Wow, nearly a million more people voted for Hillary yet Trump won. Try your best to defend the electoral college, or how "Murica isn't really a true democracy suck it" because face it Sup Forums, this isn't fair AT ALL. I hope that petition works out, let the voices of the people be heard.
How the fuck is this fair at all ?
Funny very few complained before this election. Get fuqqed loser crybaby
lol he could have lost florida and still won. shillary got btfo
Then she would have gotten even MORE votes. The electoral college needs to be changed to fit the 21st century.
>10 cities should determine the outcome of every election
>10 cities with lax election laws that give non-citizens a vote in US elections should determine every election
You can't complain about the results and try and change the rules after the game is over. Just go sign that petition to get the delegates to vote for hilldog on December 19th. You all knew the rules.
I don't have to, the founders already did. Read the federalist papers.
Democracy is shit.
God bless the Founders for giving America a Republic.
Get fucked libshit
Life isn't fair. Fucking deal with it, pussy.
You do realize they illegally flipped anywhere from 2-5 million votes, right?
>The popular vote doesn't matter because we use an electoral college system. The candidates use tactics built to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote, he wanted the electoral vote.
>If we used a popular vote system, then the results would be entirely different. There is literally no evidence suggesting that Trump would lose the popular vote if we had a popular vote system. Democrats in republican states and republicans and democrat states have poor turnout in the electoral college because they don't think their votes matter.
>Complaining about Trump winning without the popular vote is like telling the two candidates to play chess, Trump checkmates his opponent, then you complain about the rules of tic-tac-toe.
>If you cut out the illegal immigrants that voted, people that voted multiple times, and bring back the thousands of ballots that were destroyed in Broward county, Trump probably won the popular vote.
It keeps us united. Otherwise flyover states are basically colonies.
this. just take california out of the picture and trump wins the popular vote by even more. The electoral college is about giving the individual states more power in the vote, so that one state can't sway things for the entire country.
>because face it Sup Forums, this isn't fair AT ALL
It is the very definition of fairness. The electoral college gives the smaller states enough power to matter.
California and New York would decide every election if it wasn't in place.
It's not
This is literally the point of the electoral college. This is intended and good. The electoral college prevents huge swaths of the country from having a president they mostly oppose just because some smaller but more densely populated areas have heavy support for them.
>implying the illegal immigrants in california or new york wouldn't be 1 million votes at the very least
sage this shit thread
Because 12 million illegal aliens should not decide the future of our country, you have to go back.
It doesn't matter the size of the city, more people just so happen to live there, thus she gets the more votes because MORE people want her as president.
>ry your best to defend the electoral college, or how "Murica isn't really a true democracy suck it
I dont think current system is good.
I think every stat should have same amount of votes (at least 2 because of states without winner takes all style of voting).
Or the amount of votes should be based on state area.
On both cases, trump would still win
Yeah, switch to our system so the regions with the largest population are the ones that will effectively choose your leader every single time.
Just like how our Nordeste does right now, California, your own Nordeste, would choose your president every single time.
Electoral college is more democratic than popular vote. Only people with mental illness dont see this
This. I don't want to be ruled over by kike-engineered nigger hives of retards that can't even spell "fascist" correctly.
And fuck soros.
why did wikipedia take michigan from trump? wtf
It would MARGINALIZE the POOR and UNDERPRIVILEGED Americans living in rural/industrial/agricultural regions.
EC prevents the city populace from having complete control over the country.
No.. she probably would've gotten around the same... The electoral college is to ensure each STATE gets a vote, along with each person. Think of the United States like the EU and all of the states are individual countries were only linked together to have a stronger economy and military. Each country gets its own vote as to what leader they want leading the country. If the states didn't get a say they would probably leave the union
California would be dictating everyone if popular vote was the case.
America is more than hipsters wearing tight pants from west coast.
You only know the total counted, not the total cast. She'd lose the popular too, if they counted all the votes.
States don’t count their absentee ballots unless the number of outstanding absentee ballots is larger than the state margin of difference. If there is a margin of 1,000 votes counted and there are 1,300 absentee ballots outstanding, then the state tabulates those. If the number of outstanding absentee ballots wouldn’t influence the election results, then the absentee ballots aren’t counted.
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This is a safe space for marginalized white males, please check your gay privilege. At the very least please give us a trigger warning when posting such hateful rhetoric. Thank you for understanding.
go back to redddit retards
Learn how your Republic works and why it works that way before complaining about it OP.
life isn't fair sweetey
welcome to real life
now go get a job
You're not taking into consideration that we have over 11,000 illegals and that most of them probably voted for Clinton.
In all honesty, the popular vote was probably HEAVILY skewed in Trumps favor among legal citizens.
Obama made a SPEECH about the system not being rigged and to deal with it.
Trump literally played him like a fiddle.
see Bush vs Gore
This proves the opposite of your point. You can win the electoral college with just 21% of the popular vote, how does that protect smaller states. If this outcome had been slightly different, say El Paso was actually a city in Michigan and Trump had won the popular vote- you'd be bitching about how big cities steam rolled "real" america.
The electoral college is in place to
Protect the productive areas from the consumer areas.
>its LITERALLY the current year argument
>lose game playing by the rules
>throw tantrum about the rules
You right now.
The results would've been different in a pure popular vote election. You can't know what they would've been.
