its over we are so fucking cucked
How bad is your education system that you think Berlin is a part of the United States of America?
Holy fuck Germany, get your shit together.
>please turn your phones off so our speaker can speak honestly and say what she wants to say
Oh look , once again the american libtard cancer spreads to europe...
Berlin is the place where a lot of foreigners that don't know anything about Germany flock to before realizing it is a bit of a shithole.
The education system is mostly at fault, but I'd also say cucked parents play a big part, and they shouldn't be breeding.
>i have to go to work and came home today at 6 p.m
>these shitters complain in GERMANY about MURRICA like it would have any affect on them or change anything
American normies probably dont even know what is happening in germany. So why the fuck are they doing it? Sisyphos syndrom?
German Soldiers died in exactly the same spot these fuckers are marching on. Fuck man, I don't know what to say.
>Berlin citizens now think they're part of the United States
Holy fuck, when are we gonna stop winning?
How about giving Trump a chance and try to work with him instead of vilify him immediately. That's just going to make things worse.
Are those gay people? Why aren't turks and refugees beating the shit out of them?
What the fuck is this guy on the megaphone rambling about?
If anything, liberalism started in eurocuckistan.
Disgusting pieces of leftist trash. What a horrible visual.
Fucking Berlin Scum
>watch video
>jump around a bit the timeframes
>first thing I hear : "...my blackness : I am Black ! ....my gayness, I am gay"
>cheers from crowd
>close video
Wtf is wrong with them, don't they realise that this is all 100% the reason why they're hated so much from everything
histronic cunts that really think everything is about them
Maybe because of
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
But seriously, i dont know. In germany even the turks are cucks.
>thousands of women get abused by rapists
>rambling against the only way out of this mess
Germany is fucked. I want to go to the US and help building this fucking wall.
M-Maybe it's just Americans living in Germany with a few German leftists, right?
Thanks Anglo.
How redpilled is AfD german friends?
Do they know about George Soros?
Warum sind da Schilder mit LGBT?
Ich habe noch nie jemanden von dieser Sorte gesehen. Dachte das ist so ein Amerika ding.
Your once foreign minister (you know the one who got kill of anal-cancer) and our prime minister are part of this organisation
really makes you think
Warum reden sie auf English?
why they talk in english?
I have documents that my grandparents are aryan. Can I come to the US?
>Guido Schwesterwelle
Kek i remember that fag. Totally forgot about him.
I dont want to think anymore about this autismfest. Atleast i dont live in Berlin.
Do you really not have any situational awareness what so ever? Leftists in America commonly point to eurocucks as examples of what we should be. We're on the verge of losing our national identity and weapons because of Europes influence on our hippies.
Their English is way too good for Germans, very few Germans can speak English so well with no Accent.
Just Soros shills.
talking german is so 1933 you fucking anzi
Wanted to translate MAGA into arabic.
Do the reverse and it says Journals.
What does that mean?
What 90% of the people there must have been thinking: tubechop.com
>Wanted to translate MAGA into arabic.
Just shoot a muslim instead
oh you'd be wondering my friend
I know for people that speak english as mothertongue it is not comprehandable how such a thing can happen, but these hipster cunts in major cities in europe are so into this whole "modern american education system" that they can barely speak their own language
Fuck Berlin.
Putin, please annex us or even nuke us, this is just pathetic.
That will maybe trigger you but i have 2 Muslim friends and one was pro trump. Also they were born here and act like germans/ have work. No shilling btw.
What happened Kraut? From world's industrial engineer mammoth and feared sovereignty to pussified cuck libcucks? I want you to be Nazis NOW
and this accomplishes... what exactly?
Damn there's riots in our 51st state of Germany, I guess they don't like our new president.
God fucking damn it, Germany, uncuck yourselves already. Shit.
Self-validation. They feel special. You know, the snowflake kind. Their egos sure are having a feast now.
Fuck this shit. I'll buy a one way ticket to Texas now.
Doesn't mean Germans can speak English without an accent. I have maybe met 2 or 3 Germans that can speak English without an accent, and they lived in the US for a few years.
The youth in German speaks a very "Englishified" German, constantly using English words in their speak. These people actually don't speak English very well, it's just a trend/habbit that is developing in Germany because US culture is very popular.
The ones that don't talk like absolute shit oftentimes sound like this:
Most people speaking in that Anti Trump rally ARE NOT GERMAN. SOROS SHILLS.
allegedly the last living man of the family of Bach is also living in Texas
>signs in English
Well if it isn't an American on holidays, this statement is true
>"Trump may not be a racist... but he represents it. You know what fuck it, he's a racist!"
