My 48 year old mother in law lives with us and wants to be a mom again. She is debating going to the local sperm bank or she is willing to have me help her. Would this go against conservative principles?
My 48 year old mother in law lives with us and wants to be a mom again...
She's 20-25 years over her peak and now has significantly higher chances of giving birth to a cripple or a retard.
Anything over age 35 is degenerate. Even 30 is pushing it.
>in law
Put a baby in her
Get a vasectomy in secret then help her until she gets pregnant
Post her pic
She's not fertile. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants, she's not getting pregnant.
only piks can let us know the answer
creampie her
She hasn't hit menopause yet she can still have kids. She is very lively and often stands an sits really close to me to the point that i can feel her breast or hand or waist.
Is she hot?
>she is willing to have me help her
dude thats hot af i would do it
nail her faggot
Thirty isn't bad. 35 is starting to get there, but you'll likely still be okay. 40 is where shit needs to stop. 45 is oh shit nigger what are you doing tier. Same goes for men.
t. Genetics fag
>She hasn't hit menopause yet she can still have kids. She is very lively and often stands an sits really close to me to the point that i can feel her breast or hand or waist.
I know this is just a fucking please tell me slight incest is ok thread, but as an obgyn seriously no one over 35 should have kids. You just end up bitching and wasting my time.
> jonny pay me alimony > down syndrome debuff chance in 48 is about 40%
(((Regina Spector))) is such a damn cutie, I want to blanda up with her
Dick her
Point out that by the time her kid reached adulthood, she'd be a geriatric. Point out that due to her age, the risk of having a hideous tardbaby is quite highh - does she really want to be responsible for making a life that exists to be inferior in all ways and suffer immensely?
Grab her by the pussy.
>same goes for men
Nope not at all. Eggs are nothing like sperm.
>thirty isnt bad
dude the autism rate skyrockets after 27-28
all women should have their babies from 17-26 if they dont want mongoloids.
Thats why Sup Forums is so powerful. We are all autists born from 30-something whores
>My 48 year old mother in law lives with us
What a fucking loser!
she is 48. the likely hood of birth defects increases after 35 for women. also she would be about 70 by the time the kid is out of highschool
she should be less selfish shes a fucking adult act like one
So your wife is cool with you knocking up her mother? I feel like this thread would be better on b/
get your wife pregnant so she can be a grandmother? not sure if incest fantasy or retarded
>She is willing to have me help her
Dude, can you clarify this? Is she actually willing to fuck you?
>in law
If you live with a wife or something, wouldn't she object to this?
If not, highly questionable but give her the D. Just make sure legally everything is in order, you don't want to end up paying for it. Also make sure the kid wouldn't be getting raised by a single mother.
Single mother household statistically don't produce socially healthy children.
Is it the same for men? I thought that really only applied to women since they have a fixed number of eggs they can ovulate, while men can create a new batch of sperm consistently after puberty (before being senile)
>mfw all the 30 year old sluts I know are suddenly realising they want a family but no self respecting man will put a baby in them
Just because she has periods doesn't mean her eggs are old and haggard you idiot.
Ya she leaned in close and told me that her body has needs and that she can me and her daughter have sex sometimes
>Nope not at all. Eggs are nothing like sperm.
You're just saying that because you're a man and don't want to own up to your own biology. Sperm acts pretty damn close to eggs in terms of DNA fuck up from repairing itself. Tell me with a straight face a 50 year old man wont give birth to defective child and I'll call you a liar. Just because we can still produce sperm in old age doesn't mean we should use it.
The significant margin of change required to consider it a serious threat isn't reached until a women is past 35 at least.
Also OP it's degenerate as fuck to want to impregnate your own mother in law like wtf fag?
No it's not, he's talking out of his ass
DON'T Fucking do it
You do not know if in the future she will want child support.
Don't be stupid
Article is Craig's list but same idea
Enjoy living with an actual retard.
tfw you will never experience regina singing you a lullaby after hours of wild sex
Tell your stupid bitch of a Mom to adopt an orphan.
That'd be you mate. You should know that every time your DNA replicates and repairs itself the result is an imperfect copy. The number of these increase with age and apply even to your reproductive cells. Sorry they don't teach biology in your 3rd world country.
>born to 38yo mom
>ended up fine
Am I lucky?
