fake account
So what? It's not against the law to fund and organize protests. Do you really think people wouldn't be protesting if it weren't for the free signs?
Follow the money, follow the signs to see who is behind these "anti-trump rallies" and what their real goal is.
Scott Foval got outed so hard he deleted all his shit
"No to racism and WAR"
Do these people really not realize that the one pro-war here is Clinton?
oh i know its funded by the same source im just saying that this is not the real scott foval, just want yall to be informed
>Pussy grags back
Holy shit is that hot.
Info like is a great way to expose professional organization of protests to normal people who might fall for the "grass roots" meme.
When you know that super rich overlord types are funding and organizing the protests it really puts the artificial nature and the man behind the curtain in perspective.
>no to war
Did these guys spill over from the Berenstein timeline where they protested Hillary's victory?
Is it finally starting to dawn on you how dangerous these people are?
people don't realize shit besides their own sense of self worth. being activist gives them social recognition and inflate their egos. that's all they're worried.
no one gives a shit about the election. it's all about how they reflect their image to their group.
o shit #imwithher now
To be fair, all signs look the same at every protest and picket.
Doesn't even matter if this isn't the real Scott Foval, he's exposing the DNC/BLM/Soros link for everyone to see.
>stop war
Where have they been to protest Obama bombing countries for the last 8 years?
This guy's twitter account has actually been suspended now, probably because of this tweet
anyone got an original of the image? would love to start spreading it
>fake account
Then why doesn't the real scott foval please stand up?
Clinton and her backer Soros who heavily invested in gold several months ago.
In the event of conflict with Russia gold prices would have risen.
Instead gold prices have tanked since the election and he's lost millions or more.
Definitely /ourguy/.
Are people really going to try to stoke conspiracy based of off colors that are probably just used because of how much they stand out.
Please no. His redemption arc isn't scheduled until season 2
>I, glorious white male, am sitting on a throne while women and minorities bring be shit
what world do these fucking people even live in?
Looks like Dems are falling back to what worked for Obama: printing tons of professional signs. They've finally given up on "grass roots".
The reason the signs look the same is because they are the same. These organizations have been providing signs to the BLM protests, the anti-cop protests, and the anti-trump protest.
Their goal is the violent overthrown of the American government. They don't care what excuse is used for the violence, the violence itself is the goal.
>pussy grabs back!
Yeah, but that's not the point?
George Soros at it again ladies and gentlemen. There's a reason he proudly wears the title of "The Man who Broke the Bank of England" and why Putin personally banned him from entering Russia and put a bounty on his head for trying the same thing there.
Everywhere Soros goes, everything Soros touches turns to shit and when it does, you better believe he profits big from it.
Has he got a death wish?
No it isn't. This account was made in August 2 whole months before he got fired and spent that time shilling for hillary. After he got fired it did a complete 180 and went into full dont give a fuck mode
>Not understanding the pic at all
I see those two brain cells are holding up fine eh
The eternal false-flaggng shit-stirrers.