How far will this pendulum swing back?
How far will this pendulum swing back?
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They could've done a better job photoshopping that.
>When Trump and Mike Pence ran around the White House with Nazi flags
>When Trump and Mike Pence ran around the White House with Rhodesia flags
>Pepe flags
So far it will break off and never come back
Now THAT's gay.
It's a shop, right? RIGHT?
hopefully very little. if trump administration does anything to make gay marriage illegal, then he will not win re-election. the best thing trump can do is avoid social issues like the plague, focus on immigration, infrastructure and economy.
>When Trump and Pence chase fags around the white house with electric cattle prods
The Trump administration won't. The Supreme Court justices Trump appoints will. It will become a states' issue again.
If Trump stays alive: Nothing, but there will be no more of this gay celebration bs in the government.
If Trump dies: Pence will maybe try to do something to stop gay marriage.
So far that you will become a Democrat.
I convinced this dude at work that they are going to send the gays to camps were they will re-educate them. It is one of the way's Trump will create jobs
Hopefully a lot. 2016 has been amazing
"hurr trump's gonna bring back nazism and gas the gays i read about it on infowars!!!11"
No. The difference between SJWs and trump is that trump doesn't give a fuck. He only cares about the job- who people are or what they do in their spare time doesn't matter to him.
If you think trump is going to be some massive demagogue and the second coming of hitler then you're just as much an insufferable faggot as any liberal-- who gives a FUCK. The only thing trump cares about is money and america
It won't this time. People have developed a tolerance to being called racist/sexist/whatever after the liberals overplayed their hand for the past 2 or 3 decades.
power armor, bolters, kill all heretics
Obama and Biden apparently got a decent time of just over 10m to jog round all of white house.
Too bad they'll never beat bush who did 9:11
white phosphorous bantz are banned by the geneva convention
No matter how hard you try to force this meme, it's not going to take.
Yes it will
All the way please
The Alt-right doesn't exist, faggot. It doesn't need a symbol
To retarded liberals this is more important than ACTUALLY supporting things that help the gay community like high paying jobs and protection form Islamic extremism.
To liberals this frivolous action holds more weight than the fact that Obama was publicly anti-gay marriage until like 2012
god dammit its pissing me off because I know allegedly "smart" liberals that are just absolute partisan retards.
>When Trump and Pence ran around the White house with hanged fags
What's the point of
1) coming out
2) gay pride
3) gay identity
Being "gay" is just where you want to stick your dick
This, I want to stick my dick in my sister but I dont flaunt that around.
Sorry, no.
I won't allow it.
Honestly i thought the left would make a comeback but this election has been an absolute disaster for the Democrats. It's an even bigger blow than the one Obama gave to Republicans in 08. I don't even know if they'll take back the senate in the midterms.
and their post election freakout is literally driving moderates away.
I mean ive never voted republican in my life until now and i look at these hysterical facebook posts about how im pure evil and should fucking die.
kk, I never want to be associated with these kind of people again.
This is what I don't get. I think your sexuality is something that should be between you and your partner/potential partner. Why go up to your parents and basically say "I like cock." what the fuck is the point in telling them what you want to fuck/be fucked by?
Imagine how awkward it would have been to be the photographer for that staged shoot. Just a long, empty hallway. No noise other than the loud footsteps echoing and clicking of the camera. Couple of SS standing silently behind you with their arms crossed. "Did that look natural?" Obama would ask before walking all the way back to the other end to go through another take.
Trump said trannies can piss in whatever toilet they want.
And that gay marriage is simply a states rights issue, not one for the government to ban.
He's probably the most pro-gay republican every.
>How far will this pendulum swing back?
Trump and Pence will run around the white house with a 'Nazi frog' flag.
This is the 2018 senate map. Unless Trump fucks up royally, there's no way the Dems will retake it. GOP could pick up NM, MO, FL, MT, ND, IN, OH, WV, VA, WI, and PA if they play their cards right and possibly even more
man, it's making me wet thinking about this
Well I'm a faggot who's never told my parents explicitly, but they once found the internet history when I was about 14 because I fucked up, so they know.
I'll tell them properly whenever I get with someone. But yeah, I really dislike people who make it their entire personality. I just like guys, it doesn't make anything else about me change.
I'm queer and I voted Trump. I put it this way, I don't have 8 grand tied up in my sexual orientation, I do have 8 grand tied up in my gun collection though. I don't rely on the nanny state to protect me from criminals, I rely on my aim and trigger control. I advocate that every LGBT person should be armed and trained, if that happens the violence against us would end overnight. Unfortunantly the Left has poisoned many of my fellows into accepting their status as potential victims. I know we love our bantz here, but I'm not even exagerating when I say I will put a bitch in the ground if they think this faggot is going to be fucked with.
