Nigel says yes
Is Belgium really a non-country?
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When Brussels is nuked, and the EU destroyed, it will split along French and Dutch lines.
so yes?
>Whole point of Belgium revolution is muh catholics
>country is majority atheist now
now go play some futebol Pablo
Basically it is a non-country. They should just be split between the Netherlands and France desu.
why is belgium not a country? I can't understanding
we're not allowed to talk about it
do not try to understand, your inferior SA genes won't let you
i am not south africa I am guyana
South America
wew, lad
Why do you people want to nuke everything? Brussels has, like every other cucked city in the West, a significant population of conservative Whites. Just airlift us out beforehand PLEASE
Just a friendly reminder that Wallonia is french and that Belgium is a non-country
didn't u create belgium to cuck netherlands though?
>this pathetic excuse of a country is talking shit
Go prep the bull Muhammad
Belgium was created as a place where Britain, France and Germany could settle their differences without fucking up their own land
Return our rightful clay baguette!
we are a non-country
we belong rightfully to the netherlands
soon belgium will cease to exist and we'll join forces with our older brother the netherlands
france or luxemburg can have wallonia though i dont give a shit
Your flag looks like a diaper.
Remind me, what the fuck ever happened in Argentina?
We should split up. wallonia to france and flanders to the Netherlands.
Groot-Dietsland when?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Quit drinking and stop sucking dutch cocks.
w*lon detected
You 3 are retards.
>Eendracht maakt macht!
all your fries and sour mayonaise are belong to us
Many things
Stories of false promises and outright betrayal, civil wars and great cruelty
Your flag looks like piss,blood and shit
brother take flanders again
we want to be ruled under geert
ignore the w*lons
Leave Belgium alone, it's a pretty cute :3
even though it's very small for a kingdom.
It's my favorite European country after Holland.
Sadly, unity in this country will never be possible as long as Wallonia stays communist and socialist, while Flanders gets more and more conservative...
Let's make it happen foreign dutchbro
Geertje is leading the polls, VNL (actually sort of a meme party) will probably have quite a few zetels, Denk has none.
Great news.
fuck off wallonian LARP'er. everyone here knows you just want to leech off us. if wallonia would sink in the waves, nothing of value would be lost.
It is where we will store all the Nuclear power plants. It shall serve it's purpose
Would be pretty good. unfortunately almost no one in flanders would want that. the ones that hate Belgium are usually hardcore Flaminganten, who want an independent Flanders, not a joining of the Netherlands.
I want to join you though ;))
>Geert leading the polls
God damnit I hate Belgians.
Geertje is down atm, but with Sup Forums's Meme Army it should be a glorious victory
Yeah not interested in that. The French can have it.
This picture makes me wish Jacaranda trees were more abundant in our cities
Also, Ché Guevara and Queen Maxima
Ayyy I forgot about maxima
Belgium is a union of a part of France, and a part of the Netherlands.
Gross, it just looks like a cancerous outgrowth
As a french i would take Wallonia to create a new real country. Wallonia + "Haut de France". We would call it "Unemployed Land" or "La Chtie".
That would help our country to stop loosing money paying pensions and stuff for unemployed weird incestuous people and everyone would be happy.
It's half france and half netherlands
It's about as much of a country as Britain is
>it will split along French and Dutch lines.
>split between the Netherlands and France desu.
Why the fuck split a non country with another non country ?
It's french clay, like "Belgium".
Would Belgium be better of as 3 Luxembourg-esque pseudostates?
You're dead to me.
Remember me about how we kicked you guys out of our country during Napoleon
We're a mix between nords and germanics, not surrenderers
still better than being nonwhite like you though
we speak a germanic/nordic language not a frog language faggot
We are a non-country, but my hopes is that thanks due to the immigrant crisis VB and N-VA will have increased popularity and then they could begin the Flemish independence program! Hope that one day we'll also join up with the Netherlands again.
Groot Dietsland wanneer?
Stronk vlaanderen will just be another province under the flag of Willie
Shut the fuck up, you traitorous swine, and get out of rightful English clay.
You are nothing.
Only the UK, France and Spain matter. The whole european continent is french clay.
Sadly Belgium is a country
It shouldn't be though
It is an awful scheme which is currently being supported by walloons who don't want to lose their extremely productive taxpaying neighbors to pay for their welfare
Belgium is literally a charity project half of the citizens never asked for
belgium created belgium to cuck netherlands
Pietenpact was made by various corporations and school clusters in our country. Our politicians aren't too pleased about it either.
You will learn french like all others.
>we speak a germanic/nordic language
It's just a patois, not a real "language".
I bet your country ceases to exist before the UK does.
charlemagne was born in aachen a city in modernday germany close to the dutch border he was germanic not french
Only General Massu would be worthy of this empire
Even your president is called Holland(e)
Wait, why Spain?
We invaded Mexico and Mexico invaded USA. Thus we win.
I'm going to try and convince as many people as I can who haven't been voting in the last few years or wasted their vote on the Pirate Party last election to vote for this coalition. We can do it!
>Grandson of Charles Martel not french.
Germoney is also a non-country.
Confederation du Rhin reporting in
keep telling that to yourselves germanic-romanic with mixed celts lmao
>implying luxembourg wont annex all of belgium
Luxembourg isn't a country, it's a bank.
>implying luxemburg hasnt already
Belgium is a state, but not a nation.
nope. keep dreaming. this country will be dead soon.
Well yeah you monkey, Belgium is a kingdom, not just a country. Also it exists because Brits either fucked up or gave away catholic land to a protestant kingdom on purpose, we'll never know.
tbqh if we one day manage to actually split up, i want Brussels to remain independent as if it goes to the Netherlands, i don't speak Dutch or Flemish, like most of the population and i wouldn't want to be a part of France and be associated with ass-backwards redneck Walloons who fuck their cousins and throw bricks at cars on the highway.