Can't wait.
Can't wait
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El Niño
>Global warmeme
It looks like Trump is right, global warming is a hoax.
I beg to differ
>Meme magic draws on the negative energy of ocean ice
I knew it.
I prefer warm weather anyway.
why do we care about sea ice again?
Is this the shit melting in Russia?
why do you want ice in your drink again???
Cold kills a lot faster than heat
Because the warmer the waters get, the more the caps will melt. Florida will be under water soon.
Yes, and all over the planet.
There are plumes 100km wide in the Pacific.
The Arctic controls the Jetstream, for one. As the jetstream gets waiver the seasons we experience become longer. So longer seasons of drought/percipitation, ruining crop yields and destroying civilization.
That's just one of the issues, though.
I don't :( my productivity goes to shit at above 50 degrees
Op that graph is crazy. We need a wall ASAP.
Nice scaling on that vertical axis, asshole. Why don't you start it from 0 and show what it looks like?
Genuine question, is mental retardation common in US, or is it just you guys?
Thanks for your contribution.
north or south pole is totally different, sea ice readings at the end of september were fine but its been a warm autumn
Projections had the polar ice caps completely melted by 2016.
Which is it?
If its been totally regular up until this year then why has global warming been an "issue" for the last 2 decades?
+/- 2year variability as per the 5th IPCC assessment report
Looks on track to me.
>wait, lets flood the democrats out of their expensive coastal cities
>trump tower won't flood, perfect
fuck em
Sea ice during the Cretaceous?
Ice comes and goes with cycles.
>Ice comes and goes with cycles.
And civilization contracts in those cycles, yes. We agree.
Idiot here, how do islands/continents float anyway? If we believe the story that science has given us on how the Earth was formed there was a time where there was no ice, but the islands/continents didn't sink.
Holy shit guys look it's a fuckload of nothing!
Reminder that ice has killed more people than a thousand Holocausts, and unlike the Holocaust there is scientific proof that it happened.
They're plates that ride into eachother in subversion zones, where one slips underneath the other. Mostly suspended on a thick mantle of mostly fluid dynamical magma and dissolved hydrogen/oxygen.
Nothing floats on water, they taper upwards into the "above surface" land. Don't meme at me.
So we are fucked then? No positive side effects of this? Shouldn't have brough my daughter into the world... Oh
Well I'll get to larp as "The Road"
Oh and if it doesn't happen?
The retardation in this thread is fucking strong.
We're fucked because the Sun is entering the next Maunder Minimum, which is going to cause an insane amount of civilization destroying earthquakes.
The Ice failure is just a byproduct of our solar weather, but it has effects on us in the mean-time as I pointed out here
so move?
dont we already over yeild?
I'm retarded, what does that graph mean and how does it prove he's wrong?
>no arctic sea ice
>Russia invades across the north pole and lands its tanks in Canada without detection
>moves south across America's undefended northern border and seizes our capital before we even know the war has started
>graphs dont mean anything if they arent rapidly bouncing around
>dont we already over yeild?
Longer seasons of drought, longer seasons of rain.
Crops die because of extremes.
it's el nino regularly. we have never seen el nino results like this
This climate change is a myth shit is because wealthy neocons have their money in oil.
Limballs goes after global warming all the time, and mocks clean energy every chance he can get, even though in the next sentence he says America is the best, most innovative country on Earth. So which is it a country that can have clean energy or a place that will forever be a saudi cock sucking slave?
Trump needs to build that fucking wall, because when the climate does go to shit in 30 years all the people at the equator will be trying to to get into the US, Europe, and Russia, because their shitskin/sandskin lands will be nothing but unlivable deserts. We will have ww3 against both the south americans, africans and muslims, unless a preventive measure is built.
Its 2016 bro.
Good, melt that shit, fuck the entire Earth up and give Canada some nice tropical weather.
Damn nigga... what are we going to do without all the cubans????
loved the vid where he was proposing a nuclear exchange between india and pakistan to keep temperature from tipping over to 3 and 4 °c
>loved the vid where he was proposing a nuclear exchange between india and pakistan to keep temperature from tipping over to 3 and 4 °c
Blasting sand particles from the deserts into the air was another one.
(thank you, Kek)
The graph shows how far the ice has extended beyond the magenta line. It's showing a growth in sea ice extent since the 80s.
Trump should indeed take courses about this.
I'm sure there are plenty of climatologists and geologists that would be very happy to be invited at the Wite House to give him free lectures.
And I do think Trump is very capable of changing his mind on the subject.
The republican Congress is a bigger problem.
Warm water goes under the ice, melting it volumetrically, not just geographically. The ice is getting less dense.
Ice is a three-dimensional system, it's reliant on the thickness not just the total surface area.
This. We're done for. They're simply not telling us.
See Kerry's recent visit to Antarctica.
i like how he cropped the graph to make it look more dramatic
>Florida will be under water soon
good rittens
One year of data. All you're showing is there's more ice when it's cold and less when it's warm. Headline news there, asshole.
The ice is rotting? Someone please explain to me what's up like you're explaining it to a pres elect
So explain to me how taxing the middle class to death while allowing manufactuers to outsource all their manufacturing to countries with absolutely no environmental oversight saves the planet?
I've been wondering this one for years. Now that we've assembled an expert climate panel I might finally get some answers.
I'm guessing this is more climate change religion?
