How does this image make you feel?
How does this image make you feel?
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how fucking delusional can one get
he has blue eyes therefore he is white you dumb negro
your blood should be boiling, you should be SEETHING mad.
You are literally being replaced, RISE UP AND DEFEND YOUR HISTORY before it gets rewritten.
>women were still pure white somehow
Why the diaper?
if it was reversed, it could actually be a bit realistic
I always knew it
Simply unrealistic.
well, we all know the original Scandinavians were black as coal, and it was only thru the evil majik of Krozzar the Sorcerer that they were cursed with the fair skin and blond hair we see and are disgusted by today. Sad, could have been Kingz. Didn't you go to school?
We're really not though lul
SD will be the biggest party 2018 (no doubt in my mind), immigration will be halted and possibly reversed.
Even if they're not the biggest party, the Swedish public is getting more and more fed up. Contrary to last year, I can have conversations with my friends about the immigration issue without being ousted as a racist.
I mean... we did own slaves...
You can tell she's its owner by the way she's looking at it.
it's fake so it doesn't matter
>tfw pale and blue eyed and Danish last name but still nothing but American
Still makes me mad though
well the vikings did call themselves "the black"
so vikinigs could be african?
dont tell me how to feel about my nation
but no the general idea is dont take them serious
the more attention you give them and the harder you try to disprove them the more they sperg, they will keep coming up with desperate explanations how they were in scandinavia or some shit, dont give em the time of your day
Biggest fuckup of our country. Should've fought the fuck back. Christianisation did nothing good for us except invite a whole bunch of "freedom of religion" nonsense.
Used to be we could sacrifice kristi blod.
ye nah, probably relying a bit too much on the Sup Forums narrative there.
You are in a worse situation than we are atm teebz.
And the image does nothing for me, it's ridiculous.
>You are in a worse situation than we are atm teebz.
didnt you guys completely lose control of rinkeby and malmo to the point where police dont even interfere anymore?
Finns weren't vikings.
Anyway, it's a painting. It's not real.
>We're really not though lul
>SD will be the biggest party 2018 (no doubt in my mind), immigration will be halted and possibly reversed.
>Even if they're not the biggest party, the Swedish public is getting more and more fed up. Contrary to last year, I can have conversations with my friends about the immigration issue without being ousted as a racist.
Also Sweden held the European Freedom Awards in Stockholm, an event organized by the Swedish initiative Institute for Direct Democracy in Europe that seeks to organize opposing forces in Europe against the EU. One of the speakers was Nigel Farage...
pffffttttt about like pic related
Just never go there with only one patrol-car so to speak. Always bring backup. The no-go-zones in Sweden were always misinterpreted by the right, and not spoken of by the left. They were always just "dont go there alone"-zones.
This, itself, has led to a decreased presence as it requires more personel, which in turn means that those areas won't be prioritized unless the crime is severe enough.
It is good that we see blacks represented as compensation for their great contribution to Nordic culture.
You have a point actually, some areas in Malmö are completely fucked, and we need better employment deals for police but it is localized.
You stole the whole "cowboy" thing from us anyway, during the US independance war.
Doesn't seem like the best winter clothing to me
my god look at all the LarP fagging there
Niggers are desperate to imagine themselves as their betters and historic conquerers.
a Brit has no right to claim superiority when there are Sharia courts in his country
>You stole the whole "cowboy" thing from us anyway, during the US independance war.
unfortunately for you no one knows that
I mean, no viking ever wore any horned helmets, so i guess that they're trying to impersonate some sort of proto-celtic people.
This is a Vendel-age helmet, which is the period just before the Viking age and a viking age helmet would look similar.
I agree but it is implied.
We will never know.
We are superior to you though, what have you done through history?
fuck all.
We created America.
We had them in Norway in the viking period. We called them "blåmenn"= "blue men". They didn't have many. They got it from the muslim countries slave trades.
Didn't say there aren't problems in those places, they're utter shit-holes. Just refuted the no-go-zones.
