Brit/pol/ - Nuke Glasgow Edition

>SNP plan to strip councils of essential powers and centralise them

>Nigel Farage meets Donald Trump today and tells Theresa May: I can help you forge links with him

>Police force considers bringing back iconic hat to help short officers stand out from the crowd

>More than 80 MPs join Lib Dem plot to force Government to hold a second referendum on Brexit terms

>Article 50 could be reversed, government may argue in Brexit case

>Juncker warns Trump presidency may upset US ties with Europe

>Britain could join USA, Canada and Mexico in new free trade area after Brexit

>'Hard' Brexit most likely outcome for UK leaving EU, says S&P

>Armistice Day 2016: Two minutes' silence marks day of national remembrance

>Nigel Farage to be Donald Trump's go-between as Boris Johnson rejects 'collective whinge-o-rama'

>Donald Trump tells Theresa May: UK is special place

>Vice President-elect Mike Pence calls Boris Johnson

Other urls found in this thread:



>Juncker warns Trump
Like he has any right to "warn" anyone, stupid John Oliver lookalike.


>tfw i unironically want someone to make a haggis greentext

Lads... what does a minge feel like?

>Juncker warns Trump

Okay, we'll just take all our troops out of Europe. We'll see how long before they come crawling back to us and agree to pay their fair share.

You fucking mong I was doing a new thread

This is now officially the Rachel Riley Edition

Post your rarest Rachels

Better than an onahole or fleshlight that's for sure.

Lads... what does happiness feel like?

I linked it in the first thread.

Fuck you mate.

Like pale, china blue eyes.

Undoubtably has been the best running string of threads on Sup Forums.
Brit/pol/ is Gods gift to those on here.

About 20 posts early


The inside of a minge, I think

Wasn't fair play, lad. Too early. Really unbritish of you, lad.

It's something Diane Abbott would do.

It really doesn't though.


Because if no thread is made in time...

1. Several are made all at once and it splits everyone up
2. Lazy cunts don't even make one and we have to wait 15 minutes for some guy to get off his arse and do it

Made me chuckle


>dem teef
And people insult ours? lol..

>Donald Trump tells Theresa May: UK is special place
how long until the conglomerate of united states and kingdoms is a thing

Doesn't matter, we always use the first one that is posted.

2 threads being made is better than some nob posting a thread too early.

What if we have a 2nd referendum?

What if we lose?

i don't follow the rules mum i do what i want

His teeth is in disarray. And look at that plaque.

>What if we have a 2nd referendum?
Not happening.

What to do when sex Is unenjoyable and it depresses you?


Try sex with a woman instead of being a monumental faggot

pls no nuke we're not all bad

I will personally blow up the EU parliament.

>tfw the local chippy shut down because the dipshit owner wasn't paying her taxes

Having do-overs defeats the purpose of a vote in the first place.
Though politicians are generally retarded and remainers, I don't think they're actually spastic enough to ignore a vote.

A second referendum should be the least of your concerns, what you should be concerned about is the house of commons voting on whether to enact article 50 or not.

I kill them

>tfw you realise Gen. Jack Ripper was right about women and sex.

Guy Fawkes 2.0 when?

>people vote for a matter
>hehe, it's not legal to carry it out! :^)
how cucked is this country exactly?

>tfw some slag makes an anonymous post about you

Kill me lads


>Nuke Glasgow
And nothing of value was lost

t. a Scot

I live in Glasgow and have been shilling for trump for the last 16 months. I'm not even American. Don't nuke me!!!

At least wait til I move.

Holly got chubby lads :(

Seems a little redundant, a referendum is for asking the people what they want, why bother asking if you have no intention of acting on the result?

What do we do about women, Sup Forums? Is it possible to not hate every single fucking one of them?

>/r9k/ attempt at humble bragging

Tell her you've got chlamydia.

If we have a 2nd referendum and lose, why can't we then have a 3rd? :^)

He's hardly bragging. It's humiliating. We're supposed to be on the same team you faggot.

>hold my hand and be a faggot with me teehee
I'd rather not desu

They seem to consistently let me down in work. I'm getting pretty sick of it. I don't want to give them no responsibilities and have the lads do everything though. Wish I could just sack the cunts.

remove their right to vote, and incentivise marriage and childbirth


You can borrow some of our guns

Why aren't you lads in an interracial relationship yet?


I can't imagine having a sexual encounter and then not having the person's contact details afterwards.

Either that or she just likes boasting about being easy.

Just totalled up a possible Warhammer army lads

>I fucked a slag badly, humble brag

That's a thing no one has said.

You like meesah?

If you nuked glasgow, would anyone even be able to tell the difference?


They aren't retarded enough to say "no"
If they do there'll be substantial political upheaval.



That bitch is fat

I'm on the bus through Brixton and I'm wondering; what do niggers talk about in their barber shops? They seem to sit in them for hours.


Holls is fat?


Because it would improve slightly :^)

You still got to fuck her.

>le epic immature smug face teehee
>wishing harm on your own people
daily reminder for the misguided anglos itt who bash the scots, you have no right to call yourselves britons, and you're showing your weakness through your thin-skinned snipes

>Basically Camus' point on Suicide, except for sex
pick 2

Also, just wanted to see how much it would set me back - no way am i actaully buying this shit unless i won the lottery

Who cares? It worked didn't it?

>l-l-look shes not fat in these pics!!

Yes, the bitch is fat. She may not have always been fat but good lord that harley quinn cosplay is nasty.

pardo out

Feel nice, fuckin stink tho

If 2nd referendum fails we're done for.

If 2nd referendum goes through we get rid of those english cunts

Indyref2 will solve all problems
Just vote yes desu

>fat birds attracting yanks into Brit/pol/ again

I agree with this guy

Reminder that Britain is broken beyond repair. This country will be a third world tier shit hole in a decade.

Fuck off ya smelly wee bawbag

>Wishing harm
wanting people to stop relying on handouts isn't exactly wishing harm upon them user. He wants Scotland to thrive from its own efforts, not from English tax.

Im always lurking, Don't post unless I need to correct British delusion.

>This post
Still salty over the 3-0 loss to England?

Top lel Scotland is pathetic.

But I need NHS funding

Wasn't meant as an insult m8, just wondering how you have the money to spend on such a thing i.e. if you had a gf you'd inevitably be skint.

hi declan, refugees still welcome at parkhead?

>Cuck sitting in the corner
>"I like to watch"

>Basically Camus' point on Suicide, except for sex
i'm not following. care to elaborate?
this guy

Where in Glasgow, brother-in-MAGA?

Ouch, that hurt my feelings. Now I never want to come back.

KEK, bongs are pathetic.

Got an uppity limey over here

Fucking heresy. This is only a couple of weeks old

>Current year
>Still playing Goyhammer

What of? I've heard fish mentioned before...