And if you think the GOP will allow the overturning of Obergefell, then I think you're in for a disappointment. The GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about gay marriage if it harms their election chances like it does now. The SCOTUS handed the GOP a solution to their problem on a fucking platter, allowing them to save face to the Evangelicals while privately thanking God itself that the issue is now off the table and out of the news. The GOP gains nothing by bringing gay marriage back up, therefore they won't.
How many rocks have Trump supporters biffed at you from their car so far? A dozen? Two dozen? Stay safe!
This is making me so fucking hard right now. the nigs and beaners NEVER bother showing up for midterms because they're too low-agency. The sort of democrats who show up for midterms are the blue collar white democrats... aka, the people that left to join the Trump Train.
Stacking the deck with fresh GOP senators and replacing the current cuckservative senators/congressmen would be absolutely fantastic. My boner can only get so erect.
>It's a "the Commander in-Chief of the FUCKING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and his buttbuddy literally fuck each other in the ass in the White House episode before sucking off his """"""""""""""""wife""""""""""""""""" episode
Trump couldn't have come soon enough.
Being "gay" came from a time when homos actually were persecuted, it's a form of tribal solidarity for people that were rejected by society (so they made their own).
Now that people care less the "gay lifestyle" is fading because it's no longer needed. Fewer and fewer people act out the stereotypes.
t. gigantic homo
Dems honestly look fucked there. Just look at the rust belt all up for grabs, prime R territory to gain with how trump has swung working class whites from the dems. And they're fucked in really red states like Montana and West Virginia for sure.
so are they still counting votes or is it over?
Trump was the first presidential candidate to ever hold a pflag in public
Well said
>Now that people care less the "gay lifestyle" is fading because it's no longer needed. Fewer and fewer people act out the stereotypes.
And leftists are now beginning to scream about MUH HETERONORMITIVITY because we want to find someone and settle down into a comfy married life.
There's 10 states on that map that voted for Trump with Democratic senators, plus you have uncucked Minnesota now and states like VA and NM that elect R senators.
If we run fiscally moderate, culturally conservative people in a new Trumpite wing of the party for those states it'll be the biggest majority in Senate history.
I mean thats almost a given. Sup Forums seems to take sides with the party that isnt in power.
Now,that social shit will be leaving politics the left has nothing.
They were supposed to be worried about building roads and instead they worried about bathrooms.
They are over.
Repent, sodomite.
wow when did this happen?and is this why many gays support trump?
It will shatter the political scale this time. The earth will be cleansed of leftists, faggots and other degenerates and all their literature burned, the internet censored hardcore and the only "left wing" literature to be found will be on some peoples hard drives... which will also change due to advancing surveillance technology.
And when we fixed the western world, we will take care of the over population by genociding africa and south america.
Some Democrat on Cavuto this morning said their party is on the worst shape since Reconstruction. This is as bad for them as military occupation of their base of power.
Praise KEK
He is actually the most pro-gay candidate as in he thinks they should just be treated like humans
the ones upset dont want equality they want special privileges and thats the fundamental lie of the left
They convince people that they are wronged and thus are owed reparations. They dont want equality
They have dropped the ball completely by playing identity politics and abandoning what was always their core support. White working class people.
Same shit has happened here, Labour is only popular in SJW cities and shitholes full of immigrants now, the white working class areas are abandoning them in droves to go to UKIP.
Trump has essentially saved the republican party by shifting it from being anti-gay to a position of "we don't really give a fuck".
Iran is a country whose leader literally said "gays don't exist here". that's the kind of country that disowns their kids for it, beats them, drags them behind trucks, and throws them off buildings.
identifying yourself as gay and making yourself a "demographic" means political rights
They let neoliberals like the clintons piss off their main voting base (white working people) and then let SJWs in who pissed off even more people. The party has been ruined by the hubris of the left, abandoning economic leftism that people supported and embracing social leftism that almost no one wanted.
The same thing is happening to social democratic parties all over europe, working people have realised they're just all globalist neoliberals now and begun switching votes to nationalist parties.
I keep thinking about their disappointment turning to anger and actual organization. It's clear the DLC and DNC can't get their shit together, but I wonder if liberals might decide to have a tea party of their own.
>running around with flags > not letting a gay murders into your country
T. Liberals
The left image fucking kills me every time.
Post original.
Remind me.
Is Biden the guy who said to a 13year old "you have no idea how horny you make me"?
