Which amendment would you repeal/add pol?
Which amendment would you repeal/add pol?
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Repeal women's right to vote.
They only vote for handouts. They only believe in the government. They only virtue signal.
Bruh, white women voted for Trump. The gender gap is insignificant compared to the race gap.
The 13th and have Obama as my personal house negro.
16th fuck the Income Tax
>white women voted for Trump
barely half
women have a proven track record of shit voting, there's not even a reason to let them in the first place
a woman's vote usually nullifies her husbands or fathers vote
13 + 15
white women are the forefront of western feminism you stupid cuck.
any male of any race is better suited to vote than a woman, period.
I'd honestly make the 1st and 2nd amendments clear af so there's no stepping around them.
the 13th, 15th, 16th, and 19th
How about this: only married white women can vote
how about only net taxpayers
then zero women and zero minorities will vote, and you sidestep the whole "muh vagina muh race" thing
>The federal reserved
>AlsoPlz Roth child's don't kill me
We need 2 global monopoly banks, using the power of the illusion of money to reach Mars and pull out the eggs out of one basket
Also it would bring a "higher balance " which it would serve global survivalist agenda and your global agenda of involve everyone in one big global economy,
You can win by quitting.
Wow is this actually a possibility? As in, will this actually happen?
Strict Photo Voter ID law in all states + mandatory paper trail
This is the way to go
We still need 2/3 of the senate. 2018 maybe?
It would depend on which amendment republicans would want to set out.
Can't believe no one has mentioned birthright citizenship yet. We're the only country that still has this shit.
just make it so tax payers vote
That was a court decision in the 80s that could easily be overturned. No amendment needed
Clarify the second amendment and make it so simple even a democrat can understand it.
>Something like
>The government may never interfere in the purchase of firearms and accessories, nor pass laws to incrementally remove this right
Whad? 53% of white females voted Trump. Also picrelated. You sure have problems with females don't you.
14th, Birthright Citizenship. The butthurt would be worse than Trump's victory.
What court case? Birthright citizenship is a part of the 14th ammendment.
>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
I want gigantic night lit statue of Kek in every state to spell giant KEK across USA so it can be seen from soace at night.
Or only married couples with at least two children and no felony record for either parent. One vote per household.
Widows and widowers can keep their vote, but divorcees would lose theirs.
>They only vote for handouts. They only believe in the government. They only virtue signal.
How about this, then: you must be actively employed and pay taxes to vote.
19th AINEC
Married white women turned out for Clinton.
White women voted for Trump
Women vote right when they're in the right household
All of them.
I'm talking about the anchor baby part it wasn't until the 80s that children of illegals were citizens
I'd fix the 8th so that after a certain point you lose that protection. If you're willing to continually commit crimes then it's clear you cannot be redemed and we should make an example out of you. Kinda like the three strikes law, but infinitely more harsh.
can this somehow still happen? repeal the ius soli, no more anchor babies!!
Almost every single one after the original 10
Hopefully removing birthright citizenship for foreigners (only legal residents and citizens should have that). In a midterm election where no democrats show up, I could see it happening easily.
How conservative is Nebraska? They have a unicameral non-partisan legislature. Conservatives may very well have the necessary states to pass any constitutional amendment they want and they just don't know it yet.
I don't even need to look that up to know it's untrue. Married women vote republican
repeal the last 15 or so
Repeal 13, 15, 19
This this this. Could actually be passed and would provide a huge net positive.
Say that to my face and not online and see what happens, beta.
Is like to add to this that if you need government assistance you cannot vote
>mfw Obama's legacy is that Republicans get literally 100% control of the country
Niggers just can't get anything right, can they?
Add 2 term limit to all the representative offices.
Get out of your parents basement and meet a few of them ffs. Women can be great, but without the right guidance they are basically retarded children.
Repeal the 21st amendment
White men voted even more. You can lose women no problem.
Ban district two as they are full of niggers and spics.
District one and three are based though.
Nebraska is solid red, so yeah it might actually be possible next year.
Birthright citizenship didn't orginally apply to anchor babies. All we need is a right wing judge to overturn the anchor baby interpretation of birthright citizenship
This. 19th is pure cancer and the root of so much future evil. Please make it retroactive
No, that's Hillary's legacy. Obama stopped being leader of the party a year ago.
More than a few countries have it, just saying.
Remove birthright citizenship and require that at least one parent be a citizen and the other must not be here illegally or on a tourist visa.
Id repeal the one that allows congress to give themselves a pay raise
Sounds good to me.
which is more likely going red: Minnesota or New Mexico?
remember that every GOP state becomes a Right-To-Work state, and thus destroys any chance of a Democrat resurgence (this will be especially true after the immigration crackdown/quotas, national voter ID law and 2020 gerrymandering)
The assumption here is that Republicans and Democrats always follow the party line. That's simply untrue so his fearmongering can be ignored.
That's true and you can make an argument for that, but a left wing judge could easily reverse it in the future. It's better to make an amendment and 100% settle it while we still have the chance.
white women lead to the rest of that shit
Trump dynasty when?
