Is a Civil War brewing lads?

Is a Civil War brewing lads?

These riots are getting pretty fucking big

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Hope so! I just got in a bunch of 556

"War" implies there's two sides of conflict.

Liberals have no guns. Do the math.

I thought the martial law meme was just the usual thing we hear every four years, but I wonder if Soros and others are actually funding riots to encourage it. I still doubt Obama would ever be stupid enough to actually enact it.


Which riots? All i have seen on the news so far is groups of maybe a hundred people.


Trumpets are armed to the teeth.

While hillshills try to ban gun.

Don't be a pussy. They only exist cause someone is financing them. Prob SOROS.

hey, so did your digits friendo!

There's about 10k of them rioting in LA at the moment

Okay thanks. I'll check the news.

a civil war is not possible in modern america

Pretty sure anti trumpers will get bored in a few weeks, a year tops. Remember Occupy?

Then again I was pretty sure Trump wasn't going to win, so who knows

Liberals are idiots. They are literally destroying their own cities, which overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.

And if they ever take that shit to the suburbs or rural areas, there will be retaliation.

It was the same way with Bush and Gore, but it was more tame than this.
Because internet usage has skyrocketed since 2000. Also because people are more polarized than they were in 2000, and have been paying attention to this election more.

They're doing the same shit now as they did then, and it didn't work then, so it won't work now. When was the last time holding up signs and chanting actually caused any change?

No, there's no military or militia on their side. Isolated riots and shootings won't amount to anything truly violent. This will simmer down very quickly once their attention swings back to their bread and circuses.

I bet people will have more or less stopped rioting by Thanksgiving.

As soon as the weather gets cold or it snows, the protests are over.

No. Police and SWAT are already cracking down on these faggots.

Oh shit!

They have one planned for Toronto. What can I do to stand against it, lads?

Liberals are only shitting where they sleep. They won't go anywhere near red states.

Blacks hate snow. They see it as some kind of voodoo curse.

Whats the fucking point? He's not even running your country

>Liberals have no guns.

not true.

I think it's going to last until he takes office and for some time after. It'll follow the typical path of left wing protests in America:

> Genuine concern and outrage
> infiltration by professional rioters/anarchists who riot whenever they are given any reason to > crystallization into a named "movement" that attracts more attention and draws more and more people and spreads far and wide
> slowly turns into a comedy as the original cause of the protests fades into the background and every kind of disaffected group in the left wing tent insists on their moment in the sun.
> Eventually the huge freakshow ends in a farce like every American left wing protest and nothing is accomplished

pics pls

Soros sure hopes so.

What are liberals gonna do? Invade the red states? lol What are they gonna fight with? Sticks and stones?

A civil war would be the end of the left in this country, so I welcome it.

going squirrel hunting?

The most sense I've heard of in 4 days


Liberals are mentally ill, they'll protest and riot just for progress points.
most liberals have no guns. Blacks do though.

This. A war takes more than rioting. The protesters / rioters / "anarchists" don't have the organization or logistics to do anything militarily significant. They'll just mess up the places where they live and make their side look bad. The net effect will probably be more unified support for Trump, not less.


Give it a month and they will fuck off back to shitposting on facebook echo chambers

Same happened with brexit.



I hope so, there's a lot of unarmed violent liberals that need a good killing.

Due to the law of conservation of liberals, they have to go somewhere.

I bet Canada doesn't want them either.

What you do is you send the to Mexico illegally, then when president taco complains, you say "man, if only we had a wall."

That's the real art of the deal

did you watch the pathetic display in Portland last night?

the cowards have no staying power. they act all tough but then run away when the riot police start moving and launching CS.

now imagine them in a real civil war where the rule of law is gone and the opposing force doesn't care about their constitutional rights and wants them dead. they simply wouldn't survive.

No. This is funded entirely by Soros and they do this shit every fucking election.

you dont need much firepower to take down a little twinky white guy with a handle bar mustache, bow tie and a cock cage.

It won't turn into a civil war, but hopefully we can watch the libsies get beat down by the police.

Make fake social medias and try to radicalize them. Call the peaceful ones pussies. Get them raped by cops.

It makes no sense. They are all rioting in places that voted for Hillary.

They're too lazy and scared to drive out to red states so they just riot near their house since its easier

holy fuck would you memelords shut the fuck up already

5.56 is a good round, very effective, and light enough that you can carry asstons of it

plus our military, police use it, so it's everywhere and will be everywhere if chaos breaks out

It would be a pretty quick Civil War considering the rebels don't have guns this time.

>These riots are getting pretty fucking big

I'm guessing you're too young to remember the Rodney King riots


Soros wants to check the Ukrainian scenario on you guys.

this is the death rattle of the mainstream media - stir up as much shit as possible in the very small window of opportunity left until president Trump starts clearing the swamp + soros throwing money at protestors because of his asspain at the death of his nwo dreams

libtards are just idiots for buying into this shit, it will only mean they get to relive the crushing defeat of election night again in december

Do pretty much the entire military and police support Trump? Or is that just a meme?

>tfw leftshits made of gun owners for taking on the government with guns
>they want to take on the government assaulting them over election results
atleast most gun owners are in it to defend them selfs and not go after people when they dont get their way

No the people rioting are sheltered upperclass art degree taking liberal kids who cant stomach certain words and political discussion, and you think these people will ever engage in any kind actual revolution? Theyll continue yelling quips at cops and accomplish exactly nothing.

All they are doing is reassuring trump voters that they made the right choice.
They're big babies who can't handle a loss.
They're '''anti facists'''' who enforce their views on everyone
They're rioting and Burning down cities which are just SJW paradises..
They're a fucking walking contradiction.