The millenials at Imgur always cream themselves over this guy and his "bro-love" with Obama.
Yes he is, he's super obvious with his pedophilia.
1. The gay marriage public opinion is too far swayed. i can't imagine republican senators would even bring up a bill
2. you'd hear nothing but hypocrisy claims about Trump having 3 wives
3. if he's not focusing on the more important domestic issues, i'd be irritated
4. the supreme court is still probably a justice or 2 away from all the ruling and overturning they'd have to do
"honored" not horny
>I wonder if liberals might decide to have a tea party of their own
I can see a Sanders wing forming, but the problem for them is that thet wing is guaranteed to be far-left with identity politics. There's no way they'll regroup in time for 2018, and if the GOP makes a few strategic pivots it's game over.
I too believe that all humans should be treated equally that's why anti-sodomy laws are practiced on all people in our country even heterosexuals.
sadly being passive towards lgbt people doesn't work eg bakeries getting sued for refusing to serve a wedding cake
I didn't believe in my heart that so many inbred retarded tiny dick white racist homophobes existed. Now, people like me will be beaten to death in the street by right wing death squads. I don't even fucking know what to tell my wife's 3 year old son. Children of mixed races will be bullied for not being "pure" under a Trump Presidency. Literally shaking right now. Thanks Drumpftards
Don't worry.
The liberals didn't vote for Bernie, they didn't vote for Hillary, they won't vote for the mid-terms.
What would Mike Pence wave around the white house? A flag made of homosexuals burnt skin filled with static electricity?
You're probably right. If the "we have no politics but MUH IDENTITY" how would they coalesce as a political movement?
There's still the Obama election in 2008, but maybe that was just a unique moment.
The flag picture are more believable than that video.
Holy shit you are horrible. You sound like the left. Burning books? Destroying knowledge? What are you a nigger sacking Alexandria? Kill yourself my man. Read a book and don't get all info online. I hate das kapital too but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to read it.
Trump isn't like Mike "Gas the gays, and everything will be okay" Pence. Trump doesn't give a shit about two dudes fucking and marrying. He even supports it.
Everything will remain as is.
Fuck off with this bullshit symbol.
Pepe is and always will be our symbol
Praise kek
considering he's appointing conservatives to the supreme court, and people can now easily challenge many laws and win, I wouldnt get so ahead of myself there
looks like a printer logo
>gay adoption
The kid was the one guy's biological son, not much the state can do about that unless you want to give them the ability to remove kids from biological parents before abuse happens, which is a terrible idea.
Sanders became way too subservient to pivot back to his anti-establishment message. There are no other legitimate socialist candidates now, none that could even come close to dislodging an incumbent president.
Watch the DNC make token changes to the superdelegate system and repeat their mistakes in 2020.
The "oops we seemed to have got the last 2-4 weeks a bit wrong" media hasn't learned anything, so I really don't expect the politicians to have learned much either.
>How far will this pendulum swing back?
All the way to where raping a dudes ass will be considered one of the most hyper masculine one could do.
It will become culturally the manliest thing one could do and totally not gay at all. Since it will come to be considered that taking a dudes dick will be hella gay but giving a dude dick in his but will totally not be gay and people thinking that will be considered stupid and ostracized
trips of truth
I don't think it's impossible for them to pull an upset similar to Trump's.
Trump won because the dems got fat off their victories.
They became content and started to ignore things left and right, putting on blinders to everything but "PROGRESS".
But they just got a giant orange dick thrust in their face from behind those blinders and they're currently in a state of shock.
I think it's naive to assume they're just going to put the blinders back on and run into a wall at this point.
You're doing the same thing they did. You're underestimating the ability of the opponent to change in response to getting shut down.
Come 2018, I expect there to be a VERY different campaign run by the dems than past midterms. They're going to do their damndest to get voters out this time because they realize how hard they got fucked up.
Likewise, you are all starting to put on those blinders yourselves.
>Oh, rural white votes don't matter, we outnumber them, it's fine.
>Oh, niggers don't vote in midterms, it's fine.
I think 2018 is going to be something magical.
In response to the OP, I think we could actually be at the edge of the swing already, and things could easily start swinging back hard.
One wing of the party wants to make a Muslim the next DNC chair. That is the last protected group card they have to play. It is a desperate effort to appease the far left wing and keep the divisiveness in play.
Bernie is supporting the guy.
Priase kek. We are gonna get tired of winning folks.
>It is a desperate effort to appease the far left wing and keep the divisiveness in play.
The far left cares about class far more than race, they think identity politics is just a neoliberal bait & switch (which it is).