I can not believe you are sating that the pride Neo-Pagan tradition is mere larping. You Christcucks are all the same. Ill go to big daddy Varg and cry out about this hate.
2: they weren't vikings tho. They were slaves, and only slaves.
Feels like she should clothe her beast of burden better, a bit of body armour could make it more survivable
>cucking anyone
Lmaoing at your life
Figure like pic related are found in Scandinavia though, plus they shared some metallurgy with Nuragics.
Your image is based upon Celtic and Roman, the same with the Viking ships, they were also based upon Celtic and Roman designs.
Huh I didn't know I was black.
what I remember learning from school was that they encountered savage blåmenn on an island between spain and morocco. the savages attacked the vikings and fled into a cave. they burned them out of the cave and killed all of them.
point is. I havent heard about vikings taking negroes as slaves before. it would be more likely they favoured arab girls. I know I would
Obviously fake. Swedes weren't vikings.
We still have that word here. "Blåneger" , a very very black negro
Rus came from Swedish regions, but so did the Danes.
Sup Forums here, I can't find the image at the moment, but there was some libtard that complained that there were no POC in The Witcher 3, with the dev defending himself so perfectly, the libtard wound up tweeting the official publisher's account telling them to fire the dev. The Dev replied that he was the CEO of cdprojekt
Nah, they took some to Norway as an attraction. They were expensive too. I read it in a historybook in allmennefag about 16 years ago, so my memory might be vague.
The "really nigga" face of the woman behind him kills me.
the art is really bad and the thing in the background looks like a tranny. look at that face and those hands, if that ain't a man i dont know hwat
the axe is also inaccurate. vikings didn't use horseman's axe types of axes as a matter of fact they weren't used until like 700 years later
As an American, I'm embarrassed that our PC culture is staining the legitimate heritages of Europe.
Still waiting for a black SS soldier in a WWII pic...
I remember that.
That wasn't witcher 3, that was kingdom come.
I'm not an expert. Heard this from Danes and Norwegians.
That figurine is from 8th century sardinia. My example is a replica of a vendel-age helmet. In reality, vikings most likely did not use metal helmets other than perhaps for ceremonial or local conflicts (where such a thing would be a status symbol).
bit annoyed by hollywood exploiting it in those capeshit movies
you shouldnt take our bants for facts. the swedes did a lot of trading, raiding and socialising with ruskies and arabs. the best steel came from swedish trade routes I think
Yes from the few (two?) that have actually been found, that's what they looked like.
The sparsity of found helmets suggests that vikings didn't actually wear any helmets at all though, but rather pointed leather hoods to protect them from the rain and sea.
Mind you their primary weapons were spears (axe and shield for close combat) so they relied heavily on mobility and reach and too much armor helps with neither.
this is very accurate actually. why are southern men so much more manly than the pathetic northeners?
>That figurine is from 8th century sardinia
8th century BC.
Yes I told you that, both culture's metallurgy was connected.
pic related is Scandinavian from around the same period.
Exactly, christianisation made nordics ashamed of their past and traditions
Dey also be mermaids n shit.
Black Male/White Female 200% higher divorce rate than pure White Couples. White Male/Black Female divorce Rate 50% Lower. How come they think they steal our Women, when we Keep theirs
Couldn't finish that sentence without laughing.
Get back to me when the men of your country aren't begging for my change outside my supermarket :)
The horned helm stereotype doesn't come from any of that. They coined it up for Wagner opera.
not ashamed. pagan traditions was outright banned with the penalty of death. it didnt turn nordics into cucks though, as I am sure many believe christianity did. they went crusading against slavs and for sure took part in the southern crusades
The Swedes forming modern Russia and opening up trade and mercenary with the Byzantine empire laid the founding for the Scandinavian wealth. And we would've been even richer and bigger if it wasn't for fucking Denmark attacking us every time we went off to war.
They have more temper usually and it attracts chicks, can't tell exactly why
We created controlled explosives and improved warfare to the point where it must have a significant effect on history
also a bunch of elements discovered and more
We also made english as it is (well, technically it was the danes and norwegians) by viking invasions, which must have altered its fate just a teeny tiny bit.
