The MILO issue continues

The MILO issue continues:

This has to be adressed. There is nothing courageous about bashing catladies, migrants and body image activists, especially given the fact he is having the faggot-shield out in the open.

Really need to keep exposing this guy, before he takes more of the center stage.

This happening is the same phenomenon as Caitlyn Jenner getting a female of the year award.

Other urls found in this thread:

I tried telling my friend that he was Jewish but he said he was actually a Catholic, and then we both looked it up and it's true.

He has no jewish blood in him

I've never listend to a word that faggot has said

Cut that shit out. Milo is a gateway drug for normies. I started with Milo and it brought me here, then to DS which in turn brought me home. He's harmless and will burn himself out.


I've heard his words, but not once have I taken them into my mind and pondered them.
He has not and cannot say anything that has not been said before already. Milo is a puppet, and you can read it on his face that he does not share the same value that the average white man idealizes in his life. In my terms that would be, to maintain a good work ethic that provides for himself, family, and those others he choses to provide for, whilst having the freedom to smile and frown upon whatever the fuck they want. Pretty much the same I'd figure across all humans, but the older I grow and the more I get to know those of other races, a pattern emerges that shows "to maintain a good work ethic...." does not fit into their periscopes. They rather skip to the "smile and frown at whatever the fuck they want" part.


Fuck Milo and fuck whatever rhetoric he may or may not spit, for it has already been said before and there are sources more credible than him that i'll listen to for it.

what's wrong with having a gay jew on our side? If anything it's positive you goober.

the election is over milo, now PLS GO

Milo is trash, and confessed to being Jewish multiple times.

you fucking dumb kraut

>Milo Jewinopolis isn't jeeish
>his mom is jewish.


I know he ain't catholic because I am one and catholics don't behave like he does.

He acts like a jew.

Catholics act like nazis.

>claims to care about work ethic
>won't even do the work of thinking about what people have to say
>lumps people into categories so they'll be easier to understand and he won't' have to work at figuring them out individually
Pretty embarrassing my man.

dude he's probably going to die of niggeraids soon

let him have his fun stormfags

other than fucking niggers and being a faggot milo is based.

Stormweenies can't handle his bants

>JIDF and kikebart shilling this hard

B-but he is based!

No he isn't he sells BBC t shirts, and the model is a blonde woman.

What is this?

Sorry, am I autist

Shit man, I just gotta take this opportunity to say, young people with white hair freak me right out.
But I'm also kinda jealous. Not everyone is so lucky.
>pic related

Prove it

>inb4 he throws a tantrum


>Categorizing is bad
Hi SJW also not a fucking argument

great another thread. so much spam i could eat for days

>catholics act like nazis

>it's a stormnigger roleplay thread


>I'll bash Milo who is a based faggot and a pretty cool guy at the urging of a movement that can't even spell their own name.

It's true though, for whatever reason, real, hardcore catholics are almost always either NatSoc or Facist or are very sympathetic towards them. I don't understand why though to he honest.

Look at what Kennedy said about Adolf Hitler.

>he doesn't know about the anti-jew, catholics.

>He thinks he's in readdit

Fuck off cunt.
I hate you Reddit alt right faggots so much, you're only slightly more tolerable than the liberals.
Sup Forums is anti fag
Sup Forums is pro Christian
Fucking kill yourself or at least duck off back to your video games or twitch streams.

I'm not your dad. Do your own homework. .

Its almost like hardcore catholics are rare nowadays

thats code for "i dont have any"

Milo is a fifth column in the right wing world

He isn't to be trusted because he is a traitor and a liar, even if you tolerate his kike genes and faggotry.

triggered fatty detected

I don't ever think this guy was a spokesmen for white nationalists, he just speaks out about political correctness and he's perfect for it because he's gay and nobody can do the white privilege thing.

>jewish is just a religion and not an ethinicity

I didn't think there were retards on pol of all places that falll for this meme

Are you a retard? The "we do" was from the perspective of the boogeymen, not from Milo's perspective.

There isn't a single source on Milo being jewish. You're just making stuff up to fit your personal narrative so that you can continue shitposting.

gay milo has more worth than 100 defeated germans.

I dont like Milo for his degenrate niggerloving faggotry, but he does make sense in that picture. He never claimed to be a gamer, and was quite public about not being one. Anita however is not a gamer and claimed publicly to be one. There is a difference.

>There is nothing courageous about bashing catladies, migrants and body image activists

This is 99% of what Sup Forums does lol

Still kikey exploitive bullshit.

Still is not the worst he's done.

Still trying to find that collage.

The guy actually goes into college campuses and redpills students, unlike most people here posting in their underpants all day.

This is true for me too, except for whatever the hell dc is.

He only does it to get publicity for himself and the site he works for.

He's the biggest bandwagoning piece of filth I've ever seen.



You mean steal their money under a disguise of a charity for white males in poverity.

