Why are CTR shills still here?
Why are CTR shills still here?
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They're waiting on their paychecks
They were always here and unfortunately they'll remain here
>lol you Sup Forums fags do it for free hehe xD
yeah and guess what we got that you couldn't get?
A President
Because it's not CTR, and just people who disagree with you?
Try to exhibit some maturity, Sup Forums.
JIDF took their old shift back
>Mfw drumpfkins don't realize the Electorals will do the right think December 19th and elected Hillary as out next president. 3 million signatures in 3 days. There will be more signatures than people who voted by december 19 lol. We will gladly pay the 1k fine the Electorals will have to pay for not voting according to their state
59 millions > 3 millions
They will stay for about 4 months until the end of election...Trust me.
99% of Sup Forums are Trump supporters.
The shills are just shitposters
Are you fucking retarded? Learn to read. I said by december 19
To try and steer us away from the pizza investigation.
your bitch isn't going to get shit, delusional cuck
we are you are us
They are ramping up now, they lost but now they have a new goal.
Didn't you watch maher last night?
We're not shills, I didn't believe in my heart that so many inbred retarded tiny dick white racist homophobes existed. Now, people like me will be beaten to death in the street by right wing death squads. I don't even fucking know what to tell my wife's 3 year old son. Children of mixed races will be bullied for not being "pure" under a Trump Presidency. Literally shaking right now. Thanks Drumpftards
Very good question.
Its only been a couple days tho.
If they are still here in 2 weeks, something fishy is going on.
In any case, we need to keep the worship of Kek going.
they like bdsm. Typical hitlary voter pic related
I wonder
Ctr is dead its shitposters the majority of them have always been shitposters
you're welcome :^)
You mean
Internet trump defence force = JIDF
Useless pieces of shit get what they deserve for having irresponsible degenerates for parents.
It's what happened to me, and it is what will happen to everyone else.
Fair is fair, ladies, you asked for this.
Because Trump is not the president yet. The electoral college has to elect him
>Because it's not CTR, and just people who disagree with you?
Then why are they posting "lmao drumpf btfo" instead of legitimate criticism
look at this CTR pretending to not be CTR
implying this isnt something that no one will be talking about in 72 hours
They didn't deliver.
They aren't, it's JIDF.
What, people with different opinions?
they exist in the real world drumpf baby
Fuck no. Do us a kindness and give us the tldr of what was said please.
Seems like the vast majority of paid shill are gone.
The contrast between now and when they election was heating up in obvious.
The wrong opinions, cuckadoodledo
Why are you still here?
Sup Forums is Libertarian
As a mixed race latino, I'd gladly stomp on your family if the god emperor demanded it.
Nope. Most of them are not shitposters. shitposters don't engage in debate. These retards do. Even CTR didnt do that
Why is there a sudden influx of moderates and liberals to Sup Forums you ask? Well it's a hard question, but perhaps if you really concentrate, you'll figure out the reason for us to be anonymous. If you can't figure it out, I'll give you a hint: What's Sup Forumss #1 most favourite hobby?
1 rouble has been deposited into your account, comrade.
shell shock hasn't worn off yet
>No mention that Hillary already accepted tTrumps victory
>pay no attention that if you will sucessfully bring her to white house a civil war will begin.
it's a long game strategy. The democrats realize that they had no credibility because their astroturfing came on suddenly. Just like what happened to reddit, they're going to stay here in the background for years to come shilling posts
in the short run they're active because they want to make it seem like the libcry protests have credibility on the imageboards.
We're actually dealing with CTR shill shills who are shilling the shills shilling CTR's other CTR
Gimme link, Ahmed.
Because it's fun to see you faggots get all mad and think that we're getting paid to disagree with you in a chinese cartoon imageboard, of all places.
Have you figured it out yet? Maybe have a good hard look at the catalog to see why they no longer feel comfortable having their name on the internet.
CTR Making me horny.
there have always been shills here, just see what happens if you make a sandy hook thread
They are still trying their damndest to meme Shkillary into the presidency because remember what's at stake for these treasonous fucks. If Hillary is not the President by January, they are fucked.
As quick as lightning, a stroke of a pen, and they are disavowed and in the clink. That's if Shkillary get's pardoned somehow. If she goes down, CTR is fuuuuuuuucked.
>Implying this is something bad to purify white race by purge mixed ones.
Shake more, faggot.
Fukn rekt
>he fell for the CTR meme
I tried using direct quotes from Trump about his ties to the Jews and Israel but I get "lmao CTR btfo" instead of people bothering to read
Also why would Democrats bring that up? They love the Jews . I don't
Because the momentum is being built to show Trump does not have a mandate. He must ignore white voters and concentrate on the equity that is being threatened just by him wining. All you backwards asshatts caused this. People are actually dying.
my pay stub says "One President Elect to Be Paid In Full"
cashed it in a few nights ago....
They're still trying to concern, feels, fair, and muh popular vote post all the way up until he actually sits his ass down in office
Tiny dick is a projection
They came here for the paycheck.
But now they're hooked, they need their daily dose - still, there is much cognitive dissonance, so they keep shilling.
With time, they too will swallow the red pill and become enlightened by Kek(pbuh).
Once you start shitposting, you never stop. Never. Never. Never. Never...
Paid to spam anti trump shitposting like soros pays busloads of liberal zombies to "protest" in the streets
>unironically filling out online petitions
Fuck those liberals, he ALREADY has a mandate. That stick you have in your ass is about to be promptly removed.
> The object of war is not to die for the Emperor but to make the other bastard die for the Emperor.
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.
Stay safe, stay vigilant, and may Kek be with you brothers
Guys what CTR posts/threads did you hate the most?