NM, Minnesota is Canada atm.
The entire bill of rights besides the second amendment
13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 26
>Birthright citizenship didn't orginally apply to anchor babies
Wtf? Why?
The 14th's language clearly states "all persons" with no qualifiers.
The Republicans control a little more than 50% of the seats of both the House of Representatives and the Senate in the Congress. You need a 2/3 vote in each house (or is it 2/3 vote of the Congress of a whole?). You need 3/4 of the states to assent to any constitutional amendment. Republicans control one state less than the necessary, however, a good, pragmatic constitutional amendment could persuade a the necessary Blue Dogs (conservative Democrats) in Nebraska.
Congressional representatives should be paid by the state they are from.
>white women are the forefront of western feminism you stupid cuck.
That's why we need to help cultivate the division that is now growing between white women and minority women.
Minnesota already has a republican state legislature.
Looking strictly at voter numbers in the 2016 election, Minnesota.
But looking at voting history in the past 30 years, New Mexico.
Repeal direct election of senators. Add voter ID requirement.
Why is Washington so cucked?
Pretty sure the massive shift in the House and Senate happened under Obama.
>conservative democrats in nebraska
Nebraska straight up voted conservative
I checked and Republicans have 32 state legislatures and including Nebraska puts them at 33. You're just down by one (need 34 for 2/3rds). It might be possible to convince a split state like Maine or Colorado though.
Not one of you mentioned 18. I'm disappointed.
The direct election of Senators is retarded. Giving the power back to the states needs to happen.
Repeal the 2nd
Come on down to Kansas, you Corn Huskers.
The Dems would get rekt in the senate if this happened. I like it
>Subject to the jurisdiction thereof
That's not how people read it before. With good reason, the concept of anchor babies is absolutely insane. No sovereign nation would tolerate it.
>subject to the jurisdiction thereof
There you go. Pretty explicitly means illegals giving birth would be excluded. Nobody has the funds or desire to step up and challenge that though.
Maybe soon.
wrong, we need white women to combat the nigger vote
what needs to happen is a total repeal of the 13th amendment followed by a closing down of immigration and a national right to abortion. This would destroy the Democrats' base over the long term as it would either gentrify or abort it's children
2/3rds of both houses OR 2/3rds of legislature
low quality bait
In all honesty the 22nd, if Congress won't have term limits neither should the President
Repeal the 15th. Dindus and other non-whites hate America and only vote for officials who also hate America. No one was surprised when their anti-Trump protests involved flag-burning.
Repeal the 19th. Women by their nature are incompatible with politics.
Add an amendment which abolishes the electoral college system. Although this system was the only reason why Trump was elected, it often gives results that a majority of voters do not want. As long as we also repeal women's and minorities' rights to vote, this shouldn't create any problems with electing strong white nationalist leaders into office.
Add an amendment which authorizes the sterilization of all racial minorities and makes it illegal for anyone who is not of European descent from migrating to the United States.
13th should be applied only to citizens.
4 year term limit on state senators. Career politicians are ruining our country.
Might not be a bad idea to amend the 14th to stop the bastardization of it's intent by the courts.
You don't need 2/3 of Congress - there's a second option where the states call a convention for proposing amendments. Only a simple.manority of Congress is required for that.
House of Representatives
D 37–28
R 18–17
House of Representatives
D 77–72, 2 Independent
R 18–17
>New York
State Assembly
D 107-42, 1 Ind.
State Senate
Coalition (31 R, 6 ID)-26
House of Representatives
D 51–47
State Senate
(Coalition 24 R, 1 D)-24
Californians, basically.
Also the tech mecca that started there in the 90's drew all sorts of "progressives" from not only the bay area but certain parts of the midwest and other areas.
Washington outside King County used to be Red As Fuck. But since the influx of californites to seattle/king county, the area has seen some weird demographic things going on. Housing prices skyrocketing forced most of the minorities down to Tacoma and pierce county, which used to be conservative as fuck back in the day....not so much anymore with the groid and spic vote. Olympia used to not be so crazy liberal as today, but the population influx in seattle drove a lot of proto-hipsters out looking for the "new cool place" free of "normies". So they flood into Olympia and Portland, changing both places irreparably. The huge influx of people into king county as mentioned drove housing prices sky high forcing a lot of people to move east and north also, areas that used to be 2 stoplights and a corner store up by Lynnwood/Edmonds/etc are now miles and miles of shitty tract housing and strip malls. Everett used to be a "small town" almost, now...not so much.
The population of Washington almost doubled since the mid 90's, and the vast majority of that population squished into western washington driving out locals, raising property values, and changing the entire character of the area. Like a social nuclear bomb going off leaving shitty faux-cali leftist policies and a McCulture that is as pathetic as it is conformist.
I feel for the eastern WA folks, but they've been getting flooded with beaners for the last 15 years so they've got more important shit to worry about.
TLDR: WA Is a shit hole and fucked.