National Socialism is what we're fighting for, remember that.
National Socialism is what we're fighting for, remember that
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That's why most of this board supports a zionist candidate ?
He's a small step in a large journey.
We're far from done.
No thinking person actually wants that
It needs re-branding so normies can get passed the memes and hear the arguments.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
There is literally nothing wrong with National Socialism.
fuck off back to your safespace stormnigger
no jesus cross imagery to be found
remember that
not up for debate
remember that
The movement being hijacked by pro-jewish shills doesn't look like a step forward to me
just look at this guy
This is what the alt-right has done to the movement ...bunch of faggots ...fucking milo yiannopoulos as a "representative" for the movement and trump as a "leader" pathetic...can't wait for him to get into office per say so this whole "alt-right" cuck charade can end