I mean having people like Newt Gingrich and Christie is really worrying...they are just neocons and literal criminal scum
Is Trump making a mistake with his cabinet?
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he needs allies if he wants to maga, e also needs to please republicans
what did you expect?
He's supposed to be a big fuck you to all of that though desu
Does the president allowed to grab his cabinet members by the pussy if they don't in line? Like if they started neoconning everywhere could he replace them with david clarke?
Wake up trump fags, Trump is a puppet too. They told him they'll kill him and his family if he disobeys (((their))) orders.
He is supposed to be against the neocons and neolibs
If he appoints them to his cabinet it's a complete fucking betrayal
Already making excuses? What happened "the ultimate outsider"? "He can't be bought?"
It has me worried too. Hopefully he's just pandering to them until he gets into office in January to prevent getting killed. That's what I would do
Watch to see who he appoints as white house chief of staff. Trump is cucked if he picks priebus, based if bannon
no man rules alone.
there is no getting away from picking some of the old machine if you want to successfully transition.
The bolsheviks tried trashing the whole government and starting over and it was a very rough process.
Yes and it should be readily apparent he has no issue with firing people who aren't staying in line.
GOP controls congress, Trump can't tell congress to fuck off.
This just seems like denial. Why are people so optimistic still? He's in office now. Hillary lost.
But then he pulls shit like this? You can't make excuses for going back on what he said now
It's no mistake. Trump got elected, he's a winner, leader of the free world. All he wants now is some rallies once in a while, and to grab all the pussies.
As for the politics, he has some friends that can taek care of that for him. Didn't he say he'd have All The Best People?
>The behind-the-scenes transition operation is being run by Ron Nichol, a senior partner at The Boston Group, a management consulting firm where 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney launched his business career.
Ken Blackwell...senior fellow at the Family Research Council...Veteran agribusiness lobbyist Michael Torrey...Energy industry lobbyist Mike McKenna...David Bernhardt...represents mining companies seeking to use resources on federal lands...Lobbyist Steven Hart, who focuses on tax and employee benefits, is leading the transition team for the Labor Department.
Cindy Hayden...top lobbyist for Altria, the parent company of cigarette-maker Philip Morris...Homeland Security Department. Jeff Eisenach, a consultant and former lobbyist...Federal Communications Commission....Michael Korbey...former lobbyist who led President George W. Bush's effort to privatize America's retirement system....Shirley Ybarra...champion of "public-private partnerships" to build toll roads and bridges....Myron Ebell...man-made global warming is a hoax...David Malpass...Bear Stearns' chief economist...Dan DiMicco...former chief executive of steel company NUCOR and a board member at Duke Energy...Former Rep. Mike Rogers...serves on boards for consulting firms IronNet Cybersecurity and Next Century Corp.
Kevin O'Connor...partner at the law firm of close Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani...Jim Carafano...Heritage Foundation's vice president for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies...retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg...chief operating officer for Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq...Mira Ricardel...vice president of business development for Boeing Strategic Missile & Defense Systems.
He's not in office until the 20th of January.
Winning an election doesn't necessarily mean you win the presidency. The executive powers are ultimately given over willing. Trump has no ruling authority as of yet so there is time to attempt a change in the system
Lol Ron Paul
>Not wanting a moonbase
I can't defend Christie, however. Other than Christie was loyal to him and hopefully will be obedient. Christie is too much of a police-state authoritarian.
Newt isn't that bad and he stood up for trump when he was being shit on
Loyalty means alot even if you disagree on things
They were also the first to go back on the establishment and endorse him early... It's like no one on this board remembers anything over 2 weeks ago...
Loyalty means alot even more then political differences for Trump
Christie is good people. Newt is tolerable since he's an enemy of the Clintons.
>maybe he is the one making the purchase
he's distancing himself from chris christie because of that bridge thing, keeping in mind I live in new york and still have no idea what any of that was about
newt isn't a bad idea, in fact his wanting to take over the moon is fucking brilliant.
Earth is running out of helium which is a very important element for science and things, we are essentially flushing ours down the toilet by putting it in balloons. The moon is extremely rich in helium and it can be harvested there. So if we are able to claim the moon as a US territory we will have full control over the planets helium supply, thus making it our primary export and never have to worry about money again.
nigga thinks long term and I love it
If Rudi Gulliani or Newt or Christie tries to tell me how to live in my America, I'm going to flip out. All three of them are garbage.
you have to work with people irl you cant just kill them or throw them in jail
Hi newt.
I don't read forbes, they are wrong about pretty much 100% of the things they write
Chris Christie is pretty worrying and down right hypocritical. Trump should have thrown his endorsement in his face considering he talked so much about corruption in politics.
How can one man be so based?
So he's not gonna throw shillary in jail? Is the wall happening?
>I don't like that source, not even gonna read it
>US Department of Interior estimated that there are 1,169 billion cubic feet of helium reserves left on Earth. That’s enough for about 117 more years.
I'm not sure how you wouldn't call that a shortage that needs addressing
you need to be proactive about these things
If he appoints Jamie dimon or Mnuchin to treasure, we've been had.
Who would you rather have? Alex Jones as secretary of defense and molymeme as secretary of education? Sad!
Treasury, not treasure
Not to goldbugs, it isn't
>mah hoarde!
>mah beutiful hoarde!
>Fiat muhhney is a sham!
yes they're all establishment shills
I don't like a lot of what Forbes publishes, but they have a very large variety of writers who all hold different opinions and beliefs.
Can't fault them for that. Now the Guardian. I only ever like/agree with 1/100 articles I see from them.
>republicans control the House, Senate, the Presidency, and (soon) the SCOTUS
>implying you don't need to make peace with the other branches of government if you're going to get anything done
Trump can only do so much on his own, of course he's going to need to cooperate with Congress. Newt and Christie have proven themselves to be fairly loyal already too.
Don't forget Bolton!
Most people here won't care anyway, just as long as leeeeburuhls are mad all is good.
he isn't
>Christie is good people.
NJ fag reporting in. Christie is fucking scum. The police and fire fighters have no pensions to retire on. He literally borrowed money from that fund. On top of that, the reason the transportation department couldn't afford the safety measure to prevent trains derailing is because he borrowed from that fund too. Christie is just bad news bears with more skeletons in his closet. Keeping Christie around is like Clinton keep Weiner. Eventually something is going to pop up.
Remember when you faggots bitched about Pence?
I have faith in trump after pulling this thing off
Let the artist paint
> appoints neocons to cabinet
> says he'll withdraw support to Syrian rebels
Just because they're on the cabinet doesn't mean he has to do what they say senpai
Let the little kiddies play in the sandbox while you run the real business