Red pilling a swj on tinder

Red pilling a swj on tinder

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>black people are scared to go out at night
Is it because of other black people? This girl lives in fantasy land.


>caitlyn jenner



your pm's a cuck lol

I'm not Canadian mate

the fact that people use "privilege" as an actual argument is so fucking retarded, i pray for any kind or release from this nightmare.

post her reply m8 we are waiting

lol women dont have the redpill gene

Her profile. Only swiped right cause I wanted to debate her.. Let's see if she answers

your pm's a cuck lol.

bruv post her reply faggot

>i like memes
why doesnt she like trump then?

You have to stop ending questions with a space between the sentence and question mark

How are you doing today ?
How are you doing today?

ur a cuck

Waiting for her to reply, doubt she will because she's obviously so damn fucking stupid and can't argue with logic


introduce her to some blink 1488

fuck off swedecuck , go suck Ahmed's dick

>18 year old feminist democrat blm female
you're talking to a brick wall

>debating an 18 year old

>blacks afraid to go out at camouflage o' clock

Are you latino?
Or are just saying it because, she will scream WHITE MALE

What do you mean ?

damn give that bitch the sweet redpill
if she has any braincells she will embrace it
ruin her life
let her hate her friends and the liberal disease

I'm 19 myself boys, if she's old enough to vote she's old enough to understand why she's a stupid idiot

>because the white males I"VE seen
anecdotal fallacy, maybe she should stop actively searching for racist white trump supporters on google
>my black friends are scared to go out at night by themselves
who isn't? especially if they're in a bad part of town. has nothing to do with white people

Yeah I am , born in Mexico to poor as fuck parents. Worked their asses off and eventually won a government scholarship to do a masters and then a PhD in England, now live in Canada and studying economics


They tell white SJWs that because blacks know how gullible their "allies" are. They know they'll be believed no matter what they say.

How is it different from the normal left?

>niggers scared to go out at night

they are scared of other niggers

While we wait for her response , shall we trigger some other females? Have over 250 matches

Kristy looks like a nice trap. Go get her.

Okay cool. Keep up the redpilling based leaf

Fuck off Chad

Fuck off you fucking Chad scum with your subtle brag shit


I;m nothing but a Sup Forumsack blessed with good looks and good talking skills. I find it easy to bed girls but when it actually comes to finding a solid relationship .. well most girls find my views and the logic I give them wrong because they are all really left wing liberals

where do i find a good solid , non stupid wife pol?

the more the better

>hi lmao

what did she mean by this?

This is a bad use of your time, the war effort could use your autism somewhere else.

>will you be my sunglasses
I'm stealing that

It's going horribly

she's a reptilian alien

feel free bro, i got no response but whatever

This. There are no female angels

>opening with that

thats what happens when you live in a poor neighborhood, you of all people should know

>go on tinder
>hook up with hot chicks pretending to be leftie hipster
>know all the buzzwords and virtue signals from Sup Forums
>get laid
>ditch them


>i am a women

Tfw get 2-6 matches guaranteed every time I do this. Don't even talk to them.

>sacrificing your patrician views in public in exchange for a bang with leftist scum
you filth

>Hillary had more votes so she really should have won
When will this meme end?

Explain that Trump supporters don't actually say half the shit she claims they do. That the leftist media makes stuff up, that it's proven via "bird dogging" they pay people to incite liberals, and misrepresent the core conservative message, and that anyone who voted for or supports Hillary is a hypocrite because she doesn't pay women in the CFG equal wage, uses black people, incited violence
>and if u link well researched sources (which aren't covered by media)
>show them the murder, child trafficking and other shit the CFG is involved in