Russia's Nuclear carrier
Coal power technically produces radiation.
weird huh almost as if russia isnt alowed to produce proper ships or anything
Yet, it's still as useful as american ones, hint: not useful
fuck off
>weird huh almost as if russia isnt alowed to produce proper ships or anything
What did he mean by this?
>one ship
>producing so much butthurt
like picrelated top kek
/k/ says that a tugboat always travels with it
probably more than just one
The reactor doesn't work. They even made an unusually long refuel stop a few weeks ago.
/k/ is shit and gay
Its coal powered missile cruiser.
The only "nuclear" part is missiles inside it.
Daily reminder that two swindlers who cleaned out Russian army in a $300 million didn't even spend a day in jail.
Since when did Russia claim it was nuclear?
Maybe they are trying to trick everyone into thinking they are a whaling ship.
you have not seen our submarines
never, only leaking /k/ niggers
>west sees russia as a threat
You got your president meme, we got ours "we are very dagerouse"
If Russian military is so shit then why is the west so butthurt about it presence?
Is it news to you? Your carriers do it either.
Mfw> this doesn't seem ludicrous for Russia
apex kek
Because it isn't
Top kek
is the fire nation attacking?
Putin's cyberforce is in full effect in this thread.
Burger what wrong?
is nuclear fume poisoning enemy
Russians caused every European war in the XXth century, and they are known as ruthless rapist animals
They have no warm water ports, and haven't had time to create ne ships since taking back Sevestapol
It's been cleaned, fuck off
I want this thing to be real. Don't let us down.
someone screencap this.
Holy shit people are retarded. These are diesel electrics snorkeling to charge their batteries.
Super quiet subs, too.
Seawolves and Virginias are super-quiet while also being nuclear.
everyone involved with the CTR program is either already hanging by their belt in their closet or have "committed suicide" via three 10mms in the back of the head for failing to secure their benefactor's victory.
this week was a good week.
Kind of looks like somebody put the top half of a Type 45 onto a Steregushchiy hull.
pretty sure its oil used to produce steam used to power steam turbines.
It's supposed to be a super-huge class of destroyer. Even bigger than the Zumwalt, which is pretty big itself. The Radar Mast looks like the Pagoda masts you'd see on Japanese battleships back in the Pacific Theater.
Pretty sure it's thousand churkas in hamster wheels smoking belarussian cigarettes
CTR is just having their checks signed by Soros now working with the NMP (not my president)
Yeah it might not be nuclear, but have few of these in a group and you have a no-fly zone generator right there.
good luck EMP'ing that
Are fine joke. just like the fact that fins are sweds in denial.
fools, this is our newest plague carrier, he belongs to the legion Flylords and he throws the blessed spores of Putin for many hundreds kilometers around. Soon it will sail to Syria, and you see it in action flying plaguebearers.
I think his point was that they aren't nuclear. Funny whatever he meant tho.
Coal powered?
I think it should be converted to run on liquified Jews.
I feel like I suddenly understand why Democrats hate Russia so much. Your carrier is a mobile global warming machine.
Hey man. It's fucking cold in Russia.