Post muh rightful clay you could realistically get back.
Post muh rightful clay you could realistically get back
pretty much anywhere
There's no disputing the fact that that is rightful german clay
If only we were with the Brits...
so lost
this ..
Respect lad
Raus mit dir Pierre
Everything is ours, Manifest Destiny.
Metz is a German city. All the architecture is German. The local cuisine (sausage, sauerkraut, flammkuchen, bacon-onion quiche) is German. Every other person has a German surname. Even the surrounding Moselle villages have German names (Uckange = Uckringen).
pls no bulli
fuck baguettes
wot a load of shite
What are you going to do with it? Fill it with refugees too? Nah, it stays where it's supposed to be
Maybe rightful, but not
Hon hon hon, stay mad, sausage.
Prussia only posssesed it for something like 50 year and it was enough to make them hate you.
I would have undestood a claim on Poland but this.
The south of Peru and half of Bolivia
Kraut you better worry about losing your country to mudslims, not about Alsace-Lorraine.
It's easier to take Prussia back than Alsace-Lorraine.
Poland economy and army are weak, while France is relativelly powerfull
Rightful clay
>tfw once you get it back, Catalonia secedes from Spain.
You can get lands through other means than war you know.
Well Sweden has totally fucked skåne up. thats sort of the main claim. then there is sauthern schleswig.. nobody cares.
>Wanting Bolívia
Didnt you know? Bolivians are the scum of the Latin America.
>Southern Schleswig
Kek,as if that's Danish clay
I hope you know what you have to do then Pierre.
Oh Germany just get your own country back first. Then we'll talk about expansion.
Yeah, but it would make frogs your enemies anyway
>Brazilian talking about the scum of latin america
What is there that is so important?
Not from France. They are addicted to clay.
If you had ever been to Bolivia you would know what I mean
Oh Belgium become a country first then you can talk on the same stage as us.
They are our enemies as it is. Germans hate them and vice versa.
German people.
We have none, but Peru and Bolivia does
Poles hate you too, but unlike french they're poor
How is that rightful clay,you ottoman moron
Maybe throw in Paraguay as well
>Found helsinki in 59743BC
>next oldest is Tillinna, across the tiny stretch of water
>1806 years later
Talk about the world slowest expanding empire. Pretty useless desu
if this was german then why did France want to take it? Clearly you're not giving me the whole picture Fritz
Yes,but Silesia and Pommerania are mostly populated by Poles now,with a very small german minority. It doesn't make sense to try and get them back. Alsace-Lorraine however is still full of germans
You could start with Northern Ireland though...
It was a war reparation after WW1. France took it out of pure dickery.
those were complicated times
You're right. Alsace is full of rich fucks who'd rather remain French, and if given a change the Moselle would demand to be part of LUXEMBOURG, not Germany.
Because they don't give a damn about ethnicity, they just are addicted to clay.
Ok fair enough.
This is our claim
Aww I'm hurt... We are at least trying to get our SHIT straight... Flanders wants to separate but... As always in politics it's hard. You can just go out and vote AfD
why is your Rocky Mountains coloured like pee pee?
bitch please
we're waiting for a signal of Manuel Valls
>declare war on spain
>france helps us
>Manuel gives us roussillon back
Do you honestly think the USA could take South America? It would be like Vietnam plus plus plus
Peace, brothers
Just 280 acres obstructing normal traffic and Bootin still has to be a jew aboot it.
You fucking retards already got white people killed by the millions because of this war.
Fucking krauts never learn.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
You guys had the chance to get Königsberg back but you wouldn't take it.
You hit me, I hit back. Putting all banter aside though, we're unironically gonna MEGA
The fuck you will touch my Alaska leaf.
saarland is really french clay desu
The Hyper war was over 50,000 years later, you can't use that as excuse for why it took your kind so long to cross that tiny spit of water.
What a faggot.
Frenchies took a bunch of land in the 17th-19th centuries, including Nice, Alsace-Lorraine, Corsica, Roussillon, and these guys think they can take it back now.
we were probably drunk, dunno, can't remember
We actually still own a piece of Germany, 3 languages here Dutch/French/German, so really if you can't even take it from a country that WANTS to separate, why even dream?
>be norway
>discover and colonise iceland and greenland
>get fucked by christcucks
>retards with potatoes in their mouth utters "ISLAEND OG GOENLAEND MINE LAEND"
muh wilno, lwów, brześć and stanisławów
if I was a slavboo would also post some 1000s map with vorpommern and lusatia but those slavs weren't poles so idgaf about them
as realistic as it gets
>wannabe viking fags make their """country""" independent
>gooks on greenland kill themselves because fuck danes
Restoring Prussia is more realistic than that tbqh
Bolivia is full of natural resources
Please denmark, take this shit back, I don´t want arabia in my backyard
I like your cars though.
With what Scwabo? France can nuke your ass to the stone age, and all you got is a few nu-males and a woman leading you