Why are americans so stupid?
Why are americans so stupid?
>strawmaning this hard
What a shitty post. Here I think you'll like this.
Burning any countries flag should be a death sentence
/leftypol/ is so empty they have to come to 4/pol/ to get an actual answer
Nice strawman
>giving a bad name to Poles
name 17 occurrences of this actually happening on November 10th
I'll wait..
You tried.
Dunno about death sentence but it should be illegal
>but its just a piece of cloth XDDD
mmhmmm, and that stop sign is just a piece of metal. those traffic cones are just orange thingies
>piece of cloth
And here you have proof that SJWs are national traitors.
I'm not offended by the flag burning. I'm offended by the fat 19-year-old kid doing it.
The guy is making fun of Trump but he's the one that actually enjoys getting his balls kicked
What an oxymoron.
Threads like these make me start to think that everyone BUT America is stupid.
Woahhhh. Two trash porn actors. How are we ever going to recover?
me on the right
stop signs designate when to stop. cones signify an area to avoid. flags designate what country said flag is in.
i seriously doubt anybody will be confused as to what country they are currently in if they witness a flag burning.
It can be illegal in every country but the US.
No infringement on free speech, ever. That includes burning the flag.
Literally nobody has a problem with flag burning, we're just annoyed because liberals don't even know what burning a flag is supposed to mean, so it's not even symbolic of anything anymore and makes you look silly.
I think it's insulting and about as unpatriotic as it gets but I'll defend your right to to the death to do it.
strawmanning is cool!
The difference is they are burning the very symbol of what gives them free speech, they are spoiled assholes who live every day off the lifeblood of western American democracy, yet spit on it because they've been told by fat-assed busybodies who've built nothing that all the negative aspects of a country define it.
They dont want to tear it down because they are heroes fighting for a better world like those who served under the flag. They are just bored, and their lives have no meaning because they've never stood for anything they really believe in. Burning the flag has no point except to piss people off or to get pussy from fat hairy cows.
shit, wtf happened to poland
Obama's redefinition of "hate speech" does technically protect the flag from being destroyed. It symbolizes the American culture.
If someone can burn the flag and if it is just cloth, then muslims, jews and christians shouldnt be pissed if i burn the Quiran, Torah or Bible. Its just paper after all.