What the fuck has happend with Sup Forums?

What the fuck has happend with Sup Forums?

few days after the election and people suddenly start making lefty threads, feels like im in tumblr atm.

Other urls found in this thread:


I forgot, Sup Forums is a singular, fixed user base. Not an open board that anyone can come to and shitpost anything they like.

The election is over, which means that there are a bunch of 'enlightened' leftist shills are unemployed again. So they have nothing better to do but come here and shitpost. In their tiny little minds, they actually think they are making a difference.

CTR is back with a vengeance. Started getting really bad yesterday

muh Alt-Right hugbox

Shills doing whatever they please and mods doing nothing about it

JIDF and bait

Mostly bait

Ben Fishbein is pissed!

The left is in meltdown mode

Expect to have this shit until thanksgiving and then again during the inauguration.

Yids are trying to take over Sup Forums for their own purposes, aint gonna happen cuz jewish views only become the majority in a synagogue or a forum curated via bans.

Memes only thrive without censorship.

Most of us have seen the massive influx shit posts from tumblr, r3ddit, ctr, where the fuck ever, and abandoned.
Go to cripple, they actually mod out these repetitive shit posts.