


>>>/leftypol/ and stay there


So peaceful, so tolerant.

Verdommter Mongo Kanker jung!

>russia rigged it
kek pic related,
nothing you said was an argument. I always thought we went too far meming your general opinions but damn its true.
"Trump will never build his wall.
Trump will never repeal Obamacare.
Trump will never overturn abortions.
Trump will never overturn marriage equality.
Trump will never deport undocumented immigrants."

you said that exactly for his victory chances you dumb fake "communists".
Go back to taking care of your wifes son.
"Democracy is the worst system" -Jonathan Meese

ahaha btfo


and you leftist fuckers will end up in jail with a bullet in head.

dont you trust me ?

just ask Gudrun Ensslin, Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof


based Turkroach.

Why are you still here Benjamin?

Have you fallen in love with us now?
Well forget about that, we're not homos like you.

You will become us!

>TRUMP / Þorr Óðinson is lit the God emperor
>AQ and ISIS will fall
>Hillary will hopefully be jailed before she dies, but she doesn't have much time left
>Comey will burn
>You will burn, you might be able to save your asses


Sit down and watch the show, we don't even need to hack them anymoar.....

rapefugees will all be sent home, like we deport ALL somalis

Stop being such a kike, and become us, it is inevitable. If you are here too much, you become us, because then you understand us

Welcome onboard Benjamin Fischbein ex CTR now Legion

Welcome to our family that grows and grows

Dear commie: other commies hate your anti-Trump stance.


We are aboo bongs, we be legionz and shieeeetz, we forget all the time, we iz forgivings jebusguy n shieeeeets

You are one of us now


we are your senpai now


>We want peace
>Fuck peace

Which is it?

Eric's name is really Magni Þorson!
He will take the hammer and the belt, the next iceage 3 years in
>when all hell breaks loose
where do you think you get that expression from?
>It's lit Hel that comes with her army from Helheimen on her ship Naglfar, made of dead men's toe nails

That's a long tymu til. VingÞor and his son is walking again. After Ragnarök is over Eric/Magni will take Donald J Trump's/ÁsaÞor's place

We will evolve and are no longer homo sapiens

welcome to our family


>everyone that comes here to infiltrate, becomes us
>it's inevitable

Go cry on Huffington Post, you ultra nigger-faggot. Whether you like it or not, Trump (PBUH) will lead our nation into a glorious golden age.

WTF Stojan!

Fuck peace. Why contain this rioting? Let it spill over to the schools and churches LET THE BODIES PILE UP IN THE STREETS. In the end, they will beg us to save them.
The liberals are desperate, of course they are desperate. They can smell their death and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.

Because that's worked well for you so far you mentally ill degenerate


you raff you ruse

>American Leftists

>commies who teamed up with Islamic terrorist

Nothing changes.

>Where were you when we were trying to unite the country under equality for everyone?
I think I was reading Mein Kampf or something.

This is going to be so fun when the prisons fill up with butthurt SJWs who take it to far.