Were a constitutional republic, a group of states. When you vote you vote for the conditions in your own state, not across the country. The framers of the Constitution didn't want the 51% to permanently rule over the 49%. Also a popular vote overrides states rights and the voice if that state. Direct democracy doesn't work on a country as large as the US. We use direct democracy to elect all other forms of leadership house, senate, governor, state legislatures because it works with smaller land masses. The electoral college allows the voice of the state's to matter and is consistent with the structure of our country. We're a group of states not a united nation
Go ask your mama
I love this. I got to sit with a shit eating grin while people lost it over trump winning.
I get to do it again when the votes are all counted and he's won the popular vote as well as the EV
Commiefornie should get exactly 3/5ths of an electoral vote.
Yeah I agree, the elections in the US are totally unfair.
Letting illegals vote, and not requiring photo ID is incredible. You don't even see that in 3rd world countries.
Stop accepting shit like this dammit, you look like a fucking joke.
What the fuck he Won with over 300
Who changed it to 290
USA is like the EU. You should just divide all the states into a series of singular countries. Or at least split the continent in half. One half for libshits and one for the red pilled.
>my candidate didn't win so the system needs to be changed!!!1
yeah nah
Alright. Sup Forumsacks, in light of the recent influx of drumpf threads(theres like 7 of them currently), I was wondering.
Has CTR returned for round two? or did half you people turn into whining pussies overnight?
Wow. I now want to live in a constitutional republic.
>The American Government giving a shit about a petition
why should a poor persons vote be worth more than mine.
imagine the millions of would he Trump voters that didn't go out in vote because they live in blue states.
As a Brit I've seen parties get millions of votes and no power whatsoever. The electoral college seems fair by comparison.
Again, people too damn stupid to understand why we have an electoral college. Saged, too tired of replying to idiots.
Michigan hasn't been confirmed yet.
Michigan isn't officially done counting votes apparently.
The electoral college doesn't prevent geographic dominance. A party can win with the 10 biggest states theoretically.
Although I support Trump, you're not wrong. People are voting for the president, it has absolutely nothing to do with individual states. All votes should have the same power. Sup Forums would erupt into chaos if Hillary had won the election but lost the popular vote
Original thread, OP. Haven't seen a "muh national popular vote" thread on Sup Forums at all.
(((they))) still haven't officially called michigan
I wonder how he feels about this in retrospect
I kek'd because it's true
Part of the function of the electoral college is that you have to have a variety of supporters. You can't only win the south, you can't only win the cities, you can't only win the farmers.
Trump won because he won the support of people in rural areas, suburban areas, and most of the rust belt, where Clinton literally only won cities.
People who only live in one place shouldn't be allowed to govern the rest of the country.
90 million people voted for neither
Guess we have no president
She won't contest it because she knows it will expose all the voter fraud.
An estimated 3 million illegals to be exact.
Seriously, if you want something done, don't do it after the fact when your candidate loses.
There are still 9 million votes to count as of today you stupid faggot.
That doesn't even include the millions of fraudulent votes. Trump won the popular vote.
Thanks for correcting the record though.
im so concerned :(((((((((((((((((((((((((
Less than 50% wanted her. More than 50% wanted Trump and libertarian Gary Johnson.
lol where were all these fucking faggots during the 08 primaries. not a peep back then, nothing to change the process
this is so fucking delicious. keep crying
When states like California and NY vote in an overwhelming majority giving an overhead of 1-2M+ votes then they shouldn't get the sole say in who gets elected. Make the electoral votes to be distributed representatively then you can bitch and moan about popular vote.
Also this
a million? woo hoo. 60 million still voted FOR trump.
Wtf #imwithher now
Nobody complained during the 2008 democratic primaries, where Obama lost the popular vote.
Nigger, spic and fraudulent votes don't count.
Presidents have lost the popular vote before, why is it just now an issue?
The electoral system protects me from the majority. Kindly fuck off. If anything this is an argument for ancap or something close.
>it's only unfair if MY candidate loses
>That nonexistent crime rate in Utah
Living in Salt Lake doesn't seem that bad.
>play a video game
>team blue focuses on kills
>team red does the objectives
>red completes objectives and wins
>team blue whines that they should have won because they got more kills
Video games
based RT
you are honestly fucking retarded like everyone else who tries to use this argument
we have had the electoral college for a LONG ASS TIME
we know that if our state is mostly 1 side, demo/repub
that our smaller % votes wont mean shit.
Aka california is extremely demo, i didnt go vote for trump because my vote wouldn't mean shit
Because the people in rural America grow the food you eat. And the ship the food you eat to you. And they are not obligated to keep doing it.
Think how tough life would be if you didn't have your Starbucks cds and hipster surplus military jackets? All of which you wouldn't have without rural Americans.
Based Asians, they are smart and they hate Trump
People aren't voting for the president though, that is the whole point. People are voting for the electors in their state. Because people are ignorant they believe, like you do, that they are voting for the president;
I like you Dr. Doom
>changed to fit the 21st century
so you mean changed to allow big liberal cities to decide every presidential election?
because they produce stuff unlike you
>2008 hillary
Not gonna lie, I would.
>This proves the opposite of your point
Your reading comprehension is lacking
Sure. Instead of the electoral college? You should have a state based system where the winner is decided on the largest number of states/senators and delegates.
Oh wait. Trump won those too. Meanwhile the Democrats win exclusively in high population density areas and cry about how their tactic fails whenever the Repubs dont fuck up.
>stomps feet "whaaa! It's not fair".
All these muh education fuck tards didn't learn shit in school.
Democracy = mob rule
The United States is a representative republic.
Fuck you and your whinnying. Life isn't fair.