Let's say Trump and Pence both get assassinated. Does that mean the runners-up Clinton & Kaine become president?
Clinton Still Has a Path to the Presidency
some people have the weirdest ideas
no then the next guy down becomes president
Well it's either that or they'll have to run the election again. Maybe even have the House & Senate choose.
No you fucking idiot. Then it goes to the most senior member of the Republican Senate. Then Paul Ryan. Then about 12 other people before it gets to a democrat
but what did he mean by this?
in this case paul ryan becomes presitend
Also couldn't you have googled this question?
pierced her buns
Google "United States presidential line of succession" you dumb fuck
Did you not pass fifth grade?
there is rather long list of people next in line, speakers of the house, secretaries etc.
I bronsonburgered your mother
he might have a point tho since pence and trump right now are just elected not in the office so if they die before jan 20 i dont knopw what happens then either.
It would go to the speaker of the house. Paul Ryan is 3rd in line.
at the rate you're going
how about just gas all republicans then clinton becomes president...
Nah, pretty much answers it. It includes president-elect.
Clinton can only win by faithless electors at this point.
That makes me sense. I guess it would still follow the order of succession under Obama. In which case, it goes Paul Ryan and then Orrin Hatch
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
Oh fuck
And we'd have a democrat house & senate. See guys there's still a way for the left to win.
civil war
What exactly is the reasoning behind the whole 'only white people can be racist because power + prejudice' bullshit?
You don't get to make up your own definition of racism. If my boss is black and I call him a nigger I am being racist despite not having power. If my black boss calls me a whiteboi cracka he is being racist despite having power. It literally doesn't matter, the only thing to caracterize racism is prejudice/bad opinion on someone solely based on skin color or ethnicity.
And even then it's debatable whenever it's horrible because natural instinct tribalism.
They run on their own definitions then call the dictionary sexist.
They've done so many mental gymnastics that they feel righteous while any 3rd party can see their hypocrisy. Even the libs don't like them but deal with them because they vote democrat.
No, Paul Ryan would be president.
Can the electors still vote for her if she conceded?
how to be an sjw:
1. grab your fucking logic (which is racist and sexist) and throw it out of the window, go downstairs and stomp on it a few times for good measure
>Runner up
It's not a footrace
No. That would mean you would have to say hello to President Paul Ryan Cuckington.
007 1/4 pounder your sister?
Speaker of the House would preside until term is over.
Is this American education at it's finest?
Long story short, the Republican electors would have to agree on a backup candidate and achieve 270 votes for that candidate.
If they fail, then the decision goes to the house. The house can select only from the 3 candidates who received the most electoral college votes.
All of this is in the 12th amendment btw, that's literally what it's about. Not that hard to check.
bond burgered your sister
Oh, and if the House fucks up too, then the Senate gets to pick the vice president anyway (they may choose from the top two electoral college results) and the VP does the job unless the House unfucks itself by March 4th.
If even the SENATE can't get a majority candidate, then I don't know what happens. Technically I imagine it goes to the Democrat with the highest government position?
ok but what did he mean by this?
No. The speaker of the house gets sworn in
>Technically I imagine it goes to the Democrat with the highest government position?
Oh, just checked. Paul Ryan would become president since he is Speaker, forgot the Democrats don't have the top government job lol
milked her utters
Hillary would have to slaughter the entire government to have a shot at securing the presidency from Trump
Fuck off, that one is poorly created