We're invading Europe at a shocking rate.
We're raping your women and overpopulating and overthrowing white Europe.
People are supporting us and no one is even trying to stop it.
We're invading Europe at a shocking rate.
We're raping your women and overpopulating and overthrowing white Europe.
People are supporting us and no one is even trying to stop it.
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we wuz ant invaders n shiet
fuck you, goddamn sandnigger.
i hope you get killed by a woman so you can't go to heaven with your precious allah
الله هو الخنزير والكلب المحمدية
alllah hu alkhinzir walkulb almhmdy
>posts from Iraq
Doesn't seem like you were one of the successful ones.
We kicked you once, will do it again.
"refugees welcome" is consent, right?
learn to not post thumbnails, nigger
Keep going to Germany, please.
i though they didn't take in any rapefugees
Notice how this map is pre trump
no don't say that, i bet you are a racist cis white male christian who hates muslims, just because of their religion, you should really check your privilege, they also deserve some of our money and some of our women
come to east become kebaba
The fuck you just say about the home of our ancestors?
Say it loud! Say it clear! Refugees are not welcome here!
Sag es laut! Sagen Sie es klar! Flüchtlinge sind hier nicht willkommen!
Dites-le à haute voix! Dites-le clair! Les réfugiés ne sont pas les bienvenus ici!
Säg det högt! Säg det klart! Flyktingar är inte välkomna här!
Don't worry RAHOWA will come along and sort this out via civil wars. Don't worry most EU militaries already have plans for kicking out the invaders. Just need the right leaders. Guess what... Not sure if you noticed but Europeans are swinging towards parties and leadership slowly but surely that will start pushing back. Your brethren actually are helping the process along.
Had the invaders showed up and started doing anything productive and began integrating they would have willing sluts, they're going to grab some pussy then end up on the wrong side of a bayonet and lead sandwhich in the end. Poor monkeys, rather stone bitches than getting stoned so you will ultimately be erased.
mother russia will eradicate your kind when you start your coup, then we will have a reason to take over the whole middle east, no sand niggers, no problems
>tfw no strong arab bull to impregnate your turk-gypsy gf
There's no need to take pride in your acts, roach.
I can't wait for the glorious 5th crusade across Europe.
Fuck it will be a delight to kill the sadnniggers
Sag es laut sag es klar,
Flüchtlinge sind nicht willkommen hier!!!
The next one will be the Fourteenth Crusade, the Fifth was in 1213
why aren't you fighting for your country?
>We're raping your women
Rape me instead, I'm kinda cute :^)
>switzerland darker than france
Nice fake map
Also we are kicking thousand of yours every few days
Yep, just as planned. And then we will come and purge the entire European population.
Do you Idiot even know how many of These Burka bitches are getting fucked by White Germans ? You Arabs dont work and amount to nothing so they come to us. Thats why you faggots Need your honourkilling to atleast scare your own women away from us.