Why do the Japanese love Trump?
Why do the Japanese love Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
> No blacks
> No Muslim
they dont
most are bleeding heart softies and think trump is a big meanie
they take the wall thing metaphorically, thinking he wants to expunge ALL foreigners from the US
they think his election will cause japanese economy to get worse
and they think that not only will america go into nuclear war with china but get japan caught up in it. the big bad chinese will come get them
Wonder if they love Putin too? They love Duterte as well!
And the fear of defunding american presence there and causing more trouble? I kept reading stuff about that.
The Asians love Trump
I've heard this but only from Japanese people who clearly were pretty dumb and didn't know stuff about politics
I think there's a general uneasiness about the security situation. On the other hand there's quite a few Japanese who like Trump and want to get Japan's military bigger, or wants Japan to get nukes.
I thought japs were sick of american troops being stationed there and want their own military
Based japs.
Have a fake jap trump video.
Magic chinese monkey > Mexican warlock
Always with the chinese
Just fuck already
Japan understands the importance of keeping Muslims out.
Why hasn't randomyoko made a new video after the Trump victory.
>Japanese people who clearly were pretty dumb and didn't know stuff about politics
you mean all of them? were talking about a race of people who value consensus over logic and reason
very minor voices about a few rape cases. in general they wouldnt mind having a military but dont really give a fuck so long as america protects them. they spin it as "look at us, we dont even have an army we are so peaceful!"
>those boots/socks
That's what we tried to tell the libertards from my place when Duterte gave China some detente. They thought he was selling our shoals to China, which was proven later not the case.
Back to Japan, they revised their constitution for military stuff and was met with protests-- as expected.
Majority of Japs want it, except for the people around the bases that keep getting their 12 year old daughters raped or in fist fights with the navy.
That's not really a majority opinion. Japan's current president is very conservative anyway, what will probably happen is that the US will leave bases there but Japan will also get a bigger military OR they'll just pay the US more. Japan has been preparing to have a bigger military for awhile now ever since they've been reinterpreting their constitution.
They have high IQ and actually understands who is the evil one. They don't have PC idiots too.
aside from equating him to hitler and showing missiles launching there is japanese text that reads "cunt" over his face.
its anti trump
Japs love white dick
6'3'' Blonde? Red? Brown? Blue eyed white dick
Ni qu zai siiiiiiiii!
This is the jap mindset
Well, I haven't ever made the claim that Japanese people in general are informed about politics. They live in a wonder world of a country where it's 98.5% homogenous, so they tend to not worry about such things.
Trump looks like the poster child for America.
Unlike, Obama, who is literally half african.
that sounds really beta. the 2nd nuke really did fuck you guys up didn't it
>wants japan to get nukes
japan is a nuke now
i wish they did
Because he's cool with them being independent and allowed to own nuclear warheads.
>Don't like Trump
>Let's do an awesome video and make Trump look like a badass
>Trump supporters love it
pff, what do you know
Because the ruling elite of Japan want to return to the old ways (Nippon kaigi, look it up), militarize and be an independent pacific power again. Trump will help them get there
He looks genuinely suprised like the monkey was the deciding factor.
fpbp confirmed.
Why do the chinese call japanese ghosts?
And it's not japanese afaik, but it's cute.
they worry about chinese and north koreans
I clearly recall stuff about that. That stuff happens here as well long after we gave their bases the GTFO card after that big Pinatubo eruption, last one was in military exercises visits.
Trump wants now some just compensation for maintaining military presences there and all over.
looks aesthetic as fuck regardless, so it's pro trump if they knew it or not
100% of the idiots who see CNN in the world thing like this.
They are one of the few countries on the planet that are still 99% ethnically Japanese and they don't care what the rest of the planet says or thinks. They put their own people first. All forms of crime are extremely low and they are highly nationalistic. They don't get called out on it by the media because Jews fear the samurai.
They're a meme people.
Same reason they call blacks ghosts. They see them as soulless husks.
They love Nationalism and strongly identify with maintaining ones heritage and respecting ones ancestry.
its literally "cunt" when you pronounce it (or in engrish, 'kanto'). this word isnt used in japanese. its just some shitspewing weaboo
not all japs are retards
some of them are smart enough to like the idea of not being cucked nonstop by the US military anymore
He's a living meme, and Japanese love memes.
He also probably closely resembles their view of the stereotypical American.
Of course you don't build walls, you're a fucking island.
Japanese ladies like strong, virile American men.
Boom boom love long time.
>be an independent pacific power again
I hope you're talking about the sea.
Because Japs think they're white.
Chinese for Senkaku, NoKor for being asshats and constant nuke threats.
Very understandable, I'd say.
I bet she's happy as fuck right now.