The paternal age effect on congenital disorders rates is negligible compared to women's age, something you would know if you actually bothered reading some papers.
So before it was it has no effect and now it's "b-but it's not as bad as women". Nice goalpost shifting. If you've read your fair share you'd know all about the effect men's sperm has on birth defects and how much a risk men over 50 having children is. Men 40 and older have a 27% higher chance of passing on defects compared to their 30 and under peers. Women 40 and older hover around the 32 to 35% range, not that far off from your average older man.
How is that even legal
> ended up fine
look at what board you are browsing
Women are born with x amount of eggs, by 38, those eggs are useless due to genetic damage by outside forced(radiation, physical damage, malnutrition etc).
Men are born with 2 balls, that go thru the same thing eggs do, except that, when you make 200 million attempts at once, your bound to make a few thousand viable sperm, even if that are themselves "mistakes" from what the plan has degraded into.
Not to mention the fact that they're all put in a race and only 1 wins.
Your mother in law is a faggot OP
Underrated post
>she is willing to have me help her
Old women have a high enough risk of birthing autists. She doesn't need you tripling that chance
This, I doubt she can even get pregnant. You and her are both stupid as fuck op.
>tfw born when my mom was 27
>autistic as fuck
Listen to this guy
Pics of your mother in law.
Is she hot?
>get a damn good contract before you pump her full of cummies
She could hit you with alimony otherwise.
If you want to do the right thing and not just fill your mother in law full of cum or have a 3 way like a sick fuck, implore her to get in vitro fertilization with a young egg and your sperm. That or abort if the baby is genetically bad.
Talk to her about the risks of getting naturally pregnant at her age, and the DNA repair issue causing her eggs to spike the autism and genetic defect chance. If she has an issue with the baby not being hers, let her know that she still imparts DNA and genetic material through her carrying the babby, and the egg is just a clean starting point.
Have 2 genetic lineages. Pass on your genes to 2 different mothers. Within a few generations, you should be a genetically significant part of your area, just from having babies with 2 mothers. Increase the number of children to 8 and you'll be a percentage of your state.
Good luck OP. Be the Khan you always wanted to be. Be the genetic conquerer. We are all rooting for you.
Source on picture?
i refuse to believe people say this word out loud
Here take this one.
This guy gets it.
nope, you're retarded
Are these shill threads? I've seen at least five of these all very similar to eachother within half an hour.
>Would this go against conservative principles?
Yes. A 48-year-old shouldn't have children.
>right in the pussy, son
Everything else is degenerate.
I don't care I'm having fun.
No nudes of her, too bad :(
Best I could find.
ro ll ing
This really sounds seh doesn't want a baby, but wants to have sex with you
You know women aren't rational thinking beings
>he literally gets to pass on his genes to 2 mothers
>he gets an exponential boost and puts him a generation ahead of others
>and it's all in the family so there's no fuckery
>and the mother and daughter have 2 different genetic bases for you to work with
Is she hot OP?
You better post a pic if she's hot nigger.
>if she's not hot
>doesn't matter, you still must conquer
I forgot to mention this in the last post, but make sure if she does the invitro thing, not to get an egg from her daughter, and instead get one from a random donor. The whole point is to not get a retarded child. Plus, expanding the lineage is what you want.
>after she's pregnant, pump her full of cum as much as you can early term
>best to continue until the third trimester, but the first is the key
Basically, your sperm get absorbed into the body, unable to fertilize the fertilized egg. HOWEVER, the absorption does not destroy all the genetic material, and most of what is absorbed and broken down will go directly to nurturing the zygote, thus imparting even more of your genetic material to the child.
It greatly increases the chance of having a boy, although you can go one step further by cuddling with her after sex to transfer hormones. This can be done with or without taking testosterone injections.
Depends how far you want to go.
Do you wish to model your genetic lineage like a master sculptor? Or do you wish to leave it to chance like a Jackson pollock painting?
warn her about the problems that can happen with being such an old woman and having a baby
then if she still wants one then who cares
>wanna go travel the world and have fun with wife until we're at least 30 then have a bunch of kids
>autism sky rockets around your late 20s
wew lad
I think that makes it better.
She has massive tits and a great body, but she covers them up mostly and isn't a Cyrus tier attention whore.
I think the modesty makes her more attractive. I've heard she's a really shy and nice person in public too.
