How are you going to alleviate the fears of the LGBTQIAPCEROS*+ community? All of this seems like something Drumpf would do...
Trump's Anti-LGBT Policy Concerns
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Just tell them to not worry about their rights, they won't need them anyway if they're just going straight to the gas chambers.
Mike "Lightning crashes if you put it in men's asses" is the one you ought to worry about.
First off, let's get something straight, gay people already have all the same rights as everybody else. They don't need special "bonuses" for being gay.
But they are discriminated against by federal agencies and other citizens. That's why Obama had to issue his executive orders to prevent LGBT discrimination.
I hope he does repeal gay marriage. It should not be called marriage. Let fags have civil unions or whatever the fuck they want to call it with tax breaks and all the other benefits of marriage. BUT marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN.
>here's some things that could possibly happen but probably won't. In the mean time you should definitely be afraid, even though this will not possibly result in anything productive because nothing has happened yet.
Worst kind of 'journalism'
Stop linking to buzzfeed
Exactly this.
I saw a really excellent and concise argument against gay marriage here, and it was capped but I can't find the image.
Something along the lines of, if marriage is a social union why does the government have to recognize it, if it is a religious institution why would you want to be wed under a banner that doesn't agree with you, and if it is a government institution to encourage reproduction why should they be given breaks while also not reproducing?
I wish I could find it. Maybe an user will post it.
White people are discriminated against by other citizens. Where are the agencies to prevent that?
Buzzfeed is garbage.
what the fuck does that even mean?
What can we expect from Mike "turning fruties into veggies "Pence?
>tfw when I bring this up first thing lefties do is call me a religious nut
>mfw I tell them I'm not even religious
same but no tax breaks. we shouldn't subsidize degeneracy.
>Not a single policy that has been discussed after Nov 9th
Oh look (((Buzzfeed))) is trying to pass off pure speculation as if it were credible reporting again. This is a total surprise no one could have suspected they would this.
Trump publicly defended the LGBT community on multiple occasions. I have yet to hear a single anti-gay quote from him.
>"Lightning crashes if you put it in men's asses
my rib cage is orbiting mars.
You forgot the plus, LGBTQIAPCEROS*+
The fact you are having to ask what it means shows that you are a chauvinistic, straight white male. You should be ashamed.
WHAT DID TRUMP MEAN BY THIS As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me.
This is an Apceros. Don't discriminate based upon fantasy species. I am a trans-apceros with vegan tendencies.
The argument mainly stems from him having Mike "if you put it is the ass he'll burn him en masse" Pence. Other than that they can't stump trump on why'd he be ant LGBT
Tell them that While I sympathize with them, they only make up 10% of the population, and that they have to understand that the US government is not in the business of giving special rights to a Snowflake with seven genders.
I'd then ask them if they want to buy a package of Trump Steaks
he only promised to protect them from ISIS violence. he never said anything about Mike "the dyke slayer" Pence's violence
Fuck faggots. Fuck their sickass fetishes, fuck their need for adulation and affirmation all the time, fuck their special privileges, fuck their screaming HOMOPHOBIA!!!!!1!!1!! at anybody that doesn't want their sick shit shoved in our faces or at our kids. Let the sick bastards go back in the closet and eat shit and shoot drugs and enjoy their -20 year life expectancy. Fuck them.
More like 3.7%.
why is converstion therapy wrong?
so if i wanna go get therapy to become a trans woman THATS OKAY
but if im gay and wanna go straight its not>?
trump would not do anything like that
They only have to worry about losing special snowflake privileges, not rights. Then again, those delusional people don't seem to grasp the distinction. Hopefully they'll kill themselves and save us all a lot of hassle
I think he said states should decide. I believe that's the definition of a small government.
Trump is well known to treat faggot nut jobs as equal Americans and this is not going to change.
how did these people survive before obama? it must have been thousands of years of unbearable torture and suffering. the 80s and 90s must have been dark ages. i bet they were all literally shaking every day.
that would imply there's something wrong with them
they just need surgery to fix what is wrong with them
no really
>gay woman wants to be a man and marry a woman
>gay man wants to be straight and marry woman
why are these different?
There is a legitimate government interest in subsidizing marriage (family structure for child-rearing). There is no such legitimate interest for gay couples - they do not have children naturally and, if you are going to permit them to adopt, you can vet them beforehand in a way that you cannot for natural childbirth between a married couple.
>surgery to fix them
Um... thats what TRANS IS but you think thats ok
get it?
>Lightning crashes if you put it in men's asses
If they really want republican who would do those they should assassinate Trump and let Mike "Taz the Fags" Pence be the prez.
Trump is almost atheist after 2 divorces married to trophy wife. He was accused over and over that he is not a real conservative.
He defends all Americans, but they're afraid that he won't treat them as super special snowflakes entitled to special privileges that they have claimed to be "rights"
He's right to use that tense because Trump never said anything against gay folks.
God I hate these shills.
We were. And those of us that survived have learned how to blend in. We're angry, resolute, and by now a whole lot scarier than you. Watch your ass, because you know we're watching it.
