>I don't know who made Pokemon GO
>We should get them to Pokemon GO-to-the-poles
>I don't know who made Pokemon GO
>We should get them to Pokemon GO-to-the-poles
"Delete your account"
A real life DELETE THIS
>madam president
"WHY AM I NOT 50 POINTS AHEAD, you might ask?"
Please Clap
I'm more concerned with the cringey memes that the Hillcunts made for the election. Every one of them, so terribly sad.
"we turn our haters into elevators"
That joke was actually the lamest thing I ever heard from her.
Tim Kaine's entire DNC speech
"And what is a leppo?"
can't believe her aides thought that was a good line
trumped UP........trickle down
"America is great because America is good"
>You can't bully your way to the presidency
>"America is great because America is good"
Ok Hillary.
"I have said that I'm not running and I'm having a great time being pres -- being a first-term senator."
Yes, that is very lame, and much of what HRC said was, but i mean, come on. donald trump can barely speak
My 5th grade students are more eloquent than him
cyber will be very difficult
Everything about mcmullin
>Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing, He knows exactly what he's doing
>I'd rather have a "You're hired" guy than a "You're fired" guy.
haha yea right? my wife's son speaks better than DRUMPF xD
I prefer this.
Your Moloch digits aren't fooling anyone.
Vote for Donald Trump - Jeb!
So nothing?
pokemon go fuck yourself
Everything Tim Kaine said at the VP Debate.
What were you expecting from this group?
Everything said at the DNC.
"You Bernie or bust guys need to grow up!"
"We didnt cross the border...the border crossed us!"
And the left tried to play it off as it was some bad ass remark
Jesus fucking Christ. It's scary to think that without the internet Hilary would have won.
That might be my favorite line this election
That's no way to talk about our president
>Cringiest Lines of the Election
I actually did cringe at this. It was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
LMAO i love Hillary, she's so silly
Her counter to make "Make America Great Again" was just terrible "America is great because America is good". Who wrote that shit
I think it's really good. Not everyone can be a great person, some are just good people. Is that not enough?
America is good because it is great.
You're joking...
>Who wrote that shit
Probably a group hired for their diversity not their talent.
>"No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet. [Long pause] No you're the puppet."
“This line was written by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs.”
>If we turn against each other based on division of race or religion. If-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if we fall for, you know, a bunch of okie-doke, just because, you know it-it-it. You know, it-it-it-it-it-it sounds funny or the tweets are provocative.
My favorite.
we never said we were exclusive. you know, when We have a world where ISIS is chopping off heads, where u have them, frankly, drowning ppl in steel cages, where u have wars and horrible sights all over and u have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times, can u imagine the people doing so well against us with ISIS and they look at our country and see what's going on, yes, i am talking to other men and I'm very embarrassed by it but it's one of those things. I will knock the hell out of ISIS.We are going to defeat ISIS.
How do you mean?
>Grab them by the pussy
Pls no nuke with poo
God clinton was such a fcuking dag. She made me cringe so hard. I fucking hated that shit she'd do at her "rallies" where she'd wave, point and look at supporters like they were best friends that hadn't seen each other in 10 years. Shit annoyed the fuck out of me
Foolish guac bowl merchant. Straight up dad humor ruined him
She said she carries hot sauce in her bag, which is just from a line in a beyonce song
that's just terrible and one guy sold it like she was so great all of a sudden.
just plain terrible shilling
"My dad was a small business."
Without the internet, all you would have are tv and newspapers. All of whom were tearing Trump to pieces. It's only because these days so few people trust MSM and can get news and do research online that Trump won, imo. Plus being able to see his Tweets and watch his rallies online really helped him build support.
not from clinton herself but all the "YAAASSSS QUEEN YAAAAASSS SLAAAAAY BITCH YAAAASSS" shit I saw from millennial whores
It would have been insufferable if she won.
Clinton Campaign itself thought that, it's even in their last ad (memes are included).
God I hate that shit, thank the lorde she didn't win
kek 2016, the year memes became real
That's a cuck plane.
Wait that was real??? I thought it was an inspect element meme. Jesus Christ that's Jeb "pls clap" worthy.
I can't believe this isn't that big of an issue. At least with us.
guarantee that was made by one of us
it's too perfectly ironic and satirical for one of them to have made it
>Applied Memetics
To think we could have charged Trump for our meme factory. Oh well. The chaos and memes can't be bought with money. That's why Shillary lost
you dont think one presidential candidate telling another to delete their account is funny?
My favorite response "no"
>doesn't think that Barron is going to destroy ISIS through cyber.
That was one of Trump's silliest quotes.
The collective of "R-Russia."
Yeah it was still funny but I just thought it was a meme made on our part that provided an analogy of the totally authoritarian PC culture that was Clinton's only real weapon against Trump in the race. Now that I realize the absurd is reality this is even more hilarious to me.
this meme, right here. I'm glad I abandoned social media
"Please Clap."
> unaware that Barron in his war room is moving millions of men around to capture resources
Clinton pure evil so it cut down on the fun, but she was JEB tier cringe
Barron is basically the kid from Ender's Game only less faggy. And he KNOWS it's not a game.
>Pokemon GO-to-the-poles
Wait what?
the dumb broad just kept on repeating it over and over again It doesn't even make any goddamn sense
"Hillary so far ahead in polls she doesn't even think about him anymore".
>implying that's cringeworthy not meme gold.
Hillary's retarded lol
They've always been real
It should be obvious that was made by us to ridicule them. Goes to show how paranoid they made us
Lmao this fucking thread.
>you can't bully your way to the presidency
I love you all
What a fucking ride.
Hail Victory!
Go ahead and laugh at my shit odds, but free money is free.
Good job mate.
I didn't put on nearly as much as you but I did make a £250 profit from it
Feels good to have invested in our Emperor.