Go NATURAL release your MALE SPERM inside her, have sex with he every day!!!!
Get her to adopt a 8 year old or something.
She will be too old and low energy to give a new born the attention it needs in 15 years
My mum had me at 42 and it fucked me up
She may be better off going to the sperm bank rather than using the suspect jizz of someone who posts on Sup Forums
Post pics. Do it.
What is wrong with you? Sensitive little bitch.
>American education
>on Sup Forums
You can't be both
>she is willing to have me help her
What? What did he mean by this?
>in law
I think it's you Biblical duty
i think it's time for bed, grandma
Put his penis in her vagina or hold the turkey-baster
Just be sure to genetic test and abort the zygote in the first trimester or so.
The chance skyrockets but it is still extremely slim until you get to your early 40's.
I would donate sperm now when you're young just in case. You see the chance of bad genetics due to older parents more so in Hollywood stars.
They have kids in their mid 40's to their late 50's, both parents are old, and they are usually not together much after conception like a normal pregnancy.
It is extremely important to be together with the mother during the pregnancy. Actors don't work 9-5 and come home to the wife. The mother will be extremely sexual like a constant ovulation period during the first 2 trimesters, and the importance of this instinct is extremely understated to the point of complete ignorance.
She'll want to have sex and want to cuddle and be held. Hormone transfer through the skin and transfer of your sperm being broken down and absorbed directly for nurturing the zygote is the key to a healthy pregnancy.
Without this, the baby is likely born underweight and prematurely, but visually healthy. Your actions during the pregnancy directly influence the length of the pregnancy, the weight of your child at birth, and the health and development of your child.
16 is actually the peak physically.
She a cute
Brilliant. So many mother daughter threesomes potentially. Start off by telling your wife you want her to be there so she can help break the ice and show her it is business only (no foreplay or kissing or eye contact - any foreplay would be her job). Then after a few sessions, yes call it a session, she will relax and begin to join in fully. After months of no success, they will blame her age and not you. By this point, the mother daughter threesome has become such a regular thing that you just keep doing it.
Ignore this bait thread.
OP is a LARPer and wants to fulfill his fantasy
>fucking your mother in law
Uhhhhh what the fuck are you thinking.
This. And I've donated my sperm.
It's about the health of the child.
Not about visual health, but genetic health of the child. The child will likely be born prematurely and underweight, thus compromising it's development and stunting proper growth of the frontal lobes and skull. Neural connections in the brain will be stunted as well. This is based more on the genetic decay of the egg over time than the uterus and ability to carry the child.
The previous part is the likely scenario for the child, and the best case for the most part. Not even worst case scenario is having a child born with defects like a cleft pallette, club foot, lack of cartilage, low skull and brain volume, fucked up vision and hearing, motor skills disability, inabiltiy to walk and talk until ages up to 10, and of course, autism.
Worst case scenario is mental retardation, stillbirth, missing limbs, microcephaly, anencephaly, missing organs, schizophrenia, too many organs, parasite twins, missing torso, missing eyes, extreme fetal alcohol symptoms without the alcohol, and worst of all, child cancer.
My cousin was actually born with cancer of the brain and lungs. He survived and survived leukemia and lymphoma as well, but ended up having the brain cancer return before dying this year at the age of 12. His make a wish foundation wish was to meet the cast of lazy town and spend a day with sporticus and robbie rotten.
If you're going to have a child at that age, be ready to abort, sometimes at late term. If you want to use your egg instead of a young donor, you must accept the responsibility of putting the child out of its misery before you birth it into a life of pain and suffering.
If you're anti abortion and want to have a child at that age, you're going to have to accept that you knowingly reared a child that will live in pain before dying early. You ignored your instincts and biology to pursue a selfish life until you realized you need to pass on your lineage.
The only time I fully support abortion.
The hormones are a bit wild at 16.
Your child has basically no chance of developing genetic issues, but will still likely be born prematurely and underweight.
It's important to have a full pregnancy.
21-30 is perfect. It's stable and lacks the older issues as well as the younger ones. If the girl is an unhealthy mess, 21-25. If the girl is fit and healthy, and not just a skinny fat normal grill, then 21-30.
Applying an age to it for the minimum is a bit of a fallacy. The max stands. The minimum healthy pregnancy age is whenever the girl has completely finished developing and is out of puberty.