>Global warming is, at best, anticipated to have major impacts IN THE FUTURE
>But oh noes, guys, bad stuff is happening right now, even though it's physically impossible to actually link it to climate change!
>And the deviation occurred in literally the span of a few months!
>But there are no alternative explanations! We must stop industry and increase taxes! The science is settled!
It's Methane Clathrates, once they started melting a few years ago it was over. They're releasing methane into the atmosphere, and it's already setup a positive feedback loop.
We could stop emitting carbon entirely tomorrow and have no effect, it's over, whatever's going to happen with the climate is going to happen and it's out of our control.
It's a crystalline solid called Methane Hydrate, or Clathrate. Compressed (not frozen) Methane exist in this form everywhere in the sea. Most notably, in the arctic shelf areas around the Laptev Sea and other shallows. As the arctic warms, as the ice melts, more heating gets to the sediment, and releases the hydrates.
They bubble up, get absorbed by the water column, then eventually dissipate and return to their original crystalline formations (thousands of years). The problem now is, the saturation level is so high in the water that the methane is actually escaping into the atmosphere.
It's a self-reinforcing feedback loop that is unstoppable.
>30 years of data
lmaoing at ur life
They aren't stopping industry though.
They are like literal mental retards. The industry moves to countries where they are allowed to pollute. They would be forced to pollute less if they were operating in western countries. But because the retards don't see the industry they behave as though it doesn't exist. But it fucking does.
>. Florida will be under water soon
They have been saying this 30+ years. Meanwhile Al Gore purchases a very eco-unfriendly multimillion dollar ocean front mansion.
Something tells me that he is not really all that worried about rising sea levelevel.
Yes, we know:
if it's warming
if it's warming
if there is warming
if there is a warming
No matter what the weather warming
It must be nice to have a theory that makes it inherently immune to criticism.
Looks like a trend.
Can we see the whole graph?
>says Poland
There are tons of methane calthrate trapped under the permafrost.
Methane traps a lot more heat than CO2. At least 10 times as much. Should the permafrost melt (as it's already happening) , massive amounts of methane will be released, fucking the climate up in a few years time.
In fact it is hypothesized that this may have caused mass extinctions in the past. Life will survive, but human civilization would go out in a huge methane fart.
I don't normally respond to bait.
Can you see the key in the center of the image? Also, I'm pretty sure we only have 12 months in a year.
>Hey, U.S citizen! Let's pay millions more in taxes to save the environment even though we're not even the ones doing the most damage to it!
You are fucking stupid, and I hope this is bait.
But it probably isn't. Enjoy your NASCAR.
>Global warming
Fun fact : 56% of all greenhouse gases emitted come from transportation, a huge part of it from international trade (mostly plane and boat)
So even if Trump deny that global warming exist, his politics of protectionnism effectively make him the better candidate to fight it
We need to go and burn off the methane.
it doesn't
there is no economic or political fix.
climate change is not the problem, it's a predicament.
the problem is civilization.
Even if it were all "IN THE FUTURE"
Don't you think you owe your children a livable planet?
100km wide plumes everywhere is an intractable problem.
I wish you fags could pull off a lot more renewable sources so that you could see that it changes nothing.
Maybe it's our calendar that's fucked
fuck off about poland, mate
look at the 2016 line, significantly lower than all the others in november (now)
You would have lost the general election without Florida.
It's climate change, not "global warming".
Looks like we found the last person on the planet who still believes in global warming after climategate.
Coincidence ?
That's an anomaly, not a trend.
Well, since I'm here.
Are you a meteorologist by chance?
>the seasons we experience become longer
Pretty sure that the length of the seasons are strictly controlled by Earth's orbit, not some boogey man.
You're bad at risk analysis, bong. Time will tell, always. All we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.
>civilization end in The Vast Fart
>we need to burn the ice caps to prevent hte icecaps from melting
you cant make this shit up retarded bong
What a fag. All the others years are roughly the same, but since there is a hot year, muh global warming, kys.
Localized weather patterns are dependent on the flow of the Jetstream. I don't even need to get deeper into detail than that.
>Are you a meteorologist by chance?
I do forecasts, just not for weather alone.
that's a good thing?
Uh, hypothetically if Florida was gone Trump would still have won. If it disappears it doesn't go to Hillary, you buffoon.
You know what? I was an environmentalist when I was small. I read some comics and from them I learnt about how detrimental human activities are towards the environment.
To this day, I still believe that global warming exist, and human activities is one of the cause. The differences is: I don't give a fuck anymore. We can pollute as much as we want. It is an organism's destiny to change the environment it lives just by living. One good example is yeast. When they are put in dough, they will grow until the Carbon Dioxide killed them all.
The difference between yeast and human is that human are good at inventing and utilizing tools. No matter how polluted Earth becomes, we will have the innovations to let us survive as a species.
It is useless, or in fact, defying the law of nature that you want human to stop polluting the Earth. We shouldn't stop polluting it, we should start thinking about how to survive when the global warming hit.
This. 100% this.
We don't have the technology to reverse the trend, its the symptom of massive, unregulated population growth. We're not going to stop the ice caps from melting unless the entire world agrees to stop everything and go back to living like we did in the dark ages.
We do, it's called a Methanator.
Something's doing the venting!
If you don't want the release of billions of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere, your only choice is to convert it to CO2 instead.