Yeah I could've really used that money since the government's assistance still doesn't cover the fucking cost of just a mere trade school.

Jail him with Bill.

All these people are the system trying to assimilate the alt right. Fuck him.

No you are autiste
Just kidding, its a podcast Daily shoah on Rightstuff.bizz they along with Fash the nation pretty much called Trump victory

Don't you worry Axel, Mike Pence will deal with Milo...

Calm down Daily shoah is not pro fag

>There is nothing courageous about bashing SJWs


>like the guy from snacht.

fuckin casuals

he's not a leader of anything

>bashing... migrants

yes we should bash (illegal) migrants

in the head

>promise to hold gay pride parade in muslim areas of Sweden
>back out
>get awarded for courage

He's probably raised Catholic but he's subversive like a kike and claims either or when it suits him

THere's nothing more disgusting than a gay person who fucks blacks.

Except for a gay jew that fucks blacks.

I guarantee at some point he has had Jewish blood in him...and Haitian blood, Puerto Rican blood, Fillipino blood, etc. etc.

In mosts of his talks he says he's Christian
We just gotta get him up in power to watch the great banter between milo and mike pence

i hope he really does it in the future. trump being elected really has given a lot of people newfound hope and courage like never before.

no one's going to look through one of his 8 hour gamergate streams to find evidence for some leaf

Waht the fuck are you guys smoking? He triggers normies and feminists, that's literally all that matters. He makes funny videos on youtube and pisses normies off big time. Are you not entertained by that? Is that not why you're here? Literally who gives a fuck what his reasons are for doing this.

Has been adresses a billion times by Milo. If you still post this shit at this point, there's really no reason to talk to you.


We wouldn't know who our deep agent is, it's the whole point of a deep agent.

end this meme.










He will pay that grant, he has been delaying it for over half a year now

He burnt it all on faggot nigger prosititutes and crack.

i like Milo though. I think more gay people should be like him.


Stop with the reddit shit. Please, you have to go back across the Channel.

>Literally who gives a fuck what his reasons are for doing this.

Because I'd rather support genuine people and not fake money-hungry faggots.

Pence is going to fix him

I can personally claim some responsibility for bringing this degenerate down. I poared threads saily on Sup Forums for months outing him and bashing his heathen ways.

It wentfrom me beimg called a Divide and Conquerer, to the guy with a level head.

Noe that wverbody knowshe scammed his followers twice and took their mone. He's dead and only plebbitors like him.
Nah, mate. That's what Nosfaratu looks likes.

He does good work, he gets paid for it. What's your problem with that? It's called free market, I'm sure even a leaf like you has heard of that.

Look at all the Jew loving Kikebart shills ITT.

>body image activists
Hey I thought CTR shut down already. What are you still doing here?

Auriniposting kills milo threads pretty good.

Can't wait to see milo go to prison for that grant fraud.

He's probably not even gay. Has anyone here actually seen him with a cock in his ass? It's all a show.


>Mike "Use butt-plugs? Get spark plugs." Pence
>Mike "Electric Rainbow" Pence
>Mike "Like cock? Get shocked!" Pence
>Mike "Beat your ass into a gapping crater? Meet your creator!" Pence

I want to shoot this guy.

His face disgust me

Nietzsche said that jews are anti-nature and you can clearly see this with Milo. He infiltrated a movement and changed it from the inside.
Look at the right nowadays, they're fine with everything just to piss off muslims and SJWs. It's ridiculous.It's like the leftists who accepts everything just to destroy the nuclear family and make whites mad.

>Sleep with niggers
>Not gay


Milo is good people , storm fags can suck a dick.

WTF, White guy raped for supporting Trump

WTF, White guy raped for supporting Trump

milo dindu nuffin

he brings tears to lefty eyes, that all that counts to me

ITT shills trying to splinter PR Department.

Only reddit mras take that faggot seriously


you would.

See pic related in

Milo's only purpose is to de-radicalize and co opt Sup Forums, as seen by his attempts to color it as a racist for lulz kosher alt rightâ„¢

Alt-right needs to distance themselves from that kike.

>Caitlyn Jenner getting a female of the year award.
well now that all of thats over with where is the battle for megido suppose to take place they said something about a venue change because of potential interference from stupid military forces in the region


I like jews who reveil other jews plans.

All the other jews' gold teeth is yours for the taking schomolo.

sign this

I'm not Jewish those memes aren't gonna hurt me(not that Jews don't tell shoah jokes 100 times more than you guys)

>all these Milo cucks
All you need is here. Stop supporting this subversive kike.

Making America Gay Again.

There's like 3 posts here less than a minute apart from different Brazilian IDs. Is this some kind of advanced counter-shilling satire meant to mock stupid CTR agents?

>durr durf Milo is bad
Heh sure

I meant it as friendly banter mate, not for harm.

> kikes dont lie about their allegiance

good goy