Can I be a Transhumanist and still support Trump?

Can I be a Transhumanist and still support Trump?

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Yeah I don't see why not

Peter Thiel is a billionaire transhumanist who supports Trump. Check his wikipedia page, he wants science to make us immortal.

Transhumanism is Satanic, and the Antichrist is the Singularity

You could support him in a pragmatic, expedient way. Voting for Hitler to expedite anti-racism for example.

Fucking augs get out REEEEEEEEE.
The working class can't afford augs yet

>Peter Thiel named to Trump's presidential transition team


>When the US is supporting a tiny African nation and a mid-sized Hispanic nation

Once Hart Celler is repealed and the proxy wars with Russia end, we can focus our spending, science, and engineering from butter (gibs) and guns (war and war accessories) to nuclear energy, life extension, and GITS yesterday.

The only thing worse than an aug is a xeno.
>We will see an Aug president
>We will see a xeno immigration
The future is bleak for us Earthers.

Do transhumans get separate bathrooms?

I'm a transhumanist too, but if you ever want our civilization to progress at any decent speed we need to reject the influence of islam and negro culture.

I want to augment the fuck out of me.
Explain why you don't want to have stronger cyber-legs and cyber-arms.

that sounds like something to spread to your enemies

Careful, don't want to fuck with Gawd now do we

>augment yourself
>giving control of your body to ((((them))))
>destroying the body the lord has given to you

You mean a corporate slave to whatever malware infested "H-PLUSS XD" tat they get you to implant into your pock marked ass

Because gene splicing is better than getting your limbs hacked off and replacing them with Walmart brand robo arms that your 12 year old neighbor can hack into and make you go on a shooting spree.


That depends. Did you ever ask for this?

I'm an animoprhic. Can I still support trump?

>not already having an embedded biomedical microdevice
Enjoy getting seperated from your mom in the mall

>gene splicing
Nothing could possiblie go wrong.

>illegal immigrant

>science to make us immortal
Good luck stopping the heat death of the universe, Peter

But if you're lucky you might get recruited.

That's why I've got a cellphone my mom pays for amigo :^)
>I also have a tendies allowance

>mother not acting in her own self interest
She'll be in the ground for sure.

Why not? Economic success spurs technological advancement forward at a faster rate. Where is Trump's downside for you?



That is as cyberpunk as fuck.

Porque no los dos?

Trump lacks the progressive ethical foundation that makes the philosophical shift away from evangelicalism possible

Transhumanism has literally nothing to do with progressive ethics. Atheism is not a prerequisite for transhumanism.

Transhumanism is against the gospel and an affront to God and His creation (man). The promise of an immortal life on Earth is a mockery of the one God has in heaven. The blasphemic ideology of transhumanism goes against everything we stand for as a nation. In God we trust. And in God's afterlife we trust.

Yes, religious orthodoxy conflicts with transhumanism. But religious belief is a spectrum. All interpretations which are not purely orthodox have no such conflict.

It'll be a Tower of Babel situation than. If God doesn't want us to reach our full potential He can strike us down.


No government mandates needed, just stay out of our way.

Government can't even get domestic utilities right, like hell I would trust them with the evolutionary direction of the human race.

Fuck your ethics, I want robot arms and to live until I'm ready to die.

Transhumanism is eugenics for autistic losers

Transhumanism and religion are different sides of the same teleological coin

Yes, easily

If you get into the wide array of right-wing dissident ideas, there's a lot of transhumanism in some parts

Instead of actual evolution, transhumanists (autists) think mankind's future can be engineered. It cant.

If Humanity can survive that long, I'd consider it a success


Don't wanna piss off cannibal zombie Jesus now do we

Be whatever gay shit you want and support whoever you want, trump already won, faggot.
sage it up

Thiel is actually a Christian - before anything.

Interesting video where he shares views on fighting death, and how it relates to the Christian worldview.

Thiel is at least satisfied with indefinite healthspans - hence advocates for and funds Aubrey de Grey's work at SENS Research Foundation.

And, the "indefinite healthspan = immortality" meme needs to - ironically - die.

My legs are OK.


Yes because transhumanism doesn't exist

It's certainty biblical and will be just as awesome as in the book. Though I disagree with the actual interpretation of the event.

Remember, genes are NOT blueprints. This means you can't, for example, insert "the genes for an elephant's trunk" into a giraffe and get a giraffe with a trunk. There are no genes for trunks.” The genetic code does not, and cannot, specify the nature and position of every capillary in the body or every neuron in the brain. What they can do is chemistry, such as controlling the function of Myostatin which inhibits muscle production. By adjusting the expression of the gene for Myostatin, you can drastically increase muscle mass. You dont need to splice anything foreign.


Shit, C are swole af