Fuck you, kike lover
You have no idea how pagans were treated by the christians up here
Back then the christians were the muslims.
gyppos are not my country-men, they take the citizenship of whatever country they happen to be born in as their miserable families travel through europe and beg for a living
i'm just paying the price of my government's stupid mercy by housing them and treating them like humans
it looks really stupid and crappy
learn something about your neighbors Fingolian.
The wise gypsy speaks the truth. Memes aside, i've witnessed every kind of cuckoldry while travelling in North Europe, white women with shitskins and niggers galore, especially in clubs. But if you look italian/spanish/greek, you will see the women dropping the shitskin at once to grind their asses on you while you get venomous stares from the now cucked negroes
We cuck those who cuck, us mediterraneans operate on a level you mayo pussybois barely understand
And i told you, horned helmets are tied to mainly celtic religious ceremonies. Being found in denmark isnt strange seeing as extensive trade with Europe started happening at that time, and archeologists pretty much all agree that the Viksö helmets were made in mid or northern germany.
Maybe the religious ceremony spread to denmark during the bronze age; this really means nothing as to the question whether vikings had horned helmets. That helmet would be 1000 years old by the time of the Vikings.
Lol i dont even know where this shit Comes from. The women around my area fear Blacks and Arabs since NYE Cologne. Only time a Foreigner gets a German woman is when he rapes her 7 on 1
He's not entirely wrong. When people think of Vikings they think of the lads who went and raided France, England and that stuff. The Swedes/Gutes/Geats were not part of those voyages, except maybe as a few random people among the Danish and Norwegian majority. We almost exclusively plied our trade along the Volga river where we took slaves in the Baltic villages on the way down to Constantinople and sold them as well as entered the service of the Byzantine empire. It's is more accurate to say that we were not Vikings and that we were Varangians instead simply due to the meaning the word Viking carries to most, even though Viking wasn't something you were it was something you did. And while we certainly did go Viking along the Volga, we had nothing to do with the traditional feats of raiding churches and etc that the Norwegian and Danish Norsemen were responsible for.
You're not listening. Vikings were not associated with horned helmets until an actor wore it in an opera.
>Maybe the religious ceremony spread to denmark during the bronze age; this really means nothing as to the question whether vikings had horned helmets. That helmet would be 1000 years old by the time of the Vikings.
Yes, as I said, Vikings tech was influenced by Celtic and Roman designs.
>we created America
the same way employers create unions due to their inability to lead
5'8 oil slick thinks he pulls bitches
wew lad, when will manlets learn?
I'm 1.88m tall my jealous american friend
>He's not entirely wrong. When people think of Vikings they think of the lads who went and raided France, England and that stuff. The Swedes/Gutes/Geats were not part of those voyages, except maybe as a few random people among the Danish and Norwegian majority. We almost exclusively plied our trade along the Volga river where we took slaves in the Baltic villages on the way down to Constantinople and sold them as well as entered the service of the Byzantine empire. It's is more accurate to say that we were not Vikings and that we were Varangians instead simply due to the meaning the word Viking carries to most, even though Viking wasn't something you were it was something you did. And while we certainly did go Viking along the Volga, we had nothing to do with the traditional feats of raiding churches and etc that the Norwegian and Danish Norsemen were responsible for.
The kicker though is that the "real" vikings went viking to pay taxes to the Swedish kings and had to be given permission to raid. France and England were shitholes at the time compared to the wealth of the east.
Fucking niggers. Finland has 90% blue eye/blonde hair so fuck you.
blacks may as well take nordic history. its not like the nordic people are using it.
Not for long, because our women are busy breeding with blattes.
Many carvings of horned helmets all over Scandinavia including Sweden.
They are connected to the Nuragics, the metals used are the same in some instances.
No, you're wrong. Norweigans and danes travelled eastwards just as often as swedes travelled westwards. The only difference is that the people in the west could read and write, and could thus write about it for posterity.
Vikings travelling eastwards mainly traded (just like all vikings) but also recieved taxes and raided settlements.