Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
God and Allah say different things.
Either god is bipolar/wants to watch holy wars, or they are different entities.
Not really. Arguably, yes, but since Christ is God you cant really say certainly.
Either way they have been lied to by the false prophet about His Will.
there is no god
There is now.
There is no finland
Muslims reject Jesus as savior, so no
Yes. The God of Abraham.
There is no God
yes it is called the abrahamic god
There are some very important differences between the God of the Bible and Allah:
God’s only begotten Son is Jesus. Allah has no begotten son.
God made salvation available by sacrificing His Son and promises salvation by grace to those who believe. Allah sacrificed nothing, and only saves if sufficient works are done.
God has a payment for sins—Jesus Christ. Allah has no payment for sins.
God’s Christ paid for the sins of mankind. Allah paid for nothing, and all men pay for their own sins.
God’s salvation is through Christ’s work. Allah’s salvation is through people’s works.
God’s saving work is, “Come to Christ.” The major part of Moslem salvation is to believe Mohammed was the sum and seal of the prophets.
God’s book is very different from Allah’s book. They contradict each other, so they cannot both be true. For example, the Bible says Christ was resurrected from the dead. The Moslems reject that as a lie.
God says his Son is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Allah says Christ is “only a messenger” (Chap. 5, “The Food” sect. 10, par. 75).
God treats men and women equally. Allah does not.
God says marriages today (Christian) are to be monogamous. Allah allows more than one wife.
There is no marriage in God’s Paradise. Faithful men get many virgins in Allah’s.
God says it is not necessary to have special days. Allah does: for example, Ramadan, the Moslem holy month during which Moslems fast during the day.
>self-respecting white man
>worships a dead sandnigger jew
In the same way that 616 Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man are the same person. So, yes and also no.
but we have very different views on what He's like
muslim God is much more based, warlike and fantasy,
while christian God takes violence more seriously
variations of the same fabricated semitic lying bollocks: the skyjew YHWH, Jehovah, Allah: all the same rubbish
Yes but Christians do it correctly.
>Still believing in a fairy tail
*Tips fedora
Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 1 John 2:23
Muslims just claim so so its easier to convert Christians.. but they are really more like devil worshippers
this guy right here
yes. obviously!
but they'r still different religions that cannot be easily merged.
It can be argued both ways, but I don't believe so.
can confirm
what about Jews?
tripolar then.
and what is if god is actually a hoxe of Satan?
to get people hate each other by creating sjw
Very good analogy
Isn't the main divide between Christianity and Islam whether one believes that Jesus is the son of God or just a prophet?
That's a huge difference in interpretation.
Jesus says "No one gets to the Father, except through Me." So He is either telling the truth about being God's son, or committing some serious blasphemy.
Yes. Same god that doesn't exist.
Don't they both believe Jesus will come back and defeat the armies of evil?
Both religions worship Saturn
ironically atheists are very passive towards muslims
>reminder that atheist birth rate is below replacement while christians is above
>reminder that atheists overwhelming voted clinton while christians voted trump
>bonus point: atheist voting most closely resembles jewish
Why are atheists such cucks trying to prevent christians from saving the white race?
Prove it.
>Islam literally has the Moon as it's main religious symbol
>Judaism literally has a Star as it's religious symbol
>Christianity literally has the Sun as it's religious symbol
there is NO god
Does God say different things, or do different prophets misinterpret them?
Someone's watched zeitgeist one too many times while retardedly high on pot
No, Muslims worship Satan, like he said
>Don't they both believe Jesus will come back and defeat the armies of evil?
ya but the Christian believe jesus is the son of god
and the sandniggers believe he is just a regular magic guy
According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:
Qur'an 3:54—And they (the unbelievers) planned to deceive, and Allah planned to deceive (the unbelievers), and Allah is the best of deceivers.
Qur'an 7:99—Are they then safe from Allah's deception? No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish.
Qur'an 8:30—And (remember) when the unbelievers plotted deception against you (O Muhammad), to imprison you, or kill you, or expel you. They plotted deception, but Allah also plotted deception; and Allah is the best of deceivers.
Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
Because most Atheists give up on God but need a replacement for the binky they just threw away.
So they choose government.
So we're all delusional still.
Yes the God of Jacob, Abraham, and Issac.
because atheism is a meme created in order to make civilization more submissive to globalists aka commies and muslims
Hell no
Catholic philosophy shaped our idea of God, while Muslims shot the idea of philosophy down long ago. Pure theology cannot be understood except through acting in its image
Yes they both worship the god of Abraham.
Muslims think they (with Jesus) will massacre the Jews. Christians believe they (with Jesus) will fight against Satan's army. Both could be partially true, if you think about it. I.e. Muslim's worship Satan.
Do people really believe in God here or is it just a meme?
The pope himself days he believes in evolution... Yet I talk to hicks in Indiana that say "I know 1 things for sure, I didn't come from no dank monkey."
Seems that's the more educated you are - the less relious you are.
