Give me the fucking blue states and the riots will stop.
Give me the fucking blue states and the riots will stop
Fuck off, I don't want to be a leaf
>Give me New York City
Yeah no
>giving land
Your country is already underpopulated with your landmass.
How about we just send the people who voted blue to Canada?
I don't want those faggots here, piss off
Enjoy your riots :^)
>riots will stop
You mean they will never stop.
nah, take all the red states.
You can have them, with the exception of upstate New York and Virginia,theyre salvageable. The rest of the blue states will only get worse from here.
>all blue
fuck off
Is it even possible to make Canada great again? I mean, without a purge.
What the heck, I don't want those blue states, we're already cucked enough.
We will give you the blue states, but only if you give us an equal number of white conservatives in return
>Leaf thinks he can make demands
Adorable. We'll take it all.
good thing i'm a dual citizen
>Northern Ont.
>Interior BC
Leave now Toronto.
You can have NYC. Upstate NY is fine.
Cut the head off the snake.
Quality post
>Fifty fucking stars
Honestly though, I'd be willing to sell CA and NY to Canada as long as they assume the US's $19 trillion in debt.
I'm liking this map OP
that would be so excellent. You'd have to leave Virginia and Illinois though
>living in a blue state
you are already a cuck
Weak leaf, weak.
In fact I actually looked up why you have a leaf, not only does it have no meaning, but I found that the Union Jack is still technically an official flag of your country.
You are that cucked.
No. We're making it all red.
Day of the Rake.
gib clay
This. You can have the faggots, we keep the land.
aight senpai, they is yores
>Boy I sure do love raising my wife's son with lower taxes then with a liberal government!
Seriously when will we get a real right-wing party?
>Give me the fucking blue states and the riots will stop.
There wouldn't be any riots if these fag rioters had actually gone out to vote in the first place . They have nobody else to blame but themselves .
Fuck off . Leave Canada out of this .
>implying you want those Alberta equalization payments spread between 30 million cucknifornians
say bye to your gibsmedat Pierre
We will be happy to export all of our minorities and tumblerinas to you and enrich Manitoba.
I'd rather be a Marylander than a fucking leaf
But that's how the snake wins
Soros, you live in Canada now?
Fuck you bitch.
Your time is almost up.
Needs a merchant pulling the puppet strings and endorsed by Ben Garrison
yes, thats a unicorn
why even ask when we can JUST take them?
I would make this trade.
But you have to take all the libs from the other states who want out.
>limp wristed anti-war anti-gun pussies going to war against battle-hardened conservative veterans
Good luck leaf faggot
These maps don't always make sense since red is a liberal colour in Canada. By the way Quebec, Onatrio, and BC are all conservative except for the major cities.
Based on the last election and the 2015 election, it's more like this desu senpai
How about we just take Canada instead
>filling us with even more Liberals
>we don't even get Alaska
>Alberta isn't American
Yeah, we got some fucking work to do
Stupid. Ever since the election you've been saying that the US is not a democracy.
That guy would technically be protesting republicanism, not democracy, since Hillary won the democracy.
>larger army than all the other countries of the world combined
>spends trillions of dollars on military industrial complex
>been engaged in war for hundreds of years
>consumed by war culture
didnt even make the fucking list
burgers on fuckin suicide watch
Fuck off, maple chugger.
gib clay
>battle-hardened conservative veterans
I want alaska
Based Nunavut
I think Trump will push Trudeau around enough for everyone to elect someone with a backbone pretty quick
>yes, thats a unicorn
I used to wonder what faggotry could be
Till you all showed Canada to me
Sucking cawk
brown immigrants
dude weed lmao
cities full of nips and nogs
sharing poutine
and this faggot makes it all complete
i think this one was the official coat of arms actually
Pajama Boy!!!! One hit wonder piece of shit.
You dont get Virginia or Nevada. You can take the other blue states though.
Red and Blue just leave.
>yfw America is more diverse then ever with this map
>potentially millions of Somalian immigrants already in the north and east
>millions of Cubans and south americans in Florida
>Texas is almost half Mexican
>more blacks in the south then anywhere else
>Syrian Refugees already in florida
There's 10% more of all that going on in the US all the time except for poutine.
The Unicorn represents Scotland because our coat of arms is a reconfiguration of the British one. The fact that we were a British colony is news to no one, in fact we fought you just to stay that way.
Keep projecting faggot. Truth is anyone with a little money in Canada has more fresh air and freedom than you could fucking dream of unless you're from Alaska.
And the snake wins
>riots stop
>civil war begins
only socal hipsters want to leave the union
American liberals are violent and stupid. I don't want them in my country.
Are you trying to bully my buddy Trump? You sure you want that liberation, fagget?
There, i fixed your shit map. Also, Labrador is Quebec's clay.
I unironically think he's gay, and not in a meme way.
Minnesota is redeemable. Leave him.
If you're going to isolate city states, you need to make just Chicago blue, and rest of Illinois red. Same for New York and New York City