>10% of the population
More like
Mike "Throws frag grenades at pride parades" Pence will be the tiebreaking vote that recognizes gender dysphoria as a mental illness
Every time i see this it's got more pointless letters and shit added.
They should have no rights they have wrongs
>Could start reversing
So they're literally just making this all up and feeding their own fear by making panicked predictions based on nothing but that irrational fear?
>linking directly to buzzshit
kill yourself
also fags don't deserve rights
>direct linking buzzfag
>The only time Trump even mentions fags is when he voices his desire to protect them from Muslim death squads
I wish you'd all declare yourselves so we can target you, feed you our dicks, then out you.
>Throws frag grenades at pride parades
Reminds me of this
Thread theme?
>they're american citizens
not even a cake boy, but the gays have all the same rights everyone else does. the fact that marriage is touched at all by laws is the real issue here
"They're not pushing their homosexuality on you, user, stop pushing heterosexuality on them." Right?
Mike 'You like the cock? You're in for a shock' Pence
Mike 'Throw every poof off of the roof' Pence
Mike "You better look out-o for the Tranny Gestapo" Pence
Mike "Dykes on Pikes" Pence
Heterosexuality is inexorably pushed at all times. That's not the point. Point is, if we can be powerful enough to be out and open about ourselves - a real shocker since we're such pigshit sissy queers - then surely you big, strong, sexy guntoting faghaters can declare yourselves as well.
Trump: "I will defend the LGBT community."
I'm a fag and I voted for Trump. He's never been anti-gay, Hillary has.
Not to mention the litany of other reasons voting for Hillary would've been a fucking mistake.
Social discrimination is a different animal from governmental discrimination. Governmental is much easier to fix.
where you want to stick your dick shouldn't define you. find an actual trait
I don't understand.
Hillary wants to bring in millions of Muslims/Arabs into the country that are vehemently anti-gay. Why would the LGBT folks WANT that? At all? I genuinely do not get it.
>Heterosexuality is inexorably pushed at all times
Just because you day it doesn't mean it's true. Take your fucking victim mentality and shove it up your ass.
wasnt he the first one to come out after the Orlando shooting and say that he would protect the LGBT community?
But I want to stick my dick in you.
Bro, I just wanna fuck who I wanna fuck. Girls don't make my dick hard.
because muh identity politics and white cis males are ehvul
Only if we make out first. Where's your Disney movie with a man on man romance?
he was the only one that took the gays' side. the others took the muslims side
because being nice to brown people is more important than anything user. Orlando proved that the gays were just another talking point, and they were thrown under the bus for muslims
and I want to stick my dick in a zebra. but we can't always get what we want
Its Trump the only GOP candidate to ever do this?
Yet this generation of sheeple still try to spin it as a bad because it breaks the narrative
Because they mostly read shit like Salon, the huffington post and this buzzgeed shit and believe it. They also belive that Muslims are pure innocent victims of white men's oppression.
Then stay in the closet with your pals and just don't come out.
The day a zebra can vote and serve in the armed forces is the day I'll be okay with you bottoming for one.
Know how I know you didn't come here for an actual conversation?
You are still calling the man "drumpf"
Go fuck off in the streets some more.
When you are finally over your ass pains come back and people will glad to have a reasonable conversation with you
why are you so worried op?
Then do that and respect a business's right to refuse service.
The backlash to Trumpism will be a SJW nightmare you faggots can't even imagine.
>people call him by the germanic form of Trump as an insult
wouldn't calling Trump 'Drumpf' be discrimination on National Origin? thats protected discrimination
you'll find sometimes you get what you need
I bet they can serve if they wanted to. Got horses and dogs in there. I'm sure they could vote democrat too. Twice.
Yeah I remember even other gays coming out and defending Muslims. Man the brainwashing is deep.
I would very much like them to literally be hanged. You think we care about them.
Sick trips bro. You've earned my trust.
I believe you're confusing zebras with donkeys.
They are an irrelevant, mentally ill minority that contribute nothing to society as a whole
You're confusing me for someone who thinks you're funny
I knew you'd love a hung gay guy
How can you not tell this is b8? Are you cunts so paranoid now that you think anything anti-trump is posted by shills?
What swings left swings right
as if Trump evvvvvvver said queers suc...stfu
I am literally here to shitpost. All I have done since the beginning of the election season is pose as a liberal dumbass posting the dumbest article I can find.
I am Trans-Canadian.
>lgbt rights
Do they have more rights than the rest of us?
Do they deserve special considerations as a demographic?
If so, that's not fucking rights, thats what those pencil dicked pseudointellectuals deem privilege.
God walks up to a starving homeless man
"You have been a good christian your entire life, I will grant you one wish
"Rename gay marriage to civil union"
>>lgbt rights
Do they have more rights than the rest of us?
Do they deserve special considerations as a demographic?
If so, that's not fucking rights, thats what those pencil dicked pseudointellectuals deem privilege.
Who wants to post a picture of their beefstick for me to fap to? I'll even give you a 1-10 rating.