Yes, because Islam and Christianity are not separated religions, they are different sects of a belief system which was established by Abraham.
They both worship the god of Abraham, the one that asked Abraham to kill his son, then said just kidding
they both worship the god of the flood, the god that created adam and eve
so, yes
found the retard guys
No. Without going into the many details, the biggest difference is they don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah. That alone differentiates them.
Nope we don't.
Allah is a bloodthristy head cutter, while the Father is a loving God.
>>reminder that atheists overwhelming voted clinton while christians voted trump
grab her by the pussy
for jesus
No. Jesus warned of false prophets
Yes, the same Jewish God, but in a wrong way.
>Not actually reading the Bible or Tora
You know the God of Abraham is the same god Muslims worship. The middle men are different. Jews and Muslims praise him. Christians reach retribution through Jesus Chris (also a holy figure in the koran).
>Catholic philosophy shaped our idea of God, while Muslims shot the idea of philosophy down long ago. Pure theology cannot be understood except through acting in its image
yeah only the retard catholics could possibly be right
Allah demands sins be paid for in blood.
God sacrificed his son for our sins.
Doesn't sound very similar.
God is God. The headcutting part was added by Mohammed
he's right though
All of these comments are people who take Mohammad's word for it.
Since Mohammad is a liar, why should anyone believe that Mohammad's version of Hebrew and Christian history replaced with Muslims?
Islam is not Abrahamic because Islam is a shitty plagiarism by an illiterate goat fucking mass murdering, rape slaving pedophile.
No and my digits confirm
>The middle men
A blatant disregard for the distinguished prophets of those two religions shows you know nothing about it. Watering it down does not help your argument
There is no god but Kek and Pepe (pbuh) is his prophet
No, don't believe the interfaith movement.
Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God, and Logos incarnate. He is God.
Mohammedans believe in Allah and his pedo prophet Mohammad. They do not believe in the divinity of Christ.
These ideas are mutually exclusive.
>also a holy figure in the koran
But do Muslims believe he is the Son of God, and the only way to the Father? Didn't think so.
When did I ever say one or the other was right? Grow up
Gentiles, take the answer from a jew. Stop being inane.
(((Christians))) and (((muslims))) are both Jews. (((Abrahamic))) religions are the enemy and are inherently anti white and anti western civilization. They are middle eastern kike religions.
>Yes, the same Jewish God, but in a wrong way.
Judaism and Islam originate from the Pharisees. There would be no Islam without Talmudists.
Yes, but illiterate goat herders follow false prophet Mohammed and deny Jesus = God despite it being stated clearly in The Revelations 1:17. He is the first and last, alpha and omega. Heretics claim Jesus was "just a prophet lol".
Don't let muslims you know follow mad false prophet! Spread the truth! Deus Vult!
I praise kek now. I took a class in biblical philosophy and read the bible. I never fully read the koran.
>while the Father is a loving God.
>flooded the world
>killing the first born
>inventing cancer and virus
>telling people to kill rape victims for not screaming loud enough
22:23 If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
22:24 Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among
i could go on
confirmed and checked
>Actually existing
christians are romans and greeks
oh my, a religious atheist
you are such a special snowflake
they were all liar, do you really believe these Jew's mythology? islam and Christianity are just Judaism for goys. That's it, your 30 kg poor Jew god has never lived,
الله جدا هست
jesus's father was a white roman centurion named Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera tho
yes, they worship jahweh faggot. hey yahweh, u r fag and kek is cooler. he will build a wall around your part of the sky or space or where the fuck you faggot settle
No one gets to the delegates Dahnald except through me.
Spare the rod and spoil the child
If God killed them it was because he didn't want to see them degenerate any further.
the answer is clearly YES since there is only one God
but muslims worship the
>christians are romans and greeks
After the (((christian))) barbarian invasion. Western civilization and democracy was built on european paganism, not your kike religion.
>get blown the fuck out for worshipping the same God as the sandnigger kingdoms
>better insult!
Deists, everybody. Fucking retards.
yea they worship the same false god, the only true god is the Ásatrú norse pagan gods
Islam is a religion used to try and undermine thr Christian faith. Their profit said he met jesus and moses and rode on a peagasus to the holy land. After fucking a 9 year old
enlightened as fuck
sorry but literally every christian book was writtern by romans, greeks and part northafricans
More or less.
Muslims and jews worship the same god, but the christian God is a bit different.
They dont though. Muslim escathology share many similiarities with the christian escathology
>gets blown the fuck out cause he think Jews, Mohammedans and Christians worship the same God.
They reject him as the savior though, this isn't negotiable. Rejecting Logos is the epitome of Judaism.
Well obviously Allah is the god of lies, this Satan
Yeah, after the (((christian))) barbarian invasion of Rome. First christians were kikes and it's an anti-white religion. No celibacy in Judiasm yet there is in christianity. No kangs or qwaynes in Europe until christianity came along. Keep sucking that circumcised kike cock.