I wonder if Yoko is still drunk from the election party since she hasn't made a celebration video.
idk guys, this looks like a shop to me
Trump is instantly recognizable as extremely manly and extremely American. Hillary winning would have been boring
You guys are retarded cucks. They're just posing because Japanese people are obsessed with westerners in general.
The Japanese people hate Trump because they can't protect themselves and he threatens to abolish the treaty which has kept them safe from North Korea and Chinese aggressions.
We'd like to swipe some of that get-away-from-everything card because even HRW doesn't fuck with them about death penalty!
>abolish the treaty
Don't be an idiot. He just wants some more money for having our bases there. I really doubt the security situation in Japan will change much at all, besides Japan getting their own bigger military which they have been planning on for awhile anyway
free plane ticket home and a mutual understanding that its ok to not want a flood of muslims in your country given their poor integration rate post 9/11
pre 9/11 it seemed they would be like others and the iranian revolution meant nothing. as long as you get them into western society they drop the act. now it seems their are true believers
Jap girls always vote Republican.
>no blacks
>no muslims
>no SJWs
>only hard-working asian men and women
it's almost like the density of people in japan who know what's truly important for a country is much much higher than anywhere else
Of course.
No need for "?".
Enough politics. Let's band together and get the shitposting back on track.
Because the Japs are trend-hopping poseurs.
Having a base in Japan is INCREDIBLY advantageous to America. We should be paying them to keep it there.
Do you know how much the Japanese people hate our bases there? They literally hate our soldiers. Our soldiers raped and killed a girl before, even. They don't want us there. They just want us to protect them.
i have not seen any such clothing anywhere be it for trump or hillary. these are camwhores (LITERALLY), asian girls in other countries, or just trying to be cute for the photo.
they dont wear clothes with obvious brands, let alone something that identifies themselves. dont forget these are shy people who dont like to stand out. the only time they would they would do so for the pretense of it when its accepted.
the pretense is on a whole other level than the pretense you are used to in the west.
you ask jap kids why they listen to english rap and dress like american black youth and what the english words on their clothing means. they cant answer any of those questions. at best they just say "its cool". an actual nigger would at least give you some run around explanation of oppression and poverty.
here its jsut cause its cool/cute tee hee
Okay, I won't deny it, they have indications they're not the brave people we once knew.
They had lots of resistance when they were about to strike out the 'pacifist' part in their Constitution.
They won't even repeal their censorship laws.
What are you talking about?
They don't hate our bases there, I've been to Japan and talked to them about it. Of course nobody likes the rapes and stuff but they recognize that it's a rare occurence and not really our fault
And here I was thinking English education there would alleviate some of that issues.
Japanese people just think stuff from America and anything with English is instantly cool. That's why Jap women love marrying whte guys.
If you've been to Japan then you know they hate our bases. I've never once heard a Japanese person be okay with Americans keeping a presence on their land.
Japan as not enought nigger/sandnigger, to get redpill. End of story.
Obviously for defense against China/North Korea. They're not stupid.
What do you think is needed to get some of that ball rolling?
Beta males who literally won't touch women and call such as 3D Pig Disgusting, with women holding too high a standard.
>showing exactly what im saying
its true, but the love for white guys or foreigners in general is a complete misconception. as is the opposite idea that they hate foreigners. cute girls like handsome guys, whatever the race (except maybe chinese).
Because they hate chinks too
Because he's a meme.
Well, they clearly don't like foreigners who are non-whites. I can say from personal experience that my game went up drastically when I was in Japan; maybe it's more of a thing where foreigners are more attractive in general than a thing specific to Japan, I dunno.
Can you explain this video?
These people seem to be aware of our politics.
Japanese love all American presidents, but is that real love?
It's about fucking time the Chinese got back at you Japs anyway after how terribly you treated them
But they acknowledge the corruption of the Clinton party and seem very chill about it, that Trump won. They have no hard feelings against Trump.
Make Bushido Great Again !!
JPs know their shit.
The last one was a nigger.
This one is a tall white guy.
2016 is the year of the monkey. the fact that the monkey went to trump means it's good luck.
>He also probably closely resembles their view of the stereotypical American.
You're absolutely right. Tall, blonde and loud mouthed. This was actually the US president from an anime that aired last year.
Yeah, that's the thing that I admire most. Aren't most European countries flipping their shit that Trump won? (Besides Russia lel)
Trump needs to make anime real. Western Asians are seriously in danger from feminism cults ruling over them and cucking them, that's the least Trump can do, provide them with anime wives.
its probably you who were more proactive
if were talking the dating scene girls like latinos and europeans and some like blacks and koreans even. dont know about middle easterns. just dont be chinese