Crowd cheers.
I think very shortly these people will understand that Trump was the best option. Once they get factory jobs with their liberal degrees that end up paying better than the "slave wage" at Starbucks.
>speaking English
>in foreign capital
>about american politics
Oh wait, he actually literally isn't.
Why are germans such cucks.
Why the only real germans left in eastern germany?
Why are your people such a cucks hans.
Why do you do this to yourself.
I'd be surprised if an anti-Trump rally hadn't been held in London.
At least our government didn't have aynthing bad to say about Trump since he won.
Germany gives me second hand embarrassment
On one level it's embarrassing yeah, but they're also correct in that this+Brexit represents a real move in the Zeitgeist.
Their narrative is on the decline, and the normies can smell change in the air.
Hold the line, mates. France is next.
City people are usually the worst, especially those in the capital (look no further than Londonistan). My regards German, one day they will be stopped.
>that modern art poster
its laughable listening to this. The average pol tard could shred just about every single thing they said to peaces.
These people are so fucking clueless holy shit
Man, and here I thought I was too invested into the election. What are these cucks even on about
Its like they're jealous of how deep libs in america can shove dildos into their ass and they had to size up in public.
east germany is our last hope aside from berlin
Sorry about that
weil der amerikanische traum uns erreicht hat
Guess how many electoral votes Germany gets each election?
Same number of balls German men have collectively.
Do they even know what they are protesting st this point did they know I the first place?
Germanistan YES
Why is everything in English, even the signs...
Kek Berlin is beyond saving. They voted for a far-left state government who actually wants to stop ALL deportations and even wants to pay lawyers to seek loopholes that denied asylum applicants can stay. They effectively are a failed state, leeching of the rest of Germany. I'm so glad I left that shithole
Wtf Hans, can we just ship all our libtard SJW's cucks to Germany and you and other based Germanbro's can come here?
This shit makes my German blood boil. What is a fucking American doing in Berlin speaking on a megaphone? Spewing nothing but complete niggerdom propaganda.
If I did this shit in Berlin speaking about Jewish usury or Israel's war mongering they'd throw my ass in jail.
Germany is lost...
>antifa is something new
I laughed harder than I should have.
why am i not surprised?
They demonstrate in front of the american embassy in Berlin. There are aprox. 15.000 American citizens living in Berlin
Germany, you tried and failed to destroy Europe 2 times in the last 100ish years. At least through war I could respect you, but this? This is pathetic and you deserve to be annexed by PiS Poland and FN France.
If I was in charge of USSR I would have put a nuke under berlin with remote detonator in the embassy.
If you ever fucked with Ruski then we could detonate it.
You can't remove the nuke because it's on Russian soil.
Get fucked Marxist pig
They have to go back... wait on second thought I don't want those cucks coming back here. Send them to Turkey.
Oh for fuck's sake. Yet another proof the Germans were nazishamed too much.
Sending them off into hell would violate their human rights.
Can we just purge them already ;_;
Can we just kill all Germans already? Put them out of their misery
Can I come to the Trumpire in exchange for one SJW? I'm white, blonde and blue eyed. I love guns and liberty. You could send me anywhere, I would settle and live a good quiet life
>Hitler died for this
>Germany, you tried and failed to destroy Europe 2 times in the last 100ish years
A fucking leaf...
>mfw it will be germany's turn to tell american president to "tear down that wall"
Did we jump into bizarro world or what
Tell him you are full. It works.
My grandpa didn't fight for this.
We'd welcome you either way. Don't even care about your hair or eye color, only that you believe in freedom. I welcome anyone who is against this SJW lunacy.
>liberalism started in the US
>German rally
>Speaks English
Your grandpa fought to rape and pillage as the red army advanced.
I'm doing that on a daily basis, I work for the federal agency of migration and refugees
The thing is, it's still illegal for anyone seeking refuge in Germany.
Article 16a (2) is pretty clear about this, desu.
But then, who cares about our Basic Law anymore? It's not like it's as important as a constitution or anything.
If Hitler could see how the leftists would destroy his country like this he had nukes ready in 1939.
frog is right on this one
t. berlinfag
They are literally standing in front of that same structure protesting, spewing SJW commie bullshit. I'm disguested
Looked into it already. Migrating to the US is pretty hard for europeans. If AfD will get more power I'll stay though