Wondering if this is just the final step for killing the middle class of and returning to a ruling/peasant class system.
All these people who've drinken the koolaid and think that Hill/Bama are these enlightened souls instead of the war mongers they truly are. And anyone who disagrees is a knuckle dragging racist that deserves to starve in the street.

How would a Civil War even work? Even in liberal states like CA, Trump got around 35%. In 1860, Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in southern states. An Urban vs. Rural war could never work, and people would get caught up in the crossfire.

Trump said he was going to make America great again

i didn't think he would accomplish it this quickly

We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.

They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.

We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.

Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.

Liberals always do this when democracy doesn't go their way
>occupy wall street
>Wisconsin teachers union protests
>black crimes matter
Let them do whatever, these movements only work when a large section of the population supports them, not a radical leftist fringe who got their feelings hurt.

They need to go on longer, drain some more of that Soros money

>How would a Civil War even work?

You give us the blue states :^)

Implying soros won't start arming his people

America the police will batter the shit out of them. Sit back and eat a burger,reach the age of 40 and die a blotted mess while the same police remove the wall to carry ur body into a landfill. Fat burger.

>Is a Civil War brewing lads?
How? Trump can just declare every federal building and its surroundings a gun free zone.


police too

and armed americans

there will be no 'revolution'

It's not like blue states are 100% blue and red states are 100% red. Almost all states' margins were less than 20%

the influx of mexicans who don't work would probably drive your economy in the ground

They'll have to go back to work soon


it wouldn't be red team vs blue team

this pane of glass isn't shattering into two pieces but 1000

>These riots are getting pretty fucking big

Apathy will set in within a week. Another event will happen that people will pretend to care about. Trust me.

wanna bet? Trump winning the presidency wasn't either. This isn't going to go down easy.

Mexicans are 100% in the southern US states and rarely go north.

American police officers are having to babysit rioters to keep them from looting, vandalizing and burning their cities to the ground over a Liberal candidate. Would you vote hillary in that case?

Hillary wants american boots in Syria for no other reason than to antagonize russia. The American military is tired of fighting needless wars. Would you vote for someone who was going to send you into the hostile middle east to start WW3 with a military that rivals americas?

Yeah, me neither.

That's nonsense, leaf. I'm a PAfag and I can assure you that spics have made Reading and Allentown absolute hellholes.

most spice here are dominicans and puerto ricans tho. Not mexicans.

t. an allentown resident.

The round can easily penetrate your skull. AR shoots those rounds at 3000 fps.

i meant to say spics. FUCK

the easiest way to disperse any LA riot is to check all their immigration statuses

Lefties don't have any guns.
They'll get battered and beaten by riot control

Very same threads after #brexit won
History repeats itself...

As long as the protests/riots stay in liberal areas nothing will happen.

Once they try to do that shit in a Red state then shit will start to go down

They and what army?

Wow, nice digits! Hope you have at least 1/k/ rounds, though. This is the amount we recommend everyone to start with on /k/. A lot of people on our board also use for ammo, because you can usually get shit for pretty cheap.

You might also want to pick up a sidearm, a CCW, and ammo for your sidearm, considering the black lynch mobs that have been forming lately:

[especially if you live near a city]

5.56 kills just fine.

I have 5000 rds of 223/556 and 150 rds of 45acp for my sidearm. Need to get moar though. I went through about 200 rds of 45 today but only 150 of 556

So can .22lr.

It has to happen at some point. All major political decisions in the West were split almost exactly 50-50 recently. The fools fearing the coming of Hitler 2.0 don't look at the numbers. It's not one ideology having supremacy. You have two opposing ones (perhaps globalism and nationalism?) that are almost identical in size. And such numbers always mean the same: civil war. The same thing will happen in France and Germany. The Western Spring is upon us.

As an outsider, Obama is still in charge at the moment, so any trouble is his problem. They have no where to shelter, winter is coming, no toilet or refreshment facility's. Jobs or college to go to. Also we got this shit after brexit, it soon dies, it's just shock and hurt fe fe 's.

That was years ago. Look at shit like Ferguson or the Mall of America Black Friday protest.

ITS GETTING REALLY SERIOUS: CNN has had the following ticker on the screen for the last 15 minutes "Protesters beating a Trump Pinata".

Oh holy Jesus! Our country is falling apart!!!

College basketball will occupy everyones attention, mark my watch everyone collectively stop caring about Trump.

Also these protests jumped the gun. They'll get far before he's inaugurated. Protests don't turn heads anymore anyway, markets flooded. God forbid anything worth protesting happens, it'll be boy-cried-wolf x1000.

What makes it not possible anymore?

Mark my words*

No, nothing's going to happen.

The extremists on the left are just going through grief and lashing out in their little bubbles.
>Depression - "*sound of liberal tears*"
>Acceptance - where some of the left are finally reaching "Guys, maybe we shouldn't call half the country racists."

In 505. Got outta the city the day before the election. Going back to the city today.

What guns should I bring back with me Sup Forums?

Slaughtering a bunch of whiney undisciplined faggots and taking over sunny California would be nice. Keep pushing us

No. Soros is paying for protesters to concern troll irl.

Soon the money will dry out and the millenials will go back to school.

It's probably because I was in the USAF, and in Intel (most cucked branch, most cucked career field), but I have a metric fuckton of veteran / military people on my kikebook that are #withher.

They are literally the stereotype you imagine though; all the females are lesbian or SJW type, and all the males are stick figures that have never set food in a gym and watch drone feeds while drinking mt dew and cheetos.
